. _� �� 1
<br /> �
<br /> ,Y�.� , D�C�D G��C�O�D �Joo �d�
<br /> ._ G��O-KI,C71'1'�BAP�T7ETT CO.,Prinli�ig�7,itho�raphinp andCoe�nty�uppZiea�Omaha. ,• _ _, _ • - _ _ — :�= "� -- -_ --_ ---
<br /> =._ ,#___ _ �;_, . _ ..._ _ _�_---- --- _._��______.___._�.. �__ ,
<br />. -- �-, -_ -._: --- - „ . __ _ _ �
<br /> , FRO.M I hereby certify that this insLrument zvas eratered orz ✓Vumerical
<br /> • Index and filed for record this--------�--------------_day of--------------------TLixIG?---- ,
<br /> ------------------- --Eh�r_riar_t--Kunz---�--vu�f-e-------
<br /> ----- ---- - - TO
<br /> �Wa12'anty �1. D., 191--��------, at -- 11:1-rj--- -_ --------o'clock --�. --.M•
<br /> Deed.
<br /> -----------------��%��o�-- ---�------------
<br /> _,_________
<br /> Re�sister Peeds,
<br /> --- ---- Em_�1--��---Thele�- -- - - ---
<br /> B�- --- -- - --- ------- --- ------ -------------------------
<br /> --
<br /> ---- -- ----- ------ --- ----- - -- - -- -- _- - -- Deputy.
<br /> ��.o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> ����____We, Eb erhart Kunz ar�� _Sarah Kunz. ���-ius�and and �Jif e��
<br /> --- - ----- -- -- - - - ---- ------ ----------- -- - ------- --------- -- --------- ---------------- ------ - -- --- --- --
<br /> I
<br /> ' __Grantor�_______, in consideration
<br /> of the Count✓ �f----�-- ------H�111._--- -art,� .s���.t, oj°._ --- --- --Nebraska_- - - - --------- -- _
<br /> of the sum o�------Fiye__Hundred-FiPty_- -- -_ ------------_--- --------_-----_---------- -----_--------`------------------ ------ ----------DOLLdlRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------7zereby GR.l1.N'T, Bv4RG.RI.N, SELL, .�[ND CONVEY'ra.nto--------3�I11�.---L---Th81�ri----------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> ---------------- --- ------- --- -- - -- - -- - -- --- ---- ------------------- --------- -- ----- - ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---------------- -
<br />' Hdll ___and State o __._______ Nebrd,Sk3 Gran,tPe_.____, '
<br />' of the Count�o�-- --�- --- --- ------- - - � _- -- --- - -- ------- ---- ----- --- --- ---- - -----, , the follozvan�
<br />' described premises, situated in the County of__ .____.___._______ ______H�11_______________.__________arzd State of Ne,hr�.�ka, to wit:
<br /> f eet___of_„Lot_..Numb_er..Ei_glzt_.,_.(�,_)__.in..Block_._Number______________
<br /> ._..__._Lot ..Number,_.Seven___(.7_�.__and., the__West__Five_ _(_,�__)__ __.___
<br /> __..___.Setr�n. (7 ) . Ori�inal town of'_ Woo� River Nebraska. The s�,id Eberhart Kunz retains a Life
<br /> . .__- --...-- - - .. ----- --- -.- ... ....................._-� - � --- ---------------------------�-----�--- --�- - --- ---------------
<br /> -- -- ��a�� f.Qr--.�_n���_.�ur��o.�_�s--Q_�J.�r.__�.n...;�.QUr.--.�.r��s alon�,--tne- west...?:.�..ne.-o-�---J�o�--NUmbe_�..__�_�..g?��:- (.�_�-
<br /> ._____.ar�.�._..�_as_t___�.�.ne___q�'___�,o.�_,_�umb_�r._�even.___(_7_�_._�:s___above___describ ed_,___an�___s�id.._Gr�,nt_e_e_._a�rees_._to.__k�e�_._______
<br /> _____.__sai�_._tre�s___in_�oo�__cond_i_t_i_on...__.Destruct_ion__by_..the___Elements__.exce�?ted.,_________________________ �
<br /> - - - -- - --- --- -- --�-- ---- ---- ----- ------- -- -------_...---- -�------�---------------------��--------------- ----�- - ------------- --�---- -----�- -------- --- - -----------------------------------,..-------------
<br /> ----- ------- -- ------- -- -- -- ----- -- - - - -� - -- - --- -� - -- �- - ----------....----------�--- ----- --- ------�---._._-----------------� --- ------------------...--- ---....----------------.......---�- ---
<br /> --- ------------_---- ---- - -- -- - -- - ------ - - - --- ------ - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditc�ments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DoTVer,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and I�emarLd whatsoever of the said Grantor_�____,a , of, irz, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. ,
<br /> �D ���1Q 2�IY� t0 �OY� the above-described prenzises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�ra�tee________and to________��S________ h,eirs
<br /> i and assi�ns forever. .Flnd.___We____.__herebz�covenant_._____with the said Grantee______.that______________l_'_V_e_______________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> II perfeet title; that__.__.__�l�_______________hcqr_g---�ood ri�ht and dawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all lierzs
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------.-------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- --- --- ------------- -- - -- ------ -- - - - - - - -- -------- --- - ----------- ----- ------ - - ------ ------------------
<br />'� ------- - -- -- - - ----- ------- -- - ------- --- -- --- ---- ----- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- --- -------- ------------------------
<br />,I
<br /> �lnd__________.______._________:�l'd�___________ _ _______________.___ covenant________to warrar�t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful•claims of ald persons
<br /> whomsoever--------- - - - - - - - - -- - - ---�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ---- ----- - ----- --------
<br />� .
<br />'� Dated f�ie-- -----2_�th-------------- ---da�J ��- _ -- - -Z12a,Y - ------ -- _---- ._�. D.,191�'----• -
<br /> W7TJV'ESS -----------------------------------_�b_erhd,z"�--ILllriZ------------------
<br /> -- -- � 1.00 � --------------�-----------------Sarah_Kunz------------ ------ ---
<br /> ---- -- -- -- - �� Z----��r_��u�----------- ------------ --- ( I.R.
<br />, ( St amp ) --------------------------------------------------- -- --------- -------
<br /> ----------------------- --- ----- ---- --- -- - ----- -- --- -- (ca,ncelled)
<br /> STJITE OF eNE'BR✓1SK.F1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> HcLll----------------Count Orc this------2�------------ -da�J of---------------------------�Y---------------------✓1. D. 19--1--�} - � �
<br /> ----------------------- �J, ' , , be ore me
<br /> th'e undersi�ned, a Notary Public-_____-----_--___-_-_---_----_-within,and for said Count�,persoizally came------------_-_---__-_-_-__------_--__--_---_-____-._.____--
<br /> Eberha�rt___Kun2 __and_ S�raYi Kunz_,___husban�._ and wife �
<br /> --- ------ --------- ------ ------------------------ -- ------- ------------ -------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the ideratieal person_s.._.____whose names�__aY'�_________________,__._____ccfj"ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) instrument as�rantor_.S___, and_____________tl"l��_.________ __severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be___�kL�1r__.___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed my of)"icial seal at_______�(ppCl_.___
<br /> -k�-�-V-��'-1--1-1�---S-a.1-d---�QLiYl��,___________._on, the date last above written.
<br /> - --------------�-•----L-�---5���-�u-�---------------------
<br /> �N'otar�Public.
<br /> .M;y eommi.ssion expires.__��c1,Z'Ch-2-�'���-�� - - -- --------------- �---=---------79------------•
<br />