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� - <br /> , � <br /> � � �. � <br />� � DC�C�D C���O�D C�oo �Oo � ���: <br />� __:�____-_ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ .__ _ _ _._ _ ____ _— ___ _____ .-- __ __ _ _-_ _--_-- <br /> _- ------�T�7-KEt3�� &BAR�'LETTCt3-Fri�tin� - - --- - _ _. <br /> . p grap��rid�`oun�ij SeipZ2es•�naha -- -� _ -- <br />�-:_�.>-� _:----..._--�-._.__ __=--- _ ,`-=- ._ +�- - _:. -�- ;-.- - --- --- -- --_ __----_ -__----"----- --��_.- - � <br /> . _;. _ . -_-�_� __ ._.._ , _ -- - =:_ =._ _ ,� _ <br /> _ _._ . � � � - <br /> -- -- --_r-_. <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered or� Numericad , <br /> ,' Tc1t112S__TT. G___ ____&__W�1'2 IrLdex arzd led or record this_..____ ' <br /> - ------ --------- -------- _`- -- -� - -- -- ---- f� f �5-------------da�J�f---------SU21�-------------- j <br /> � .q. D., 19--�-5----, at----- g.:3Q_ - -___ -- --------.o'clock-----A.-J�L � <br /> -- - -- -- w��ty i <br /> To Deed. � , <br /> C���,�� ��:����� ------.- -- � <br /> --- ---- ---------- - - -- ------------------------- ; <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, ! <br /> --------- - --Su�an__M.---x-ugY�.e�- ---------------- -- - , <br /> i <br /> B�- ----- - ---- -- -------- - --- ---- --------------- ----- - ': <br /> Deputy. ! <br /> --- --------- -- _._ _ -- -— -- --- ---- ---- --- � <br /> i <br /> �.�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�ct�: � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ���t--wez J�mes _M. _G.U,Y_ and_ r�ar� S-. GuT', -.husban�---and wife �_ <br /> -- -- - ------ �------------ - ---- ---------------�- --- -------- -- --- ---- , <br /> af the Count� of-------------H311----------------arzcl �S'tnte of----------------------I!�EbT'c7,Ska,-- - -- -- ----- - - - ---- ----Granto��----------, in eonsideration i <br /> ; <br /> ofthe sum of.--------- - 011.�--�.ii�__T10��40-- - -- -- - -------- - - --------- -------------------- - ------- ---------------- ----------------------------- - ---- - --------voLL.�xs, <br /> and otner valuable and sufficient consideration j <br /> in hand paid, do----------- _---h,ereby GR�.N'T, B.IRG.IIN, SELL, �.N'D CO�N'VEY'rtir�to-------------------------�li.Ss�i---M-•----Hl�t�-h2S---------------- --------__------ i <br /> � <br /> -------------------- ------- - - --- ---- --- ------------ --- -- --------------- ------------- ---- - --- -------------------------------------- --- ---------------------- -- -------------------- --- -----._ i <br /> ; <br /> of the County of---------Ha.l1_------------- ---------a,nd State of_---------I�T��br_B.Ska,___..__.-------------------- _--- -- -------------------,Gran,,-------, the fol,lourin� i <br /> described �rernises, situated in tlze County v/'___ _.__._____________�j�,l],_________.__..______._________arr,d State of JV'ebn�ka, to wit: � <br /> 1 — - - - �4 � - � - - • -�— • - - - - - - — ; <br /> ..T.h�...Ea�t.._h��,1f.__�.E�_�.__.a�'�_:�T_Qr_�.�__�a_s_�.._.quart_er___(NE:_).__of___sc..ct_ion__thir_t __._one_...(.31_)___and__.the...South_______ � <br /> _�W�st quarter ( SW4.) _of tYie North-4Vest quarter (NW� ) of section thirty—two (32 ); all in Township � <br /> �-----�---. .... ........ --- . ._---- -- --- ---- --- = - -- -- ..... . .. . ..... ......... - - --- ----- - - ---- <br /> ele�uen Nortri of Ran�e eleven West of the sixth grincipa3 meridian. Sub ject to taxes which gra.n— ; <br /> ---- ----- -�----�-------� -- - ---- ---.__...- - - - -- --�- --�-- ----------------------�--------- - -- ------...- -- ------------- ------ - i <br /> --t ee_..�,ar e e-s--t�---�'a�� - -- --, ------------�------------ -----�--�----------------------- ------- ._._.._...._......-� ----�----------- �-- �------ ------- - ------- ---------------------------�------------------- ; <br /> _�i�s��._._in--r�,�r.s.�_l.f._.�r��.---rny__...v.�.i-�'-e-�--1��ary-.-S.--��X->.--and---our...survivors-,.-.a.-li-fe---esta� i <br /> remises. <br /> • <br /> .�' - - � - �� ---- ---�- --------- -- ----- - �------------------ ------�------- ----------------------------� ------ --------- ---- - -�- - -----------------------�------- --...-- -- ---...- .....----------�---��-------- ---------�--------------- <br /> -----------------__.._...-�------------�-�--� - --- --- - -- -----� --------- --- - _-- ----- � - ---...-- ----- ----- ----- ----._... --- ...--��- -----......--------------�--------------�---�--...---- - -� ------- ---------------� ----- ------ ' <br /> ---- ------------ ---- ----------- ----� --- - ------------ ---; --- -- ---- -- -- -- - --- -- - -... - - - -- --- - - .............------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hered'�itaments, and appurtena-nces thereunto belon�in�, and alZ th.e Estate,Ri�l�t, Tttle,Interest,Doz�,er, � <br /> � <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said C�rantor_S___,c�j�t�8}`��of, in, or to the same, or any part thereo�. exeept ! <br /> as s • � �bov� � i <br /> �� A C �It t0 OYb the aUove-descril�ed premises, with th,e appurterzanees,unto the said�tantee__._____and to___._____hP.r------ -- jLeirs <br /> i <br /> ' and assi�ns forever. .Flrad_____'_�'��________hereb�covenarat__.____with the said Grantee______that_.____._!�!e____________________ hold___________said prsmise� bz��ood a�td i ' <br /> perfect title; that._______.____��.�______________hc1�'g-_�ood ri�ht and la�vful authority to sell and convey the same; t7iat they are free and clear of all lien� ! ' <br /> . i <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever________________.______________ � <br /> ------------------- - ----------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- - - -- -- -------------- ----- --- -- ---- - --- - -- - - -- -- - - - --- - ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- - - ------------- --- � <br /> ---- .- - -- - - - - -_--. ------ --- -- --- -- - - � <br /> �nd________________We____________________________________ covenarzt_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persorts j <br /> whomsoever-- ------ - -__ ... -- --- - --- ----- ----------------------------------------- ; <br /> -------------------------------------- ----------------- - --------------------- --- ---- ----------------------- - - � <br /> ----------------------- --- -- -- ------ - - - <br /> � <br /> - ---- --------- --- ----- - - -- ----- ---- --- - j <br /> Dated the----- -�Yl.j.rd_------------------------day of_- -- -- - -.T_1�2�e, -------- ----�. D.,191:��----• � <br /> I <br /> W7TNESS -----------------------------------J3n1�3-M. CsLly------------------- ; <br /> ' ----------------------------------Mar,�---S--G�.Y-------------- -- ; <br /> ' ---- - -- -----V1�_.-I,-•---�l�x���--------------------------- -- --- ; <br /> -------------------------- -- ----------------- --------- --- - - ; <br /> ------------- ------ ----- - -- ---- -------------- - ----- __. ------- <br /> � <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.1 SK�, ) � <br /> Y ss. � <br /> ----------------------�317�---------------County, ) On this----- -5��h-----------------da�J of-------------------J1i11E---------------------�__�. D., 19-�5--- , before me, � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notdry Public__________,_______________________zvithin and for said County, personally came_______._________________________ _ _ � <br /> - - - ----------- -- - <br /> _Ja.�es- �Ii.-�uy an�i_�ar�t_---��._Gia�!_,_._h.u���.�---��1__W�_�e-a----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- . <br /> � <br /> ---- -- -- - ----- - -------- --- - - ---- --- - ---------- - -- --- --- - ----- ----------------- ------------ ------------------- <br /> --------- - � <br /> to me personallz�known to be the identical peTaorz_f_._____whose name__.8__�Z'e_______________________afj`ixed to the above ' <br /> I <br /> I <br /> (SEAL� instrumeru�t as�rantor__g.___, and____________�h6y__________.___severally acknozvled�aed the same to be___��e��'_._____voluntary I <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. � <br /> IJV'A�7�'NESST�'HEREOF,I havehereunto subseribed my name and af�xed my ofj"icial seal at______yYQQ_Sl__________ � <br /> River_,Nebraska,_in.__said__ eountyon. the date Zast above written. '' <br /> : <br /> i ----------- ----------------W-.---L.---�pxague----------------------- '' <br /> Notary Public. j <br />�� ; . . . ----�9------------• ; <br /> �V1z� commissaon expares----------__.��Y'Ch--�7-1�1�-'-------------------------------.- <br /> i <br /> � <br /> , ( <br /> i J <br /> � <br />