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�"�� <br /> .��w D�C D C�C�C�Oo C�D �loo �d� <br /> _:_. _. _ _ _ : _µ _ _ __ _ .__ _ _ — _ _ ___ <br /> uU���--�T.OPP cP�BARTLETI"CO.,Yrtintvnp,Lilh�opr¢ph,ing and Co24nty Svpplies;tj�naJaa. ' . � W _ _ _ � -- <br />�_ _,_; . . � . . . . . <br />___�_- _. ___ ._.,.. ,__.. . ... . . . . .. ......,_ ,__.,. __ .,.. _,._ _ _ __ . . _. .. . ... ..- __�_-`-- <br /> FRO�YI I herebz� certifz� that this instrurraent was erztered on Numerical <br /> . Index arzd led or record this_______,g______________da o � . ' <br /> ------- -Her�ry---S_eaman_;_..cvi�lo�,.er_,- . ----... � .� ✓ f-----------�----------------- <br /> � .Fl. D., 191�----- , at--- -9 _ _ _ _ - --------o'clock A�---.M. <br /> --- --- -- - <br /> -- -_ _ -- Warranty <br /> ---- ------ ------ --- ----- -TO <br /> � Deed. • � � � <br /> �_ _ „�-�-�e <br /> -------- - ----- --------- - -----�-------------- ---------------- <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> ---8�a���r_eet----an,�__�l�mens--C_�m�any_--- <br /> ��----- - ------ ----- -_ -- -- - - -- ._ -------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> ���t---Z� -xenry Searc_�_an� a-��i_dQw�r.,-- -- - -- - -- - - - ------------ - -------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------,------------------ --- ---- <br /> of the County of------ -�ia,11-- - --- - %zrtd Stccte of--- - - ---- -�T�b�'dSk� - - - ---------- ----------- ------- - - ------Grantor--- _..., in cor�sideration <br /> of the sum of------- TWO..THOUSAND-(_20_0__0_)__�__00!_.7.00-------'--------------- ---- -'- ----------- '--`---'---'-------'-- --- -_--'------.BOLL.<1RS, <br /> in harzd paid, do------------ ---__h,erebr� GR.g.NT, B.gRG.11IJ1^, SEL.L, ✓I.ND CO.NV'EY'rtirato------.._------------------------------------------------------------------------•----------- <br /> I� -------�.n�-��a�i,�-�r_eet- -an�__C1Em�ns.__C_omFanY-�----a--�.orF�rati.en�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- --- <br /> , <br /> of the County of___________�all � f • f � <br /> ---- - ----- ---a,nd btate o ----- - --- -- N_ebr�Ska,----- --------- -- ------- - ----,(�ran,tee-------, th,e ollourin <br /> . described premises, situated in the County of____.__.___.______ ____Hc7.11__.________ ___..._____an,d. State of JV'ebrqc�ka, to wit: <br /> ------•-•---•------------------------------------------ ----- --- ----- --- -- - -_. --- --- -- -- -- - -- ----------------- ------------------...-----•-•--•---------•-------....----�---------- ----------..........-- --��---------�---- - - <br />', ....I,_o.t...Numbe.r....Thr.e�._. L�--)-,-i-n-Blo��i.�nt.�en---(_18-1->--.-o.f_..E.Yan�.a..A�ditiQn---tc._tne----C-i-t�r--.o_P-...G.r.and-..--. <br /> - -Is-la,n�� -�T.e'�-��.�Ka�--as-- su-xu-e;�e�,---�.1-a.e.t.ed..-and- recQrd-��• - --..__ _-----�--------- -�---------------�------------------------------------- -------------- ----..... <br /> ---- ------ ---- - .- -----� -._._..-- ------ - - - -- --- - - -- ---- - - --- - - ---� --...---�---� -�--.._..._..---�--------- -------- �----� --------- --�--- ------------ ------- ------------------- ------------------�--- <br /> �---�------ -- -- -- -------�--... -- -.-.__...-- ---- -----� - - - --- - -------- ----- -_.-�---- --�---- ---- -----------_...... ------- - -�-- -----------------------------------�----...-�--�-�-��---......._..----------------...------- ----- <br /> - ---------- --- ------- - ---- --- ----- -. ------- - -- �- --- _ . ----------------------------------------------------------------------�- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenenzents, hereditamerzts, and appurten,arzces thereunto belon�in�, and all th,e F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,r�er•of th,e said Grantor________; , . , of, in, or to the same, or anr�part thereof. <br /> �o �abe anb to �oCb the above-described premises, with the appurtenar�ces, urato the said�rar�tee_..____and to________it S_______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd______I_.___.___hereby covenant________with the said Grantee._______that._____________I______________�_ hold._____.__._said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_.._______I._.______________ha_Ve_�ood risht and lawful authorit>> to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-------------__-_____-_-_-_-.--___-_---------__-- <br /> -------------------- - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------- --- -- ------------ - ----- ----- - - - --- --- ---- -------- - - - ----- --- - -- ------ -- - -- -------- -------------- <br /> -- -- --- -- . .- - - - - --- _..- ---- -- - -- -- - --- -- - ------ -- -- ---- -------- ----- ------------------------------------ -------------- --�------------------------------- --- <br /> �lnd_________________._.__________ ______I____._____________________ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- - _ ._ _ - __ _ - - - - --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------�---------------------------------- ------------------- -- <br /> Dated the---------2�t h------------------day �f--- - - - - -AF_z'Zl- - - -- _�. D.,19--1�'--• <br /> N!7TNESS -------------------------HBYlry--��dTt13ri --- ---------------- - <br /> --------- -------L-• -�,--All-ari----------------- ----------- - - ---- � 2.00 � ----------- --------------- ----------------- <br /> ( I.R. ) <br /> ( S t amp ) ----------------------------- ---------- <br /> �ca.ncelle�) <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR�SK,g, <br /> Hdl l �ss. <br /> �J f A ri i----------------------------�. D., 19..-15 - , before me,, <br /> --------------------------------------------------County, Or� this.------ --2--tt7'--------------da o -------------------F---- <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Publie______________. _within arcd for said Countz�, personally eame________________________._._____�_ <br /> -------------- H�21r}T .�.5_�d.Ii1i3�7.}--a---3Kj.!��YSt�x'_r--------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> ---- ------ ------- - ----- ------------- -------------- -- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the ider�tical persorz..____.__._whose rcame__.________-___�H_________________czfJ"ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL ) irestrument as�rantor____._.., and_____.________�1�________________�racknowZed�ed the same to be_____.__�}�_s________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�"'ieial seal at___�.���________ <br /> I_s_l_d,n_�_,_ __in__��i_�i___cQUn��,-_---__.___on the date Last above written. <br /> ----- --- -------L-----G-•---All�------------------------�----- <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> ,Mr� eommission expires---------------Se���,-}--24-s--.��1_6_�_ ---------- -------#I------------• <br />