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<br /> �... D��D G���O�D �loo �Oo
<br />__ _ . __�_ _ _ _ .� _ ._ . __ ___ _ _
<br /> aU�iO-KIOPP&BART7.�TT CO.,Pri7iGing,Ltill�,o�r¢_hting a�i�lCoi�nG S'upplies,_.Onialaa. �� � � � � �M ��V �- : ��
<br />_._.._,.��._ . � � P y - . ... . . . . � � �
<br /> --° - --- _.-- _,�.., - `---- -� ..
<br />..._.... _._... __.�. . .. . ... . _....... . . � :�-:-. . . -.::- .-_--_ _ .__,— . _._.::-- __.._.,._..... .__�__...___.. _:..._.._�...�.
<br /> _ ... .. _.,-�-�..-__._—. _.°___.._. .W.
<br /> FK�� I hereby certifz� that this irestrument was entered orc ,N'umerical ,
<br /> L�1118 AlICIa. S21yd8I' & hU�b. Index arzd fcled for record this_________11E.�j�__,____day of_____a���___________________ I
<br /> .g. D., 19- -�5---, at--- - -.�I's�p_ .__--- --------o'clock----P._.M.
<br /> --- ----- - ------ --------- --- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- -�Warranty
<br /> Tv Deed. � � I
<br /> --- --- - -�����'�?-�`-=�_`-i-�y=r��--
<br /> --------------- -
<br /> Re�iste of Deeds,
<br /> Pearl Carl.san '
<br /> ��-------- - - ----- -- - -- --- ---- ---------------- --------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �r�o� ��Y �en� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�ct�:
<br />', ����----__L__illie,- Alma._Snyder,.._Married.-.and- - --Ra.lph---Sn,y_der--,.H��p�t1_�_--------------�----------
<br /> ---------------- -- --- - --
<br /> I ----------------------- ---------------------------- ----- ----------- --- ---
<br /> of the County of--------I3311---y--------------.a.rrd .Stc�te of--._�eb�'�_$1C�------------------------- -----------------------,-----------Grantor----------, in coresideration
<br /> of the sum of_------DriB.__�,Q11�S'---'r�,21d.--Q�Y1ez'-ua,llla.hl2---C-OriS�.de�'3$-�.-��1--------- --------------- -----------------_------ ------------DOLL�IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do�e3___._.__..___hereby GR✓INT, B�RG✓II�4'', SELL, �.N'D C,O✓l�'VFY'unto.____P2aY'l.__�rcl�'�.��J�.7,�,____�Ma,rr�,�i9,_�, _ __________________
<br /> �
<br /> ------------- ----- ------ ----- - ------- - - --- - -- - - -- ----�- --------------- -------- ------ - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -
<br /> of the County of_- -------- - -- Ha,ll -- ----a,nd Stute of_- ----..--- - - - �T2b�'a.�#�� _---------- ---- -- - -----,Gra-n,tee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in, the.County of___. _____.____ _. _ x�l_______________________�___________an,d b'tate of JV'ebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---------------------Lot_s.._tYiree----�3_.�- -and _�'our -(�-} in,_block-twenty-s_ix_._�26.),__in._P��k��'---�.�1.---�ax'x-'--�---.S.�.c.ond---�-------- --.._
<br /> Addition to Grand Island
<br />' - -- - - - .Sub�ect to--back.. taxes-� ------ - �-�---.._.......... ...........
<br /> - ...- ---�� --- � � --- ---------....--�- ------------------ ----------------------------------------�----- -- ----------
<br />'�
<br /> -- ---- --------------- ---- - - - - -- - --- ------- --- -- - --- � - . . ----------- ---------------�----------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate, Ki�ht, Title,Interest,Dorver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grarctor______._,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />' �CO �d�1C �1�� t0 �OY� the above-describe,d premises, with the appurtenarzces, urtto the said�rarztee_�__.,_and to____�;h8-��--__--- he�rs
<br /> Lillie Alma Snyder and Ralph Snyder
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �(nd______A--__-----herebr�covenarLt_____._with the said Grantee_�____that__________'��e,'�,x___________ hold_.__________said premises by�ood and
<br />', perfect title; that_________they_________haVe__�ood risht and lawful authority to sell ar�d convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------eXC2pt --a.8---�bOYe---������1. -------------- ----- ----�-------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br />�'� ------------------------------------------ ----- - -------------- --- ----- -- - -- - ------------ --- ----- ---------- ------------------ ---- --- - ---- ------- ---- -- ------------
<br /> --- --- - -- - _ --- -- - - --- ------ - --- ---- ---- - ----------------------- -- --------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------------------------------------------
<br />' �Ind_.________________________�!e______________ ___________________. covenant________to warrant and defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful elaims of alZ persons
<br /> whomsoever------- ---- -- - -_ - -- - -------------------------------------------------
<br />'I ---------------------- - ------ - -- - - - ----- - - - - --------- -- -
<br /> --- ---------------- - - ------ - ------------- --------- - --- ----------- ----------------------------
<br /> Dated the----------t-�J,�xS�------------ - -da�J �1�- - --- -- -JU,ly ---- -- -- - -.Fl. D., 19_��-----•
<br />� WTTNESS _y_�„a„�,�.-�-_��,---
<br /> --------------- -------- S2�rder------------- - �
<br /> C.H.G�ellert -----------------------RalFh__Snyder----------------------- -
<br /> ------------ -- -------------------------------------------------------
<br />� __- -
<br /> ST.gTE OF .NEBR.ISK�,
<br /> H 311 �ss.
<br /> --------------------------------------------------County, Ora this-------- ----�h��-----------daJ af--------------�-ua,Y--------------------------------�. D., 19..�.�.._ , before me,
<br />' the unclersi�ned, a,Nota�yPublie___�_�H,�_CzQe112Y't__.___,withir�an,d for said County,personallr� came______________________.______________________________________
<br /> ---I,il l ie--Alma--Sn,yder--and__Ralph---Sr�y_der----(Wif e--and---Husb and-)---------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally knowra to be the identical persorz_fi__.____whose name________3r6____________________r�f)ixed to the above
<br /> i,nstrumen,t as�rantor_$____, and_____,___�n�__________._severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__�rh2��'_______UOluntary
<br /> �SFr1r,� act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TJV'ESS LVHEREOF,I have hereur�to subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�tcial seal at.________.__.__________.
<br /> ___GY'a,Tld _I 81321d_,___NebraSka____________on the date last abave written.
<br /> _______________________________'_"__�yafl-t;SVPi1��ri-�_'_____'__'_"'___'________ �'.
<br /> ✓l�'otar�Public.
<br /> ,Mr� commission expires--- --- ----- - JUly'--�-- --- - ------� ---- ------ ------------19-��------•
<br />