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� � � <br /> ���-�� D��D C�C�C�O�D [�oo �On <br />____ _ �_O—RT nPP�BAA.TI E'T'T CO.�Printiny�I itho�raphirzg and Cmtnty 3uppdies:�mnha: _ .:. _ _ _ _,_._ ��_...�__ . - _ __ _ - __ <br />_. ._ : .. _ _ _. _ _ _ <br /> . _ _ . . _.. . . ,,_ _ ,_- __--:---- ----= <br /> __.°.-� ...-_.___..___. ___� ..--_-_ ---- ,--�!.-:- ._ ::.. _—_�._.._.. <br /> FRO.iI�T I herebz� certify that this instrument was eratered on Numerical <br /> ------$�,I'�.h--C-•---5'z1dQfl11 W�:t�OS�ft--------_-_--._.----- Index and filed for record this----------7-0-----------day of--------A'--tl�,,,,USt---------- <br /> : <br /> .g. D., 19 15---� at-- - -4�?15 -- _ --- ------o cloek_ _�!._,M. <br /> ---- - - ---- - --- -- - - --- -- -- -- -- __ -_ -- �Warranty } <br /> TO Deed. � - � <br /> ----- ----�l(__��2�2,�D_�� �1,_/_,��r���---- <br /> -----------�------ <br /> Willf 3ITi H. Gideon, 2t a18 Re�is r o}'Peeds, <br /> B�------------- --- ---------- ---- --- --------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�enct�: <br /> ����---- I�- --Sarah C�--Gideon -�Wi�,o�v)---- __ <br /> of the County of_- ------Ha.l�. - - -----_�zricl , of_ - -------------N21�Y'c'1S3Kc'�,------- -------- ------. --------------GTantor-- --------, in consideration <br /> � -- - <br /> of the sum of_--------- - --- - -011�---DO11aI'-- --. _ - -------- -- ------ - ----------------DOLL�IRS, <br /> --- ---- --------------- - ------ - - - - -- --------- -------------- <br /> in hand paid, do_.________._______hereby GR��'T, BJ1RG.lII��, SF,LL, �Nn co.�VE�1�nt�_�[illiam__H_._�idea_n,_._Mar_�illus___G�d.�an,_.__________ <br />� <br /> Grover_G.Gideon,_Davi d_C.Gideon,__Florence___Weaver,_ Sarah__Zahn & Ed�th E. Slater <br /> ---------------------- ------ - ----------------------- --- ------ -------- --------- <br />' oj'the Countr�of-----------H311--------------------,a,nd State of_-----------------------.__N.�brs'�flk3----------------- -------------.----,Grarr,, th,e followin� <br /> I _ <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____.__._________.___ _ Hall .___________arzd State of�V'ebr�6cka, to wit: <br />, ._..._._..:Lot__.One___(_1__�.._an_d.--the_ East---hal�of_Lot- -Two -(2 ):---.Block ..One---(-l.)-,--._in...Gi� -------. . . -- - <br /> ---......_I�iniprian,--��b_r��ka.----- - -- -� -- ----- ----- --- -- -- --- --- -- - --- ---------.._.....-�------ -�--............. - - - --�-�------�- <br /> ------ --- ---- -- --- - --- - ---- - ----- ------- - ....---�-- -- .._. --,-...--- ---� -- -- - ----- -- ---------��- �-----�----------------.._...... --- ----------------------__� ------------- <br />� <br /> --------- ------- --- ----- ---- - -- -- - - - -- --- - ----- �- ---- - -�--------------------------------.._---- �-- ---- -�---� �------�--�--------------------------- ------- -------�--....------------------------------ <br /> - ----- -- ------ ------ ---------- ---- - -- ---- - -- -- - - - ... ----- ----...---�---------------- --------------------------------•--- --- --�� -....... ------------------------------ ----------------------------- --� <br />� <br /> --------- - ---- -- - --- ----- --- -- ------- -- - --- -- - ---- ---------------- - ------------------------------....... -�------ �- -----�-------- -------------- - - ------ ---- - - ---------�-----�-----�---------------------------------- <br /> ------ -- .- ------- - -- -- --- -- --- - -- ---- .� ----------------- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with ald the tenemerzts, hereditamerLts, ai2d ap�urtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demafzd whatsoever of the said Grantor._____, , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />' �D �t��1C AlY� t0 �DY� the above-described premi-ses, with the appurtenances, ur�to the said�raratee________and to_____'�hf?�x'___.__ heirs <br /> and assi�sns foTever. �fnd_______I________hereby coverzant_______with the said Grantee_____that,________,"--__________._____ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that________"____________.__ha__'___�ood ri�ht and lawfzcl authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that thez�are free and clear of all lieras <br /> ar�d ineumbrances whatsoever.________________.___________� <br /> -------------- -- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- - - - ----------- --- -- --... ----- -- -- - - - -- --- -- -- ---- - ---------__.-------------------------- -- ------- --------- --- <br /> -- -- -- - - --- - _._.-- -- _ --- - -- -- ------ - - ------ - --- ------ -- - ------ - --- ----- ------------------------------ -- - -- -------------------------------- <br /> .gnd_________,______._..__I_______.._.___________-.__--------------- eovenant_._____towarrantand defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------•--- -- --... - - _. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the---------z�-t h- ----- -------------da�J �1� - - ------ -JL121e - ------ ----- ---�1. D.,19--�',�-`-. <br /> W'ITNESS � �5o j --------------------------Sa.2'��1- C.--Gr�f���ll---------------- <br /> C. M. Redma.n � I.R. --------------�---------------- <br /> -------------------------------- <br /> ---------�-- -- --------------------------------------------- --- ( Stamp ) -------- <br /> (eancelled) ------------------------ ------------- <br /> ----------- -------- - ---- ------ --- <br /> ------------x�- A. --Redman--- --- <br /> ST.qTE OF NEBR.ISK'�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------------------�L311.----------County, On this---------2$--------------------day o�----------------.TUY12--------------------------------.1. D., 191-1_ ._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notc�ry Public----------------------------------within af2d for� said County,Persor�ally came--------------------------------_---_------------------------ <br /> t Sarah C. Gideon (wido�¢� <br /> t,o me personally known to be the identical person._______.__whose name_______ _._____________,______af�"ixed to the above <br /> �$EAL� instrument as�rantor___,____, and________________.__I______________severallz�acknowled�ed the sarne to be________�_.______..voluntary <br /> ccct and deed for the puTpose thereirL expressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my name and afj'ixed my ofj'acial, seal at______________.________ <br /> D0221�.?h�,11_,.___f Ti__8�11 d__COT11!'��_�_________orz the date Last above written. <br /> - ----------------�21.c��-�---�ll,---��_S�IiI�.------------ ---- <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> .Mz� eommission expires__�__DeCBITibeT-1$th-191'T. <br /> ---- - --- - - ----------- ----------------FS.-----------• <br />