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i <br /> � �� <br /> ���. D��D ���O�D �oo ��� <br /> . _ � � _ . � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -_ <br /> o6�i(}—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lilhogr¢phing and County Supplies:Ona¢ha. - � <br />._: �.,_-- _ _ _ ____., _ _...-.. <br /> FRO.M I herebr� certify that tTiis instrument was entered orz Numerical <br /> ------------Fr�Y].k-M-,--N�ff--&--Wlf e---------------- Index and filed for reeord this--------Z-9------------daJ of----------�'1�1@------------- <br /> ✓1. D., 19---�---��-- , at-- - -- �#_--- __ _ -- -------o'elock.--P-. -.M• <br /> --------- - --- ------- --- --- ---- -- -- -- _ -_. .- -_ Warranty <br /> �� Deed. � <br /> C/���-%��-�'�'�------ -------------- ----- <br /> Re�ist of.Deeds, <br /> --------- - ----------------�o�_n___ w�.nt�r- - ----- --- -- <br /> B�------ - ------ - -- - -- - -- ----------------------- <br /> . De <br /> =------------ --------- ------------- - - - -- -- puty. <br /> ��o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> ����---- -We-s--Fr_ank__�.Neff-_ an�. h�ar�-B�11�__�vTe_ff_r -h1�--�if-�'-r--------------------- ---------------�------ <br /> ------------------------- - - ----------- - - --------- - -- -------- - - ----------- --- ------------- - - ------- ---------�-------------------------------------------------------------- --- - <br /> o tke Count o ------------- -crri,c� :Stutt o ----------------------------------I��b-�'-a.S1Cc'1--------------- ------ -------(3rantor-g-=-----, in consideration <br /> f ✓ f I-I�,11 ---- t� <br /> of the sum o�____________Thi2'ty-ei_ght__hun�red__00�100_-___-__-__- -- - - - <br /> ---- ---- -- ---- -- ---- - ---- -----------• - -- --------------DOLL�IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do------------------h,ereby GR�✓1�'T, B�1RG�9I�V', SELL, �9�N'D COJV'VEY'unto-----------------a8�171--W-��?��:I'------- - - ------------- -----•------------ <br /> ----------------- ---------- -- ----- --- -------- --- ----- --------•-------------- ---- -------- ----- __------------------------------------------------------•----------------------------------- --- ------ -- <br /> of the Count�J of------ - �s'���.- -- - ----a.nd State of_- - -- - ---- - - -N2bY'cti3ka,..-------- -------- -- -- - ------,C�, the fol.lowin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County v/'__ _ _________________________�3a.11.--------------------------��d State of JV'ebr�bka, to avit: <br /> ...............Zo_�_�____�WO___.(_�_�___a,n�_ Four___(_4_)__.in__�l_ock__S_ix__(6__)___of._Hus_s,el_.WYieeler!.s..Addition__ to___Grand.__Islanc�_,..._ <br /> ... ..........Nebr_aska,�ur.v�y��>-�'l.�t_t_ed an�.--x.�.�_Q.x�1ed.-------- - -�-�---...............---��--�--.....- - �- --� �-- -----------------------------------------------�-------- ------..__.. <br /> --�-------- ------ ------- - - - ------- - -- -- --------- -.......-�----------------------------------------------��---- ------------�------- ------._...------�-------...---------- ------------- ...-------------------------------------�---. <br /> ------- --- ---- - ---- ------ -------�--- - - - -... - - - - -- - --- - ---- ------ --- - -----....--�------------------- ----�- --- - ------ -------�-------------�------ ---- ----------� --�-----...----....--�---�-------------------------- <br /> -------------- - ------------- - - - -- ------------- - - -- _.. � ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the teriements, hereditaments, and czppurtenances thereunto belora�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do���e��, <br />' Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor__S__, ' - , of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �O �d�IC �IY� t0 �DI� the above-described prem,i,ses, with the appurteraances,unto the said�raratee_______and to_____._._lx�.s._____ _ __ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓Ind.______titire_.___hereby covenarct____._with the said Grantee____.__that________________LR�_____________ hold____________said premises bz�good and <br /> perfect title; that____________ti�'_e_________haVe__sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />'I and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------- - - ------------ ---- - -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br />' -------------------------------------------- ------- - ------------- - - - -----.. - - - - - -- - -- ------- -- ---- - ---- - ----- - ----------------------- -- ----------------------------- <br /> �lnd______________.__-______We_____________________-- _-----__.__.__ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever- ----- -- - - --_ __ - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------- - -- <br /> ----------------------- -- -- -- -_- - - -- - - --- -- ---- ------ -- - ------ - -- ---- -- - - ------------------ - --�----------------------- --------- -------- ---- <br /> Dated the-----------21�� -- -------da�J ��-- -- - �ay ------------------ -.g. D.,19-15'---• <br /> GVITNESS ----------------------------F�'�1�-�.--N�Pf---------- ------------ <br /> John A11an � .00 + ------- --------- Mary_---��lls---N���-------- ----- <br /> --- -- ------ ---- ----------- -------------------------------------- --- ------ ( I.R. ) <br /> ( StamF�� ) ---------------------------- ---------------------------- -- -- ----- - <br /> ------------------------------ -- - - ----- -------- --- ----- --- - (cancelled � <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.qSK.l, <br /> Hall ss. <br /> -------------------------•------------------------County, On this----- ------2221d-------------da� o�------------------------�-�Y-�---------------------.fl. D., 191�--- , , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned,a Notary Publie.____________________________________within and for said County, persorcally came____.___.____________________________________ __ <br />' -------------Frank__�!i. -Neff_ _a,nd__fl2ary_--Belle__Neffa---his---wife-,------------------------- <br />� -- ---- - ---------- ---- ---------------------- --- - - - ------ - ---- ------------------------------------- --- -------------- <br /> to me personall�known to be the identical persorz__�______whose�2afne___S___�r�___________________.____afJixed to the above <br /> (SEAL ) instrumen,t as�rantor___S_._, arcd_____________�}��___________seUerally ackizowled�ed the sarne to be____.__t.Y18jx___voluntary ' <br /> act arLd deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> I✓Y'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and a�j"ixed my ofj"'ieial seab at______Gr�,.ri�l_.___ <br /> __Island-,---�n---said__.Co�zn'��,----------_-on the date last above written. <br /> ------------ ---------JaY�--A�:1�---------------_�------------ ---- <br /> �N'otary Public. <br /> JVI� commi,ssion expires------- ---- Jdri;, •,��-141$-�- - ---- --------------------- -------�-----------• <br />