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�w �� �� " _: .. ..... _ . ' <br /> ��:�1.t D��C�� ���O�D � �oo �00 <br /> �.___ _ <br /> :_ _. � _ _ ,� � .�.._ _ . � _ __ _ _ _ <br /> oG�i0-K7�OPP&I�A72T`T.�TT G`O.,Pri7cling,L'tithopr¢phing anil Cm�nty Sup7�dies;bnaalaa. � ��"" ` �-�� � °� � �� �� <br /> �.,;_ .,_. _ . ._..: _ _ .. _. __ ..., :_ __. _ --- - =_.....__ ._ -- ——.. ���._�..____�Y:��_,__. <br /> F��� I hereby certify that this i3astrument was entered on JV'ztimerical <br /> Leroy___G_. SCUdder______________ ___,______._ Index and filed for record this._____�.L�.___._._.____daz�of._________Jla.�_____________ <br /> ----- ------ --- - - - - <br /> L <br /> .Fl. D., 19a-�J------, at----- 10 _ -- - -------o'elock,----A_._dYl. <br /> - ---------- - ------- - - --- - <br /> _ - - - - -- - Waxranty <br /> TU Deed. <br /> - -- �����ZO��=-----�'��y--------------�----- -- <br /> Franees xe�teT of Deeds, <br /> ---�- -Ger_t__ru�e-- -Scudder_,_. - - ----- --- � <br />'�� B�-------- - ----- ---- - -- _---------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Yr �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t�: <br />�', _____I_,__Leroy___G_.____Scudd__e�,_. and Frances Gertrude___Scudder,___Husband__& _wife of DoniFhan,Nebr._ <br /> ��j�t_ _ <br /> - --------- -_- ---- <br /> of the County of_______._ ____�311__ -------- ----�rj+c1 State af____.__.___ _ N_@bY'_._ ___.__(�rantor: in consideratiora <br /> --------------- r --- - --------- - - -- - , <br />, of the sum of------------ -One �o11ar-�----and_I�ove and__Affections--- - ---- --- - ------ -------------------- -- - -------------DOLL.�RS, <br />', in hand paid, do_______.___ _.____h;ereby GR�1NT, B.F1RG.gId1�', SEI,L, ✓1�N'D COJV'VEY'rt,rzto________________Fr�,11CeS__C�ez'�x'U.t�e___SCtz�t��_�___________________ <br /> --------------- --- - ----- - -- -- ---- - - - -- --- ------------------------ ----- ----- -- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- - - <br /> o the Count o _ Hc111------- -----ar�d State o ---------- -----------------------_NBbY'.----_.----------- -- __-------------- Grar� the ollowin ' <br /> ------- - - � <br /> }� �J }� , , f �' <br /> described premises, situated irz thQ Count,y of____..__._ __.._Ha.l_ _1_ _, ________., .___________an,d State of Nebrs9ka, to zuit: <br /> ...__...Lot.._. ..__:five___(5) a,n�__the east _Twenty fiye (25 ) feet of lot 4 in Scudder�s addition___to_____,____________ <br /> � ------- --- - ------- -�.......-------.._..,.------------�---.._..------------------ <br />', ......._.the._uillag�_._of._D_oni�han,- Hall- �Q..., -N�b_r.- - - ---...-- -...-- ------------- -�-�--...---��--- .....-� --- --- --- -----------------------------------------------�-----�-----...-�------ ` <br /> --------- - - ...------ �- -------- --....- - -- -- --- ---- --- - ---------- --� ------- ----------- --- - --�--- --------- -- ------- -...------------------------------------�- ----�-----� -------- ------------_..-------�------ <br /> -- ----------- --.. ---- -- -- - - -- ------- - - <br /> - - --- --- ------ _....--- - - <br /> -- -- ------- -- -- ---......-----�-------------------�--------------------------------------------------------___. <br /> ill <br /> To�ether with all the teneynents, hereditarrzents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doaver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_______,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �d�le AIY� t0 �0�� the above-descrihed premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�runtee___.____and to______________Y_l�Y ____. heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �Ind________1._.___hereb;y covenant_______with the sai,d Grantee______that_____________�__________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____________S_.______.____ha_�72�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> iand ineumbrances whatsoever-------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br />' ------------------------------------------------_- --------------- - ------- - --- - --- - ----._-- -- ----- - --- - - ------- ----- - --- ------------------------ --------- ----- - --------- -- -- <br /> ----- --- - - - - -- -- -- - -- _.---- - - - -- ----- - ---- ------------ - -- - ------------ ----- ---------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------ <br /> d4nd__:__.__________________=1_____.____'__.___ ..__,______._.__ .__ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawfuZ claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever---- -- --- -- -- - - - - ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> ------------------------ -- - -- -- -- - -- ------- -- -- - __ --------- ---- - -- - ---- -- ----- ------ ------------------ ------------ --------------------------------------- -- <br /> Dated the---------------15�-------- --da�J �f�- ------ -- -JUl� ---- -- ---.,4. D.,1915__`----• <br /> W'ITNESS ---------------L�I'0�----C*--�---�C1i�.dES --- -- -- ------ <br /> --- ----- B-•----E-•--yvi_ls_on----------------------- _ _----- <br /> ------------�r-a���$--Ge��r-�d�--Sc��d�r---------- <br />'� ----------------- ------- - - ------ -- ----- -- ----- -- - - <br /> - ------------------- --- ----- - <br /> I ST�TE OF NEBR.ISK„4, <br />� ss. <br /> ---------------xall-----------------------Courcty, Orz this-- 7t-h--------------da�J �}---------------------.T-U.1-�------------ -------------.q. D., 19--�-�3 - , before me, <br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a Notary Public____________ ______________________withi�z arad for suid County,personallz�carr�e___..__.__________________________________.______ _ <br />'; Leroy G.Scudder & _Frances Gertrude Scu�ider, Husband & i�iPe <br />' (SEAI,� t,o sne personally known to be the identical person____.._____whose riame________________ af)ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor___g.__, and_______________________._.________severally acknowled�ed the sarne to be____�h2�Z'_.___voluntary <br /> ccct arzd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereureto subseribed my name and af)ixed my ofJ�ciat seal at____________________.____ <br /> __________-_____-_-__,_;---_DOn1�'iha.21______ _-_---_-_--__on the date last above written. <br /> ------- -- -------------------�'----�'�--�-u�------------------------- <br /> ✓l�'otary Public. <br /> .My commission expires----- A�2�', -��._ -- - - -- -- ---- - ----------------- ------19--2�-.--• <br />. . } <br />