<br /> ���. D��C� ���O�D �loo ��� .
<br /> �
<br /> __:_ __.. ._ _ �. __ _ _. _:�� ___ _ _� __ _ _- _ __ -__
<br />_ _�,.�. _;�J�,I�KLOP1?&&ARTLL�'TT CO.,Yri�atting,Lit7eograPlai�ap and C'oxinl7t Supplies;Ou�ulta. � -- i � v _ � _..__A�_�
<br /> FR��'T 1 hereb� certifi� that this irastrument was entered on dY'umerical
<br /> Albert---E'---I�elT1b01�-,--- � ----- ` Ircdex and filed for record this------------2-�----------daJ of---------�a,Y-----------------
<br /> �1. D., 19__1-�3-----, at - 4 -- - -- - --- _ -- - ----o'eZock-��----J12'•
<br /> _ ------ - -t S_ing12 � -- - - - --- Warranty _
<br /> - ----- - - TO
<br /> Deed. '�� � �
<br /> ����-�--��-�--�--------- -------------------------
<br /> -- -- - --- ---- �� �
<br /> Re ter o Deeds,
<br /> -------- ------- J��ri R�t�Q]��-- - - - -
<br /> �?�----- - ------- __ _- - -- --- ----------------- ------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �:�.ob� �Y� �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br />' ����__Albert E. _Rembolt , a single _man
<br /> - '-- -
<br /> NObra,Ska.----- -- - ---- ------- --- ----(�rantor----------, in eonsideratiora
<br /> of the Count�J �f----- - -- -Hc3,11 --- -cr,rz.d Sta,t� of-- ----- - - -----------
<br /> I� of the sum of_----F��@ I�1ri!�r�� d.ri�._NQ_/10.Q ----- ---- -- ----- --------- ---------------- -- --- - ---- -- --- ------------------------------- ------DOLL.�IRS,
<br /> f
<br />'', iri hand paid, do e$---------h,ereby GR✓1NT, B�1RG.gI�1'', SF;LL, �4.�''D COJV'VEY'unto------T DY1T1---R�TQ�10_1�-------------------------------------------- ------------------
<br />�'� - --------------- --- ------ ----------- - ----------------- -------------------- - - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---
<br /> I'', of the Count�J��-- ----- -HQ�'c�,r�--._ - - -._.._----and State o�----- - - Neb7'dS]S�- --- - -----------_..__ - ----,Gmn,tee.-------.., the followin�
<br /> I'' described pTemises, situated in the, County o/'_�____________..�`�11 .__.._:_._and State of Ne,bre�ka, to wit:
<br />' Lot Number S�ven_ (� ) in Block Number_ Fortv Se��en_.._(4�_)__._in._Rus.sell Wneeler�_�_.Ad�iiti9n_._to_______________
<br />�'� �---_...t'�ie.._�itY....of...Gran�_ Islan�i-,--i��ebraska,_, - - - --- ---- -
<br /> . ........... . ----�---___ - - ---- --- - - - -- ------ .-------- .....-------�- ---- �------ - - - -�-- � --- --- --- ----
<br /> ---------- --------------�---------------------------------------------------------------- -----
<br />� ----------------:...----�-- ----- ---..._..- -- - - - - -._---- ---------- -- - --.._. ---- ----------- -
<br /> .. ---- ------------ - ---------�-------------_.........._... ----- ------�-------.........----- --�----------------------------------...
<br /> I
<br /> ----� --------.....--- ----�------ - -._.... --- ------- --- ---------. ...............
<br /> ------ -------__...----------------- ------...--- - - --------------------...---�--------.....--- -- --------------�----------------�------------......------
<br /> ---- - ---- -- ----..__ ----� ------- --- --- � ---- -- -�- - -- �----- -- - ------------..._.....--�-------------- �--------..---�---�---�- -------------------------�-------------------�--�-----...--- -� - -----------�---------------�-�---�
<br /> --- -�---------------- ------- -- - -- - -- -----... -- ----- -. .._ ----- - -- - --- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterzances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> r Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_______, ' , of,in, or to the same, or arcy part thereof.
<br />' �CO ���1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described prefnises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to_________rl�S_______ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd______�__________herebr�covenant._____with the said Grantee._______that_____________________I__________ hold_____.___..said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that__._._____I__________________haV_e-_sood ri�ht and Zawful authorit�� to sell and convey the same; that they are free arad clear of all lien,s
<br />, and incumbranees whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------ - - -----._--- ----------- - ---- - - --- ---- - - ----------- -------- ----- --------------- -- --- - ------------ ----------------- --------- ---
<br /> --------- -- -- -- - -.._- -- -- ---- --- --- - - -- -- - --- ------- ----- --- -- - ---- ---------------- --- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
<br /> .Flnd____,_________-_.____-_-__.______________L.__ _ _-________ ________ covenant.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of aZl persons . ,
<br /> whomsoeUer-------- -- - - .._- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --- ---- - ------------ ---
<br /> ---------------------- - - -- - --- -- -
<br /> 10------------------------da o AF Y'f 1:-- -- - - -----�1. D.,19-15'---•
<br /> Dated the--- --- y }'--..__..---- -
<br /> WzTJ1rESS (�5p �} -------------Alher-�---E-•----Remho-lt-------------------------
<br /> ( I .R. )
<br /> Ge o. C owt on ( S t�n ----------------------------------------------- --- ------------------------------
<br /> ------ ----- -- ----- ----------------------------------------------------- --------- F )
<br /> ( ca,r�celled )
<br /> ST.ITE OF JV'EBR.ISK.g,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------------Ha11---------------County, On this----- --- 10----------------da�J of----------------AX?r'�1--�---------------------�. D., 19__1� ._ , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Nota�y Public..__________________ _within and for said County,personally came____________________.__________________._________________._
<br /> ------�l b e r t- �,_ �e�nb o 1-�-------------------------------------------- -
<br /> ---- -------- - -- ----- ---------------- -- --------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person____________whose name___________��___________________afj"ixed to the aboae �
<br /> (SEAL � instrument as �rantor____.__., and______.______��a,�_.__________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__��_��.__.____._.voluntary
<br /> act av�d deed for the purpose thereir� expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed mz� ofj�cial seal at___.__________.________
<br /> GY'_�3.ILd___IS1�.21!�}_121__��3,�5�__�_91.lZlt�.,__on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------ ---�-enr��---�awt-ora.--------------------- ----
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .Mz� commission expires------_?JI�,�- 14_t11,- - -�-41�-i - - - - - - -----------._.------�`-----------•
<br />