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��� <br /> �... D��D C�C��O�D � �oo ��� <br /> _ __._. _ _ _ - _ _ � __ __ <br /> ���",p-1{IbF�Pyc�BARfiI,TTT CO.,Pr%nCireg,Lith.ngraph¢ng�niZCa7anEy`Tz�pplties;tJmaha. ��' � + � <br /> _ --. _._ _�:--- _—=—=, — ----_ . _._.__ ___�_._.�_V�_._��._.___._.__.._�..�--�---------�-- _ <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certify that this in.strument was entered on ,N'umerical <br /> _______ _L_OU 1_Sa___SF�_8hS & r1U Sb. Index aizd led or record this____________3rd <br /> fL f -------�--da�J of----------�-�-------------- <br /> d4. D., 19�5-----, at--- �_'_3�.._ ----- --- ------o'clock'_. _,A.�II. <br /> -------- - --------- ------ - - -- --- - - --. -- --- Warranty <br /> TU Deed. <br /> ------- -- ------ �--��2� - <br /> - ---�r,r�_------------------------ � <br /> Re�is r of Deeds, <br /> Amelia Heitz <br /> B�--------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ------- ------------------------------- ' <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o�n ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ���.�.____We_,___Harry_ SFiehs_ and_Louisa_Spiehs (Kusba,n.d and wife ) <br /> of the County of_-------H�.11_- -- - - - -c�rr-cl ,5'tatc c�f-----------------------NebT�.Ska, --------Grantor-�--------, in consideration <br /> -- - - --- --- ------- --------- - ---- - <br /> Fort Four Hun�lred No 100 - -__-(_��+400.00 ) - -------------------------------------.-------..DOLL.�RS, <br /> - - ---------- - -- -- <br /> of the sum of_---------- � --- ------- --- --- --- -- -- - -------- ------ --:- - --- - ----- <br /> in hand paid, do---- -----------lzereby GR�1JV'.'1', B�RG�IN, SELL, �✓1�'D CONVEY'unto----------------�LTq.�I�.�,--He�.�-Z-------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> II ----------------- ------------ - ---- --------- -- ----- ------------- ------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ --- - <br /> ---and State o ------------- , ------------- ------------- follozvin <br /> of the CourctJ��-------- Hd,�l.-- - - - � -NE;__r'�.SK3--- --- ---- - ---,C�ran,tee.--------, the � <br />�'i described premises, situated ira the County of_._. ______._ ___.H�11------------------- --_--___and State of Ne,br�v�ka, to wit: <br />�S_._�Y.�_).--of_..t_n�_Nort_n.__East- Quarter---�N.E..�.l_._in---Se.�.�.�ox�---��..x.�e.---L3--)..,.- ��.Rrnari�.A---- - - <br /> Nine . (9.).. North, Ran�e Nine- _(9 }-t West- of._six'�h P.:t��i.---_.__...----- <br /> - - �- --- - --------- - - . . ... .---� -------- ------------ - - ----_ . ..-----�- -- --... - ---- <br />� Together ._with__t:he__rignt__of__ in_�ress..,ai�.ci.._e_�ress___over_ tne. North,_wes_t_..quarter___of_._tne,__nor_tr�___east_ <br /> qu�,rt-er..._in__.s�c��-�-,----Ta�rnsrii�...N.ine.---(-9-�-•----Nn_rt ra.--R.ange_.Nine----(-9-)-j----Hall---�aunt3r-----�Teb-r--aska-s----. <br /> a.s---sho�rn--b�--�e-s_�. tner�P to �li ll iam- T•---H�.i-tz•- . _.-----------�---�-------------------- -- -----�--- ---- ---- ---------------------------�-------�----------.- <br /> ------ ------- --- ---- - ---- - - - -- - - --- - -- -- --�- - -�--- ---...--------------------...---- -------�-------�� ------- - -------------�------------ - ------ - �---- --- --- ------- --------------�-�-�--------------------- <br /> -------�- -- --- ------- - --- ---- -- - ---- ---- - ---- -- - - - - -- -- - --�- - --- - ------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, and a7�purtenanees thereunto belon�in�, and all th,e Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoei�er of the sai-d Grantor__.____," , of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �Go �abe an� to �oib the above-described�remises, with the c�ppurLenances, urzto the said�rantee_______and to._______h�Z` ____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd___�!e________h,erebz�covenant________with the said Graretee______that_______________��_____________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that______Wg_. ______h,a��_.sood ri�Fot and lawful authorit�' to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all lier�s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------- ----- --- --- ---------------------- ----------------- ----- <br /> ------------------�-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br />�� - - - - - - - - -- ---- - -- - _ --- --- - - -- --- - -------- ----------- <br /> �nd_______.___________We___________________________._________ covenant____.__to warrant arad defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfub claims of all persoras <br /> whomsoever.-------. -- -- - -- - - - _.. -- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the----- -2 6 t Yl-- ---- ----- - -------daJ �r- - A�.?r 11 - - ------ - -.�. D.,19-1�-•----• <br /> WIT✓V'ESS ��,, --------------------------------H�,Y'Y'_y-SF1ehS -------------------- - <br /> ��`*• 7� ) <br />� --------H�--A�--Re�man------------------ -------- ----------- --- - - -- � T.R. ) -------------------------- --�oui s�._$F iehs--------------- --- ; <br /> ( StaraFs ) <br /> (eaneelle�) ---------------�---------------------------------------- - <br /> -- -- -- <br /> ---------C.--Z2. R e dman---- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR,gSKR, <br /> ----------------------Ha,ll----------------County, �ss. Orc this----- ---------2-6-tn------------da�✓ of-----------------------AFY'il-------------------.1. D., 191�--- . , before me, <br /> the undersi�rzed, a Notary Public--_---_�_-_-_--_--__-_-----_-_---withirz and for said County,personally came---------------_-----_-__----------_------__-_-__-__---__----_ -- <br /> _ _Harry--SFiehs--�;n�_�,,ouisa__S�_iens----�Husband---and__Wife-�----------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallr� knowr� to be the identical person__�_______whose name_, ._a�e_____________________-___aff'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor__s__._, ar�d__________t he.Y_____________.___severally acknowled�ed the same to betheir._______.voluntar�y <br /> �SEAI' � act and deed for the purpose ther�in exj�ressed. <br /> INW'IT✓V'ESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my �2ame and af)ixed my offtcial seal at__,_____.__.____________ <br /> _D021�,�?Yl�,i1,___in.__Sdf_d__COlz2lty_,________on the date last above written. <br /> ---------�has-----�.---Redman --------- - ----------------- ' <br /> dl�'otary Public. <br /> ,My commission expires--------D���1Tlb_�r--1g�11-1�1�-•-.__----------------,---------��-------• <br />