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� �.� <br /> ���U ���O�D �O❑ �IJn <br /> i . ,_�LL _ - _ _ _ _ <br /> ���IF--KI,dF'P&BA�R'l`LF,TT CO.,Prtin.!inp,Lithographang an�l Covnty Slipplie.s;Omaha. _ _ _ , __ _ - — <br />-. __ _. �,.. _�__, __ ._, .:.., _�.---._�.____. _ <br /> _ .__ <br /> �'R0� I hereby certify that this instrumerzt was entered on �N'umerical <br />'�I -------- - ---��V--1-Q-.--Yi�a,�-SO�---- ---- Index an,d filed for record this.------1-�------------daJ of---------�7]1Y1E3-----••------ <br /> �. D., 1�1-�?--------, at--- 3.��_ _ -- -------dclock_- �?._.M. <br /> --- -- - -- --- - ------�a--w��o���' } -- - -- -�Warranty <br /> rp Deed. �/ � /�� /\ <br /> O // / <br /> ___'�._.GI�UL�?/� \_ �' :��Li���. � <br /> . _'"__'__'____"_____"_ __'__ _""_____________w____'"_""__"""" _""_""__'__' <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> - ------ - --H-• -M-•-- .I�at_S_on---- - - -- - -- - ------ ._ <br /> B�----------- - - -- --- ----- ------------- -------- <br />� Deput�. <br />' ------ ----�---- ----- --------- -------- -- --- - _._. ---- <br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br />' � ��-..-�, -��vi a.- �Ya��on - (a-j�r.��.a�e�-} - --- - ------------�-- ---- --------------------------- - -------------------------------- -- -------- <br /> � <br /> o the Count o -------- - -----------_ccn,cl St,� o ---------._--------------------- -------------Grantor--------, in consideratiora <br /> f � f �iall -- - f �T���a��a ------------ <br /> of the sum of_-------Oi1�__D011c1�'--c111�tne-r--valuable--considerat_ion-------------------------------- -- ----------------------DOLL.�RS, <br /> -- -------------- � <br /> iro hand paid, do-----------------hereby GR.FI✓l�°T, B✓1RG.FII�1", SF,LL, .�1✓1�'D COJV'VEY'ur�to,---------------------------------------------------------------------,----- ---------------- <br /> --------------- --- ---------- -- ------ - ---- - ---- -- -- �I-t--,i�.----wat�.an----- ---- ------ - ------- -----------------------------------------------------------------�---------- --- ---- --- -----�-- <br /> of the County of___._________Hd.11 f N�brd.Sk3 __________.____,Gran.tee._____., the followin¢ <br /> --- __- - - --and State o -- - ------ --- - - - -- -- -- <br /> described premises, sitrtiated in, the G`ouizt� of_ ______.___H�11__.___ ______________________________._____�yLd xS'tate of,Ne,br��cka, to wit: <br /> --C_om.mer�ci-n�---at,----a--F-o-in�---T��nty---ti�ra -feet_..W�st��rth..E�s-t.._.c.or.x�er..---o-P----1-at---�Tt�b-e�---Si�c--�6 ) <br /> --�,-�,--}37,.0�.�_Nui�b�r.---�-i,x-tV---�-�-p--�---Qr i�inal---�_Qwr�---Gra��d_._��lan�.¢...�_��.x.��.Ka.,....t.i�en��--in---a_.��'o.r.ty <br /> .Eour----(-4?+-)--.f-eet- --tQ._tYie--N-o-r-t-h---'��s�__ .c.orne.r----o-f'--sai�i--lnt...Numk�_er----S-ix---(.-6--�;----then�e----�n.--a--s-o-ut-�ier-l� <br /> --alon,�---tl�a...�r��,.s.�id---1�t...T�t�nty_----(-�-9-�---f e�:�--from_..��.�._.Nor.�h_.W.s_s_t_.._c_Qrne.r.---�f....s�..i_d_.10-t----�.�--�.5�.; <br /> �Ther�.c-e---i.n---an_Eas�er1v--1i_ne---Fo_rty--FQUr---(._4?�..�---f'��t.--�ar.a11_e1...��ri_th...t�i�---A11-ey---l.ine....o.f-.__s_a.i_d___lo.t-;�--------------- <br /> -t-l�ence--N�rtherly- t��r�ntY--(-2.Q-)---f_�.�t.--�-Q----F�-�.ce---o-f---be�ir�n_i.n�'3,- -mak.�.n.�--4-4---f_e.�.t....on.._t.he...�111-e�---b�.--2-0----f.��t <br /> _�e�_�.....---------Al�Q__..a.---�-t-r-iF----o-f_--lan�l Tv�renty---t.yYO---(2-2_�_..f._�e_�__�r.a,de---af.f_._t:h�...w�s_t.�rl�T---Far..t_..of_..1.o-�t---�To-a----8ix�-�-) <br /> in �31ock Number Sixty (60 ) Original to�n, Grand Island, Nebraska, not conveyed by the land above. <br /> -de-sc-r-3=�-ed��--- - --- --------- ------- - - ---- - -- -- --- - - --- - - -- - -- - ---._ -- ---�- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorL�in�, and aZl the Estate, Risht, Title,Interest,Do�ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Gran,tor____:___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ' <br /> �D ��.�1E AIY� t0 �OY� the abor�e-described premises, with the appurter�arzces, itinto the said�rarctee________and to______�.�.5_______.__ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .,lnd.___I_..______hereb�covenant_____with the said Grarztee_______that_________________________I_____,_ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that___________�__________________ha_V e_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arzd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />'i and incumbrances whatsoever___SU�,JeCt____t0__dIl___tdXeS__c1Sld_.._c�,SS_eSSIT1221tS__a,k�clzriSt___S_cZl�._._F,roperty_from date._____________ <br /> -------------------------------------------- - - ---- ------------- -- - - --- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- ---- ---- -- -- --------- ------------ ---------- -- ------- <br /> ---- ------ -- <br /> r <br /> -- -- - -- - --- - — - _ - --- -- - ----- ----- ---- -- ------- ----- ------------ -----�---------------------------------------------------------- ---------. <br /> Jliad._________,_____.__.______I___________._______.___ _____________ warraret and defend the said premises a�uinst the lawful elaims of all persoras <br /> whomsoever----BXCer� �l�__ d,bOV.@. - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- <br />' -------------------- --- - - - --- -- - -- -- --- ---_ ---------- - - --- - ---- ---------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------- <br /> Dated the__TYy'_E]�t�---S_�t�Q11d------ -da�J ��--- ------ - ----�+�drCh- -- - -./�. D.,19--�1----• <br />''� LVITJV'ESS ----------------------��u-�.--f)-.---���-�a�l-- ------- ---- ----- <br /> ------------5'-C'---I�.U�t 021----------------------- --- <br />'i -------- --------------------------------- ---------- ---------- <br /> ------- - --- <br />,' - - --- --- - - --- <br /> -------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF JV'EBR�FISK�4, <br /> �ss. <br /> ----•----------------$-�3,7.1---------------__County, � On this----- 22r1d-------da�J o}----------------------Mcl�x'�Yl----------------------�. D., 19---1�... , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public____���Qjrit esl__.__.__within,a,nd for said County, personally came_____�____._____._____________________________________________.. <br /> ---------- - _ _- - Zeui---Q_�--l�a.t�nn.--------�-a__widn��r_-�------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___________whose rcame___________._��____________________a fj"ixed to the above <br /> �SE� � irzstrumerLt as�rantor_______., arZd.__________��__________________severallz�ackraowled�ed the same to be_________���_�___.voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rZame and afjZxed my ofj"'ieial seal at____.Gss�21d_______ <br /> _Z�1�dTI�1-8-bY'_._________________.______ __________,_on the date last above written. <br /> ----------- ---------------------+�-----�-----HU.St.011_..- --------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .My commi,ssion expires----- .TL113t 2�-r--1912. - -- --------------- ---- ---------#�---------• <br />