<br /> ,.���-- DC�C�D �C��O�D C�oo ��0�
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<br /> �d�iU---RI.OPP&BARTLFTT CO.,Prtintinp,LiGTaopr¢phinp¢nd Coe�n�ty Suyylies;�O»aaJi¢ . !� �� _ _ _
<br /> .:�::-. ..-. _. .. �_ . . .._. __,.::� - - _:_:__. _. _.,.. __ __>—� ...�..--.—�--•— - �_,�_..._:_:-_.___.� �
<br /> • F��� I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was enteTed on JV'umerical
<br /> Jo nn h4. BOI'13ri� & wi Pe Index and filed for record this__________�'��___.____daz�of.__________M.�,V________________
<br /> �Wa2'rallty .1. D., 19--1�-�----, at-- - - l�'- ._ _- _ - -----o'elock.-A� --.M.
<br /> TO Deed. �-/����%��_�
<br /> ----- - ------ � ��r�?�
<br /> - ---- - ----- ----
<br /> Re�ister of eeds,
<br /> --- ----- -- __�Zo_hn__A.l.l�,n--- - --- -- - - ----- -
<br /> B�------------ ---- - - - - ----- - ------------- - ---------
<br /> Deputy. :,�
<br /> ___ _ _ _. _. __. �
<br /> ----_--- - — ----- - .- —..__— ----- --- --- ---
<br /> — — — --- -- ---. -- -- �
<br /> �.�o� �.YY �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t� :
<br /> i ��A�----- �re, Snnri-��.Borland_ an!� Clara- �.�nr-land,- -�-��--vui�'�-- ------------- --------- ------------------------ ------------ --- - -- - -
<br /> ------------------- --------------- -----� ----- -- -- - ------ - - - -- ----------------- - - ----- ---�-- ---- - -- ----� ----------�------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------- -
<br /> I Buffalo Y ___Nebra_�ka__.__ �
<br /> of the County °f_- ----- -------- -----------crricl btatc of-- -------- --- -� ------- ------ ------ --------------(�rantor--�-----, irc consideration
<br /> of the sum of_ F�.�'-'L�!':-QO/10,0— _ � _ _ _ _ -----,------------------------ ----- DOLL.IR ,
<br /> ---�---- -- -- -- - ----— --- ------'------- ----------- ------�----- --�-----�--� S ,
<br /> in hand paid, do--.- -----------h-ereby GR„4NT, B�1RG,/1IJV', SELL, .FI�N'D C,OJV'V'EY'unto----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> -----�-------------- ------- - --- -------- ---- - ---J o hn Arl l an---------------
<br /> of the County o�'--------------H311---------------------- _and b�tate of_---------------------NebT�,Sk�,_----------------------- -----------------,Urarrt.ee_-----, th,e followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County o/'__ _. __________.._____Hdl _1____________________.___..___.�rl,d State of Nebr��ka, ta rvit:
<br /> All of Fracti_onal Block Eignt (g ) of Gilbert!_� Second Addition___., to.__Gran�_._Islan�_,___Nebraska,___,. '
<br /> --------------------------
<br /> -as--surveyed_,.._glat_t_e�.--an�l--recor�e�.- -- ---------.... --- ---------- - �-- ��-----�--- �-- ...... ----,-..... -�----�--------------------�---�----------�--------�--------- - -----
<br /> . _.Alsoz Lots _Twenty-s_ix (26 � _and .Twenty_-seven (27 ) of }3rown�_s,,.A��_ition.._u_o_.Pro�Ferity____in,_,Jas.-___.,.. ,
<br /> -,�er- -Ccunty,� -M�_s.sou.ri•--.�s__�s�xrveyed-�---F.la:�.ted--�nd...rec_or_de�._..---- - ..----- --- �- --------------------- -�-
<br /> ..------ -�----------�----------------------------------
<br /> (This sa�e and F�txcriase is made sub�ect to all liens ._an�_.,encumbrances__now_.of.,_record..._�,g•a�n,�u....
<br /> ��,id -�_r�m_i.s�s- - -- _..---- -- --- -- --- --... - -- - ---------------- --- ----------- - ----------- �--- -� ---- --- .......----- ----- ------�-- -
<br /> - --- -._...- ---------------------------------......- --------�-------
<br /> -- ----- - -- ----- -- --- -- -- ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - _ .. .
<br /> Tosether with all the ten,ements, hereditameycts, and appurtenarzces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozv�r,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Grantor_$_____, , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D ���1C AIY� t0 �O�b the czbove-described prerrzises, with tlie appurtenances, urato the said�rar�tee__.___.and to____.__Y1i_S___________ heirs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. .E(nd____W_@___-__-_hereby coaertant_.______zvith the said Grantee_______.that_________��._____________________ hold____________said premises b��ood arzd
<br /> perfect title; that____.______�!e_,________ha_Ve,sood risht and Zawful autTioritz� to sell a�zd convey the same; � ��s ;;
<br /> i� • an�_._th�,t__._same__are___nereby__ sol�__an�_ conv__e�er1__sub,�ect,._to__all.__lf ens___�n�__encum-
<br /> br�.nces__no�►i_ of___r_ec�r_d__ a_gainst _s_ai�___��remi_se_s_,______.__ _____ _ _
<br /> -- - -- -- ----- - ----- -----�- ------ - - ---�- ---- --- - -----
<br /> -- --- - - - - --- - -- _ -- - ----- - ---- - ---- - - ----- --�------------- -- ---------- ------------------- ------ --- ------------ ----------------------------------
<br /> ,gnd.______________._,___t h��7 ____, ___________________ _ covenant_______to warrant and defertd the said premises a�airzst the lawful claims of all persons -
<br /> whomsoever-�----(�'��-��'��--.c6S-_�-4. �.1�---1�-2�.S--c1�'iCl---e2�.CL1331bY'cLY1�8S---210-W_--A�'----x'8L'•0,��-•-----------------------------------
<br /> ------ --- ---------- --------
<br /> ----------------------- -- - - - - - ---- --- ---- - - -- ---- ------ - -- - -- __- ---- -- ---------------------- - -- - - ------------ ------------------------------
<br /> Dated the----------�'�tY'`---- -------------daJ �� --- - AFrjl __ - -,/1. D.,19--1--3r---• !
<br /> nis
<br /> W'ITNESSES to si�. & ---Jai1n--�.----,x-------Borland-----------------------------
<br /> marlc. mark
<br /> ---- --- - ---- �,� --M�---Bu s_s i nger-------------- -------------------------�----------------------
<br /> ------ C 1 ara E. Bo rl and
<br /> --- -- ------- ----------------------- ------
<br /> ----------- - ---- --
<br /> ---------------- ---- I!�r s�---C.1��.�3u_�s i n�e r_ _ - - --- ---
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.lSK.g,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---------------------�_1.����.10_-------County, On this---- - ---1�-�--Yl------� A �ril-----------------.�. D., 1915_ ._ , be ore me,
<br /> ------da� af---•--------------------------�-- f
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a Notary Public-------_--_. --__--- -----._-----_---_wityzirz arzd for said Cour�ty,personally eame__---__--_-_-_------_-_--_----_----.---__-.---------___-_--_----
<br /> ---1-o-1?xa.--�S•--�orla�n__d- an!�---���ra--E=----Borland-�----nis_.wtiPe-�-------�----------------------�-------------------
<br /> -- ------- ----------- -- ----------------- - --- - ------- - ------------- ----------------------------------- - ----------------------------- -----
<br /> to me personallr�known to be the identical person___s_____.whose name__s__ar�_____________________af�ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL ) instrument as�rantor___.S__, and__.__.__._____t_Yl��C________ __severally acknowled�ed the same to be._tYi�1r_______volunta�y
<br /> act ai2d deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN N�7TNESSW'HEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my r�ame and af�"ixed my ofj"'icial seal at________._______________
<br /> SXT�I'k.4riT---�21--583.�i___C01121�y_,__._.______on the date last above written.
<br /> --�------------------------- ��---Z-•--_�a_sti�n- ------- ----
<br /> lrotar�Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires---,----J3�1u_a,z'y__11 L h,--1_91$.---.-------------------------=�--------•
<br />