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<br />___„_._„ ,_uG��U—KLOPP,&BARTLETT CD.,Printi�y,LilTaographtinD and CounEy$upplies;Onzaiia. _
<br /> f''�0� I hereby certify that this i�zstrumerZt was entered on Numerieal
<br /> - --P3U1--W,--RLiff_�e-W1f-�------------ Index and filed for record this------�-5---------------daz�of------�d�.3►'--------------------
<br /> ./I. D., 19--1�----, at._ 1;>0 - . ___ _ - - -----o'clock P� --�.
<br /> - - ---- -- -T� - -- - - - ------ �Warranty
<br /> Deed. � �
<br /> - ------�/��c�=-��_�,_�/�r__r�yz�
<br /> - ----------- ---- - - -
<br /> - - - -- - -
<br /> Re�ist of.Deeds,
<br /> - - ---- ---- -Alb_�r-t-�•---RUfP - --- -
<br /> B�- ------------ - -----
<br /> -- -- - Deputy.
<br /> .
<br /> �.r�o� �Y� �er� � � e�e re�er�r�.
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br />, �i���--- -- --�t�� -P-aul- �-•- .Ruf P -and Minni-e-K• Ruff_, __Y�-i.s---�iPe,--- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ - - -
<br />� ------------------- -- -------------- ------�------- -------. -- ----- --- --- -------- ----- -------- - - - - -- ------- ------ -- -------------------------------------------------
<br /> , _ ___.____.___Grantor____S___, in consideratian
<br /> of the Count�J �}----- - --I'�QUti'�d- - - _«n-cl ,State of--- --- ---- --- � _�_3� a- --- ------- -----------------
<br /> of the sum of----------- -�'w-o--hur.�red -t_en 00�100-- -` -- -----------_--�-- `--------------------'--'------'-------' -' -------------DOLL�IR�,
<br /> I in hand paid, do-----------------hereby GR✓1NT, B�RG�4I��, SEI,L, .gND C,O✓1"VEY'unto_-----------Al�_8z'�._.D�--13ll��-- -------------------------
<br /> --------------- --- ------ - - ---------- - --- -------------------------- --- ----- ----- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- -
<br /> H�,11 __.a,nd State o ____________ N�bY'�,Skcl Grantee,___.____ the ollowin
<br /> of the Courct�J��-- ----- ---- - - - --- - -- -----, , f �
<br /> described premises, situated in, the County oj_____ ____.__I3311____ ________________________________..__arad State of JV'ebr��ka, to wit:
<br /> --------..�.ot-s---Ninety_-S ix.---�-96-�---an�--Nine_ty-_seven.--�.97_L..in-WES-T--�,AW�---in---�aie.._�.j.:�y.---af_._Gr.�.nd.---Isl.and�---.----------.._..
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<br /> �- ......�?�br_�.�.Y..�.,.--�s.. _s.uxvey�-�-.- F7._�t_t e��.--a.n� -r_�.co.x_�s_�s---- ---------- ---- -------._.........----........_...-�-- ---�-- ----�----------------------------�-----...----------- --.....
<br /> -- ----... -- ----- --- -- ---- - � - ------- ------ -- ---- ---- .._---........... ....... � �- - - - -- - - � -- -- ------ ----- -- ------------------------ - -.._...._... ------------------ -- - ------------------
<br /> --- �- -- -- ------ �--�--- -...._.. - -� - --- - - -- ----- ------� - - ------- ------�--�--------...-----------.......... ...............--------------�---------------------�----�------ �-�--�----------------------- --�--�----
<br /> .__._------- - - --------- - - -- - -- ------ -- - --- -- - - ---- - - ------------------------ -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenerrzents, her•editamef2ts, and appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,lnterest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and De�raand whatsoever of the said Grantor___S__,����, of, in, or to th,e same, or any part thereof.
<br />�'�� �O �d�1C AIY� t0 �AY� the aboUe-described premises, with the appurtenances,zcnto the said�rarttee________and to________ _ heirs
<br /> �1�-�---- ---
<br /> and assi�r�s forever. �Ind__W e_______hereb�covenafzt_______with the said Grantee______.that__________we___________________ hold____._______said premises by sood and
<br /> perfect title; that_______3�1�_______ haY_e_sood ri�ht and 7awful au-thorit�� to sell and conve� the same; that thez�are free and clear of all lien,s
<br /> andincumbTances whatsoever---------------- --- - - ------------------ -------------- -- -- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br />' -------------------------------------------._- --- ------------ - ---- - -- ---- - ---- - -- - --------- --- ------ ------- -- ---------------------- ------------ -- ---- - -------
<br /> -- --- - --- ---- - --- ---- --- -- - -- ---- ---- - --- - -- ---- ---------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------
<br />'i .gnd______._____.____________�e_.________________________ -_ covenant_______to warrarzt and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------ --_ -___-- - - - - - --- -- - ------------------------------------------
<br />' Dated the----------------�-rd-----------------da�J �I�--- -- - MaY._ � ----- - - ----__�i. D.,19--�-�-*---•
<br />'� W'ITNESS --------I�'_�t�.l---�K-�----RU.t.f_
<br /> ------------------- -- -
<br /> �.-5��
<br /> John Allan ( I.R. ) --------M-innie--K,-�Lt�t---------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ---- --- -- ------------------------------------------------- ---- ---
<br /> ( Stamp )
<br /> ,,�c a.n c e I1 e d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> II ST.gTE OF NEBR�4SK�1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> I� ----------------------.H8.11---------------County, On this------------�-rd-----------------da�J of--------------�a,Y------------------------------------.g. D., 19__15.. , before me,
<br />! the undersi�ned, a�Y'otary Publie---______-_-_-_--_-_-----_-_---withirc arzd for said County,personally eame-----------_--_-_---_------------_------__----______------_---__
<br /> P_�u1--W. _�u�'�'__a,nd-- ��i�n�-�---�-►----RufF-�---YL�_�...Y��.f_��-----------------------�----------------- ---- ------------- ----- -------
<br /> - --------- ------ ---- ----- ----------------------------- ------------------ --- - ------------------------------------------------------------_--------------------
<br /> to me personally krzown to be the identical person�___.______whose name_S__3r6_____.___._____________afJixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL � i,nstrumerzt as�rantor______._, and________________t}��y---_ -----seveTallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be.___#�_g_ix______voluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the puTpose therei�z expressecl.
<br /> INW'IT,NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereur�to subscribed my name and afJ'ixed my of�'ieial seal at___�r,�,fl�_________
<br /> I31a.Tld,___jri__��,i�___�Qllri�yi__.,_.________on the date last above written.
<br /> -- ----- ------aan�---a��.-ax�---------_----------- ----
<br /> Notary Pu,blic.
<br /> ,Mz� commission expires------ ._..J311�_._�-�--91$• -- ----- _----------- -- -------_.----�-----------•
<br /> I�
<br />