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<br /> �w��.. D��C� C�C��O�D �oa ���
<br /> G3i0--KZOPP c&BARPLETZ'CO.,PrinEinp,LiGhogr¢ph.ing a�eit County SuPpdies;Omalaa. � � � _
<br />_.._. . .�._- . :- . __ _ . - -- --_, _— : - _e: ._ __._ — :_ _ -- _______. ._�—�_ ___
<br /> _ _ �_ _ _
<br /> �'R�✓� I hereb� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> Th� RO�;S Inves`ment C0. .Index and fcled for record this________lg_____.__.___day of___.___._____M�t____________
<br /> ----- - --- --- --- --- ------ ------- - - --- ---- -- - ----
<br /> �
<br /> �. D., 191�------, at.10:`� ------ -- -------o'cloek, -A-' --� ;
<br /> ------- -- --- ---�-- - - -- ---- - _ _ -- - - - - -- - Wa��ty
<br /> TO Deed. /�
<br /> C/[. 2� �
<br /> --��---=r�-; �l�l�y��
<br /> --- ---- ------- - ----------------------- ----------- --
<br /> Re�ister Deeds,
<br /> Conrad Detter
<br /> B�--------- - --- - -------- - - -- - - -- - ------------------------
<br /> _ _ Deputr�.
<br /> ��o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�:
<br />� �,���____T_h_e__Ross._Inve_str�ent__ Co_..x___a cor�oration
<br /> -- - --------- -- -- ---------- - -�------ ------ - - -- --------- -- ---- - -----� --- - -
<br /> I -------------- - ------ ------ -- ------- ----- --- --- - - ----�---- -- ----- ------ ------ ------- ---- --- -- ------- ------------------------- -------------------------- ---------�------ ------ --
<br /> . ��� .,� o - -- - - -Nebraska - ---------------- --------
<br /> _crvzd _ at _._______________C�rantor_________ in consideration
<br /> o the Count o __.__ _________Hdll.____._ ,
<br /> � � � �
<br /> ofthe sum o�---------T►�ree___nundre� fiPty &--n_o�00- -- ------------- -----------------------------DOLL�RS,
<br />', in hand paid, does.-----------_laereby GR.1�°T, B.FIRG�IIN', SEI,.L, .g�N'D C,ONVEY'urcto------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> -------------------------�--- - - - - ----- ---- - ------ ------ ------------ -------------�anrad--l�et�er. --------------------------------
<br /> Hall Nebraska .
<br /> i of the CountJ�}�-------- - - -- - ----and State of_--- --- --- -- - -- -- - --- - -- --- ---- - ----__ ------ ----,Grafi,tee--------, the followan�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Cou,nty of.. __ __________ H23.11 __ ________and State of�N'ebre&ka, to uri.t:
<br />� �,o± Number.._Tnree____(�__)___in _331o.ck_ Nuraber _Two _(2 )_.in Koehler Place, _ an a�idition in tne Cit,y_ of
<br /> ____...__. Gran�_.Island, acccrflin� tc t_rie_ recor�ie� plat tnGr�of.
<br /> ----�--------- ---- -- --- --- -- - ---�--- --- - -...- ------ - ---�-----� , �--�-
<br /> ---�---�-----! 5�------ ---- --- - �-------�----- -------------------- ---------.....-------------------------------------------
<br /> ..--- -- ---�-- - ---- -- ----- -----...._..---- - - --- -- ---- - ---�---- - --- ----- - �--�.--- -I_._R,.-----------�-�----- ---------------------- � -___._..--- ------ ---------------.._-�-- ---------------------------------
<br /> ( S t a.mg )
<br /> ---...----- _ -�-- -�--- � ---- - - ---- ...-- --- -------------._.... ----------------------------- � - --------...---...---------------------------------
<br /> (er�nee�-�.-e�-�- - --- ---------------�--------- -- ------- -----�
<br /> -------- -- -- - ------- ------ - --- ----- ----- - - - - - - - - --- - -- -� - -- -- - -- -- - ----- --- - - ---- -�----�----------�------------------------------------------------�---------------------
<br /> To�ether avith all the tenements, hereditamerits, and ap�urteraarcces thereunto belon�in�, and all th,e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�,
<br /> �,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_______,���, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'�, �CD ���1C �1�� t0 �OCb the above-deseribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______.and to____Y1j.S______________ heirs
<br /> the sai�i The Ross Invest�ent Co.
<br /> and assi�ns foreveT. �fnd_____._.ti_.______herebz�covenarct s___with the said Grantee______that,._____.____.__i t_,___.._______ hold.s________said premises by sood and
<br />�'� perfect title; that_____________�.t___________ha__�.___�ood ridht and lawful aztithorit y to sell arad convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoeverEXC-2F-L---t aX�B --- ------------------ -- ------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
<br /> ---
<br /> I --- - - -- - --- ---- -- - -- -- --- --- ----- --- - ----- -- --------- - --_- -- --- ----------------------
<br /> --- - ----- --------- -- --------
<br /> Inve stment Co. --- - ----------- -
<br /> �lnd___�h@___��,i_rl-_TYL@___RQB�___ ____�_ ________.__ eovercant�____to warrant ar�d defend the said premises a�ccinst the lawful elaims of all persons �
<br />�I whomsoever.EXCB��_�-aX-e S• - --- - - ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------- - -- - ------------------ --
<br /> In__Wi�ness___V�rhe_reof_,___t_ne___sa.i�i__Tne �o_s_s__IrLv_�stment _Co.___na,s__caused__tnese _�resents_to _b_e____sis�ne�i__b,y_
<br /> it�s Pxegi�en�___�.n�.__i�._�_.__�c�r_�ora.te s�al___��tac_ne�l__nereto .t�is 30�!___�1ay aP June A. D. 191�.
<br /> �CORP ) ---- ----------------- -----------'----------
<br /> -----------------
<br /> T. J. Hans�:n (SEAL ) -�3y---------�re-�--�1_..�.�11t_Q�.----------------�_�_�_�_i�ent_
<br /> -�-�-�-�-��----�_x�,_�a��---------------- - - ���r_e�_�.r�
<br /> ST.�1TE OF NEBR,gSK.Fl,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------Hdll--------------------County, On this------------ �----------------da o JU1 --------------------..g. D., 19_14_ ._ , before me,
<br /> 3- �J �-------------------------------- -�
<br /> the undersi�ned, a.N'otar7�Public_________________________.________within und for• said County, persorcally came_�'rECl---I�1.---.A,-gq,tp�l-s-_-��'eS�-c�-@Plt---p�'
<br /> Trie Ross Investment C�a--t-t-a---me___�er_sona�ll�---knrn�tnr---�o----b�---�k��---Px.��.i_�.�x�.�---of--��i-�--C_Qm�?a�y_-,----�?�i---�-r�-�---i�en,�-
<br /> tical Ferscr_ wnose nam�--is af_P_ixe_�. to__t�n�--a�QV-�---�.n�tru�n�n�--a�----G.rar�yo�'.,---a.n�---�,���owl_e�3��-d---�ne---�arr�e '
<br /> to be his voluntary act an� dee� an� ,tne voluntary act an�3 dee� oi' the sai�. The Ross Inves���nt
<br /> Co. , for th.e pur�o��s tnerein ex��ress��. . . ,
<br /> IJV'WZTNESS W'[IEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my name and afj'ixed m� o f)icial seal r�t__._______________________
<br /> -�.r�l�--I�1�21d�---N-8Y1T_�..Sk3--------------on the date last above written.
<br /> �SEt1L � ------------------------------T-�--J�----H�en--------------------
<br /> �N'otary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires-----�eb.. 17t_Yl__1_G1C.-------- - ------------------ -- --- -�-----------•
<br />