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<br /> uG�;O-�I,bF'P&�ARTL�`TT CO.,Priniinp,Lithographi�g anil Cm�nty SatiPylies;Oma3aa. '" " � v'
<br /> FR��'1 I h,erebz� certify that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical
<br /> ' Index arad led or record this_________�-�'__________da o J�ne__________._
<br /> ---- - ----Thomas--x-- �:�L�HalayTwz.do�er--__._ f� f � f--------------
<br /> .R. D., 19-Z5---- , at-- ----_ll` �0..__. -- -------o'cZock---A'--✓12�•
<br /> --------------=-------- ---- --- - --- --- - -- - _.--- - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. /�/�� �
<br /> \.Jl�c �'1-r-t�� � ,-uf.1,,, /
<br /> - --- - ------ ----------- --- - -------------------- --------- ---
<br /> -- -
<br /> Re�is of Deeds,
<br /> -, ----- -- -Elmer--� E�i�h_Clln�er ----- -- --
<br /> IB�--------. -------- --- --- - ------------- - --------
<br /> ------ =='=---- --- --------- - --- - - - --- Deputz�.
<br /> �.r�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�:
<br /> I ����-----I>---Thomas T�• -M�xals�� y!ri�ower_----_ - ---- - - ------------ - -- ------------------
<br /> of the Count� of----------�a:�,-}-------------_---cr,r-cl �S'tcztc of-------------------------------------�E:b�'-a.��e'1�------------ ---- - ---------Grantor---------, in consideratiorc
<br />', of the sum of-------E1�YZt--Yiuntlr�d--f_i_f t3T -OII�100--- -- - — ------�-------------- ----- ----- ------------- ---------------DOLL.f1RS,
<br /> ire harzd paid, do______ .______.__h-ereby CR�1JV'T, B�1RG�lI.N, SFLL, �IJV'D C,ONVEY'unto___ElITl��'__�,___�lin�er_.__and_._E�li�h__M____�lin�e�r____
<br /> --------------hus_�an�--�.nd___y�ri_f e ,- - - ------- --- ---
<br /> of the Courct�J��------------Ha.11 - - ---- ---arcd.State of_--- - - --- -N.�_l�Y'�,flk3-------------- ---- ----�-----,(�ran.tee,---s--, the followin�
<br /> described pre�rzises, situated irc the County of_____._____. ___.___ _________.Hdll______.______________a-rzd State of JV'ebrs�ka, to un.t:
<br /> _.........__Zot__.Six___(6_�..,in_..�lo,ck_ Ten_ (10_)_of F�o_ll ins A���it ion to..._the City___of_..Grand Islan�_,___Nebraska,___ _
<br />' ...._....,-��._s._._�.tz�.v..e�ed� Flatt ed-- and__recor�ed.....-�-- ------ - -� --- ------ --- - �..... ......... ... �-�--� -- - - ------ - ----------
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<br /> -- ------------- ---- -- --- - - ----- - - � --- -� - -- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------__.-------------- --
<br /> To�ether with all the teneinents, hereditafnents, and ap�urtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,,Interest,Doz�,e,r•,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoevPr of the said Grantor________,a , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �O �A�1C �1�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,with the appurtereances, unto the said�rar�tee_______and to____._____thQ_�Y' heirs
<br /> and assi�ns foTever. ✓lnd_______I___.___hereby covenant_______with the said GTa.rztees______that___.___T________________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> I perfect title; that_______________I____.________haV e__�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and corcvey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all liens
<br />' and incumbranees whatsoever------------------- --------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------- --- --------- - ---- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- - ---- - -- -------- ------------------- ------------------------------- -- ------------
<br />', .gnd ,_-----_ _._____ _ .:__�_ ___ _ ._ _________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br />' whomsoever------ - -- - - -_ - ._.__ --------------------------------•--------------•----------------------------------- ------------ -- -------------------- -- --- - -------------------- -
<br /> ------------------------- - -- -- -- -- -- - __ - ------- --- -- - ----- --- ----- - --- -- -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-----------$t't_1----------------------d�J of�-- - -JU11�,- - ---- ---- --------✓1. D.,19-��'---•
<br /> W7TNESS -------- -----.._.�YIQXII�S_-H�--1�lI�Hc��e�----------------
<br /> �i.��oo)
<br />��.. "'_________________e�QY�J,l___.L'���Sde1A"_"_____'_""_'_" ___"__"___"______'___"_'___""'__"__'____'_______'______________________'______________'__'___ .
<br /> I.R.
<br /> ------ - --- ---- ( S t�.n1F )
<br />' c anc�11 e d ---------------------------------�
<br /> ---- - ------------------
<br /> -------- ----- - - ------- --- -- - - -- - ---- ---- -----
<br /> ------------------------------------------
<br /> i ------- --------- -------
<br /> ST�FITE OF NEBR�SK.g,
<br /> -------------------Hall------count �ss. on th�s.---------�t h June l5
<br /> �J, ---------------daJ ��----------------------------------------------------------.g. D., 19•------ - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a,N'otarz�Public__.___________________.___________zvithin and for said County,personally came___________________________________________,
<br /> _Thoma� _H._ �!IcHaley,___a__widoy�er�
<br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical persor�____:_.____whose name________________________jg____________afj'Lxed to the above
<br /> i,nstrument as �rantor________, and_________________hB____________��,�cccknowled�ed the sarrae to be________h�fl_____.voluntar�
<br /> ( SEA.L � act and deed for the purpose thereij2 e,xpr•essed.
<br /> IdV'W'IT,NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj�xed mz� of)icial seal at____�_�c1.T1d________
<br /> __Islan�_}____ir�___sai_d__Gounty_,,___:_____orz the date l�zst above written.
<br /> --------- �o�n__2�,�.an---------------------------
<br /> ✓1�'otarx�Publie.
<br /> .My commission expires-------��I1'- -5a�'-91�-•------- - --------------- ------------------�-----------.
<br />