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y� �� <br /> �a�.�_ D��� G�C�C�O�D �oo ��� <br />_-e :_ _�.�_ ___� _v_ _ _ _ _ _ �.� ___..�.__ _ . _ _ .___ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ <br /> ..���D—RT,OFP_�BAFPLF.TT CO.,Pri.ntzrt!!�I,ilh,onr¢phing an�l County.4uPPliesi Onea�":'___._ _-- - - - _. _ .�s:.:_.�__�:�.»_._:_. -.-i <br /> _ __ <br />�._ --t -- - __, _ . ,_ , _.; ,_�.,�__, _---::. . ___._ _ <br /> FKO� I hereby certify that this instrum,ent was erctered orz ✓1�'umerical <br /> � <br /> ---- --James I�. GL� & VPlf 2 ---•-- Index arzd filed for record this-------------�Q---------daz�of_---------�1��------------- <br /> Warranty �. D., 19--��-----, at---- - 11 __----- -- - -------o'clock,. A-.- --.M. <br /> -------- ------ ------ ----- -TO-- <br /> - - - --- -. - - -- <br /> Deed. �• � <br /> ---- -------�//�%!�� z'��._� � <br /> - � - - ----------------------------------- -- <br /> I��Y'thd. E.L��.tthews Re�iste of Deec�s, <br /> B�J---------- ---------------- - - ------- ----------------- ------------ <br /> Deputy. <br />; �.�o�n �XY �et� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> ����---- we-� -J�es-1�-=---G��Y__an.�3._Mar�'-�.-- Guy_,.___hu.sband---and_wife-}--------------- <br /> of the Cour�tJ of------------�311---------------__c�r�cl ,)'tcr.te of---------- - - -------------------------__C�rantor_.�-----, ir�eonsideratiorz <br /> -- -- -�ebxaska---- -- -- - - <br /> of the sum of_------- 02�E�---�1�--�O�1Q0 -- -- -'------_ --------"'---`--------------_-_-_-----------`-_---_---------------_ ------------DOLL.f1RS, <br /> and othervaluab3eand suf'�'icient consideration- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> in hand paid, do-_--_----- _.--_--hereby GR.l1JV'T, B�1RG.FIIN, SELL, �✓U'D C,ONVEY'unto----_--_-----_---_--_---_----__�dI'�hd.--�.---11�.��h�I�YB---_--_----_---_----_ <br /> -------------------- ------ - -- -- --- - ----- - ---------------�----------�- ---------------- --�-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- -- <br /> of the CountJ of------Ha,ll- -- --- ----- ---and State of--- - ---- -- - -- .N2br�,ska.------ ------- --- - --- - ----,, the followin� <br /> described premises, situate,d in the County of_______ ________.Hc'�11_____ ____________ .___._._.___and State of Nebr�aka, to wit: <br /> --...Th�._��,st_..k�dl-f----(.�a.-�--o�__.the--Iv?orth-East--guarter- -�-NE�-)---an�_,_the---South-West---guarter....(.SW�.).--of°---the------ <br /> i <br /> ....�Tflr.�h-E�.�t....qua.r_�.e�_._(NE�.�__.of,_sect_i,on__twenty-one___�_21. eleven_.__�_11.�___North_.of._�ange____.__ <br /> _ eleven -(ll) West - of---tne _sixth pr_ineipal meridian-,- -���j�.�.�.--t-�---the---�.�,�.��-_whi_c_h._s_aisi_._�r�nte�-------_---- <br /> -----a�sum�s_._an� -�ee-S--��� F��•-�------- -- -------- ----------------�-----------�--------------- -- --------....._........-----�--�--��----�- -�-�-------------------------�-�-------------------------------------------. <br /> ----Reservi_i1g.-ln.-myself_. and._??�Y_�'ife,. �ZarY. . S_.._Gu,Y.,. ..and._.our....sury_ivors,--a-._life---e_state. __in_._sai-d-------------------- <br /> ---pxemi���-•---...--- ------- ----- --- --- ------ --------- - - ------- ----------- ------------...- -- -----------------.._.___..........-----._.....------------�-- -----�------ -...---- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- ------ - -- ------- --- ----- - -- - -- --- - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- --- --� ---- --�---------------�---....---�----- -- -------------------------------...-----� ----------------� ----- - - ------ --------------------------�------- <br /> ---- - - -- -- --- ----- - - - - -- ------ -- - --- - - - - - - ------�----------------------------- �--- ---------------------------------------- <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditccrnerits, and r�p�urtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtes ,Claim andDemand whatsoe7�er of the said Grantor_S____, , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof., exee�t <br /> as s�ated above. <br /> �0 �d�1C AIY� t0 �OY� th,e above-described prerrr,ises, with the appurtenances, urcto the said�rantee_____.__and to________her __ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd______V�e______Tiereby covenant______with the said Grantee_______that,____________________�,.��'_.._ hold________.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_________________y,��________ha_VB-�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - ---------------�----------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br />' --------------------------------------------- - ----- ---- --------- - --..-- - ---- - - -- -- ----- -- ---- - <br /> - - --- - ------- ----- ---------------------------------------------- ------ ------- <br />� - - ---- -- - - - _.._-- - - --- -- --- - --. --- <br /> _ --------- -- --- ------ - - - - ----- ---------------------------------- ----------------- ------ -------------------- <br /> ./�nd.___________._______ _________._We________.________.______ _ covenarct_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons ' <br /> whomsoever---------- -_ - __..-- - - - - --- -------------------------•--------------------- <br /> ------------------------ -- -- ---- -- -- - - - - -- ---_ ---- - - -- - ------- ---- - - - --- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />�, Dated the-------------t hl Y'd- - --------------da�J ���- ------ --JUriB- ------------ --�1. D.,19__1_5�_. <br /> WTTNESS ----------------.TdT11E:I--�.--�'r-UY- ------------- <br /> ---------------T�ar-y--S•----Gt�-- ------------------- ------- <br /> ----------- -- --�-- -�-----�-Fra��------------ -------- - - -- -- - � <br /> ST.ITE OF JV'EBR�SK�4, <br /> �ss. <br /> --- ---------H3^�-�----------Courzty, � On this------- ---�t+-n---------------da�J ��--------------------------JLiTl.e-------------------�. D., 19_�-S_ ._ , before me, ,; <br /> the unc�ersi�r�ed, a Notary Public-----------------.-------------withi,�z arad for said County, personally eame,---------------------------------------------- --- <br /> -----�am�_s__I�,--Guy,--�nsi_.T�;i�x�---�t---��'-�----hu�1_?anc�---an�--wife>------------------------------ --------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical peTSOn.__�.____whose nameS_..�,2�_ ____________________._.__u,fJixed to the above <br /> (SEAZ� instrument as �rantor_S____, ared___.___._____���3t_____________ssverally acknowled�ed tjae same �o be______��},p��_voluntc�ry <br /> act arzd deed for the purpose thereirz ex��ressed. <br /> I.NW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereurzto subseribed my name and afjixed my ofj�cial seal at__�OQl�__1��,7t_�T ' <br /> .__�`I_�1�x's��k�,,____1X1..__�a,�.d___C_01J.21_t�,,_____or� the date last above writteri. <br /> ----------------------------�-•--�----��'r-�e----- ------- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .M� commi-ssion expires----------._Ms��'�;7.-2'7�---�-����--- -- ----------------•-- -------19---------• <br />