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���-_.) <br /> D . D ° �C�OI�D �00 �d o <br /> D�C�D � <br /> _ � : _ _ _ _ .___ __ . - _ - __ <br />_ . __ ._ _ _ _ . _�. __ _ _ <br /> ou��U—KI.OPP&BARTI.ETT CO.,Prin.ting,I ithopra.phing and Cminty:4upqlies;Omdha. � _� <br /> _ . __ ,,,__. . _ _. . .�,_— . _ . ____�__ .�___ .�.___.=_W � ____._.___.._�..._ _..—e=�___________--__�� <br /> �'K�.M I yiereby certify that this instrument was entered orz Nurnerical <br /> --- -Edward_13_.Treat--&-wi_fe_ _-------- <br /> Index and filed for record this__________21_____________day of_____.______JU,1Tj----------- <br /> .Fl. D., 19__1�----, at--- ��1r3-- - -- -_ -----------o'clock---A•--.M. <br /> - ------ ------ <br /> - --- <br /> -- ------- Warranty <br /> Deed. � <br /> TO �il�--�c-r� - z�c,;�l <br /> �/� _ e <br /> -------- - -------- - -- --------- -------------------------- ----------- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> ----- --- -- ----------------J_:P_�.I�_eY�lit�t-�- - ------------------ <br />', B�J------------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> --------------- -------- --- -------- -- _ - - <br />' - --- ---------------— -—-- <br /> ��.o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ����---- ---�°� -E�v�r�r_-�i--3�_..Txe�t �n�__�lius__E_.Tr_eat-� --h�� _vsrif_e ------------- - --- - --------------------------------------- <br /> of the Courzty of------------Iid1.l-- --rxn,c� St�cte of-------------------------------------------------N�b-T�S�4�--- - --------Grantor--�------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of_--------- T�I.reE._HUri��d F�fZ�_N_Q�1Q�__.-_.----'-----_ -'- --- ------ ------ ------- ---- - ------ ------- -------- ----------- ------DOLL✓1_RS, <br /> in hand paid, do-------------hereby GR�1NT, B✓1RG�gI.N, SEL.L, �✓1�'D CO�'VEY'i�,nto----------J-----�-•--1��,1��----------------- -- --------------------------- <br /> --------------------------- --- ------- -- - -- --------- ------------------------- ----------- --- ..--- - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - <br /> of the Count�o�---------- - - -H�,11 ----and Stczte of-- - - ----- - - -N2b r�,Ska, ---- ---- -- --- -- ---,Gran,,--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in th� Courcty of____ .____________.._.Hd,ll---------------------------------------an.d b'tate of Nebra�ka, to zvit: <br /> .........•------------------------------------------------ - ------- --- - - ------ - -- - - ------- - - - - -.._..--------�-----�--�------------------------•-•.....-�----------------------�•-------- ----�-----....._......- --�--�;,�---- --- <br /> __..__.__The West._,Fifty. F'eet____(_W-_50ft )__of_ Lot Seven, (7 ), _Block One �1 ) in Gideons Addition to <br /> --- ------ --------- <br /> -- _ ---�?oni�?han-,--Nebr_aska,----- -------------------------------- -�---�-- -....-----��- - --- � - - - --� �- -� ------- - -----------------�------------------ <br /> -- ----- ----.--------- - -- - - - - -- -- - -- --- - - - - .__- -- - - - - - --- - - - .. <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, �zereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belorz�irc�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grantor. __._, , of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �CD ���1C AIt� t0 �O�D the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�tee________arad to_____:__Hi S __ heirs ' <br />, and assi�ras forever. ./lr�d___�iYe_________hereby covenant_.____with the said C�rarztee_______that______�e________.___._______ hold__________said premises by aood and <br />' perfect title;that___________YY_e___ _ha__V_�.�ood ri�ht and Zawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and edear of all liens ' <br />' and incumbranees whatsoever------------------- -------- ----- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- <br /> �yLd____ ________we_____._________________________._ covenant.__.___to warrant arzd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful cZaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---------- ------ - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- <br /> Dated the---------------�-tn' ----------------- --da�J �1�- _--- - - Ma'3T- -------- - ---,�1. D.,19--�5�--• <br /> W'ITNESS ------------ -- E�1SK�.r$--$-�--.Sr��,�--- ---------------- <br /> ( , •50 ) <br /> ----- ------------- ---C-�---t�I.- -=Redman-------------------- - ------ � I.R. ) -----------------Olive-E�---Treat---- ------------ ----- ----- <br /> ( St artlp ) <br /> ------------------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------ <br /> (cancelled) <br /> ST�TE OF .NEBR�SK.Fl, <br /> ss. <br /> ------------------��=1�--------------------County, Orz this-----------gth--- ------------daJ �}----------------------��+Y----------------------------�. D., 1915-- - , before me, <br /> the ur�de�•si�ned, a Notary Public________________________.__________within and for said Countz�, personally came_____.___..__________________________________________ _ <br /> Edward B. Treat and Olive E. `Treat, his wife <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person S_....___whose narn,e__.____________are___ ___ _____ _a fj'ixed to the above <br /> (SE.AL � instrumerat as�rantor_g_____, and___________t r1eY_____________severallz�ackizowled�ed the sarrie to be_____tYle�r____voluntarz� <br /> act arzd deed for the purpose thei�ein expressed. <br /> INWZTNESSW�IEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afy'ixed my ofJtcial seal at_______________________ <br /> �021_���ha.21,____�Tl__Sa,i d__COUrity i__ ___on the date Zast above written. <br /> ------- -------------------------------Ch��-�---�_--Redman---------- <br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public. <br /> . . -------------- ----- -�-----------• <br /> .Mz� comm7ssaon expires__._____D�C�1rib��'_--1�th-191_7_.__________ <br />