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<br /> _ _ __ .�__ ___ _ ___ v �_. �_ �_
<br /> 5guip—BLOPP R BARTI,L'TT CO.,Printinp,Lithographtinp and County Supplies,-Ovaaha _ _._Y _
<br /> r'��� I hereb� certify that this instrum,erit was entered orz ✓1�'umerieal
<br /> --------- ��YL11�-_4'----�_�.11h�_._(_s�21�1e-�------ Index a.nd filed for record this.------�6-------------day of_-----AF2'11--------------
<br /> .FI. D., 19-1�----, at- -- .�=.>� - _ . - --------o'clock, A_---.M.
<br /> ------ -------- -- --- -- - -- ---- - --- �Warranty
<br /> �� TO Deed. � -
<br /> ---------- - ------���� --------------- --
<br /> Re�ist of Deeds,
<br /> Joseph H. Davis
<br /> B�-------- ---- -- - - -__---- -
<br /> ---------Deputy.--- -
<br /> �.�.ok� ��� �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> ��J��-- --Jennie Gillnam_( sf�e 1-- - ----- -- ---�- - ------------ - - ----- --------------------- - - --- --------------------�---------------- --- ------ -
<br /> of the CountJ of-------------���-],-----.------------ccrac7 ASYtate of--------------1��hT_3S$-a.------------- ---------------------------------(3rantor.--------, in eonsideration
<br /> of the sum of_------- - TV'r0- L'l1Q118�.ri�. �,rid....t1Q�l�Q.--- --- ----'------- -"--------'--- ------ ------------ -_ _'- -----�- -- " - -__._DOLL�IRS,
<br /> --------------- ----
<br /> ir� hand paid, do_______________h.ereby GR�FINT, B�RG�qIN, SFI,L, ✓1ND CONVEY'unto________ TO_5�Fh__x.___Da,V_�S___________ _
<br /> --- - --- ------ -----------------
<br />� ------------------ ---------- -- _--- -- _ - - - -------- ---------------- --------- -- - --------------------------------------------- --------------------------- � '
<br /> --- ------------------ - -- -
<br />' of the Courcty of _ ------_ ------H31-�--- _--- .-------and.bYtate of------- ------- ------ -Nebx'aSkd ------ ---------,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County o�__.___._____________ __Ha.7.1______ _____._and State of.N'ebrt�ka, to wit:
<br /> ___..�ot_._Number_.Seven_„(.7_)__in B1_o�k Number Nine (9 ) oP Wallicn' s_ A�dition to the City oP Grand
<br /> .. ..-- ._...
<br /> I� ___.I:�].��.nd.._Nebraska.._.__ Sub_ject___to____a__mort.g�e____in__Pavor___oP_.,Tne_..Nebraska._S.t.ate._Bui.l_�ing.__axa�___�o.a�..._.__..__...
<br /> _Association__of__Fremont___NebrasKa .in_�.�e__ori_�inal_ sum of.. �1200_,__-_,the___balance__.�iue___u�on_.�vnich___________
<br /> -----the---g�rant.ee. -hsrein--asuums-s---and---agree�._.ta._�-aYy_a._..Als�._�ul��-e-c-L----to---anY--b:a�7..anc-e----o-P---�.��rer----t_au�s-------------
<br /> ...._Lnere�n -if__any._wnf.ch„_tne_--�rant_ee---a,ssumes.--and_.agrees---t-°----F'a�'-,--.•------.-.-----------,-
<br /> --- - -- ---- - -------- -- ------------ - --------- -
<br />' ------ - - ------- ------ -............. -- --- -- -__- - - - ---- -. - -- ---- -.._.._...--------.... ............----�- -----�--------------�-----......---------- ---- ----....__.....-------------------------�--�--.
<br /> -------- -- .-- -- - - -- --------- ------------ -- -- - - --- - - - ------. . - --------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditame,nts, and uppurterzarLCes thereunto velon�in�, artd all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,Dor�>Pr,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______, ' srz, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �CO �A�1C AIY� t0 �0�� the above-deseribed�rernises, with, t.he appurterzccnces, urcto the said�rarztee______..and to_______b,�_g_____ h,eirs
<br /> and assi�ns foreveT. �nd______I_ ______hereb�covenant________with the said Grarctee_______that._______________�________._.___ hold_____.__.___said premises bz��ood arad
<br /> perfeet title; that_________I____.______________hcAt_�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit;f to sell arzd convey the same; that thez�are free artd eZear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_________�XC_QF_t__r'�8___ab0_Y_@____8'����$._________________
<br />� ---------------------------------------------- --- . - ---------- - - ------- --- - - --- ---- ---- -- -- ---- ---------- ------------------ --- -------------- ------ ---------
<br /> I'� --- -- ------ -- - --- --- ----- - -- -- - - ------ - - -- -- - ------- --------- ------
<br /> ------- ------------------------------- -------------------- - ------- -
<br /> I�I �nd______._______�__________-__._---_-_---____-_---- -------_----- covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br />' whomsoever_EXL'B�.?L--a,B c3.b0V-�- -S-tr�.t8�.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --- --------- --------------------------
<br /> u
<br /> Dated the----------z�--------------------�a�J �f�--- ----- -- A�r-j'-1-- -----.. -�1. D.,19---1��---'--•
<br /> W7TNESS Jennie Gillriam
<br /> J. T. S t ewar d ( 1.00 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
<br /> ------- -- - ---------------------------- -- -------------- - ---
<br /> ( I.R. )
<br /> ( S t amp } ------------------------------------ - -------------
<br /> ---- -- ---- --- j cancelled)
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�ISK�4,
<br /> ---------------------Hall-----------------County, �ss. on this-----------2�" A Y'11 , , ,
<br /> ------------------------da� of-------------F-------------------------------------------.1. D. 19---�5.. before me
<br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Publie---_------____-_-------___-__----within and for said County, personally eame-------__-------_----------___.__---__-__---_._-____----_----
<br /> ----------- -- -- ---- Jenni e._�illham---�-sin�le-�-- ------------------------------------� - -------------------------------------- '
<br /> --- ------------ -------- ---- -- -------- - -- -- --- - ------------------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___._._____whose name._______.___j;�__________.___________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> �SEAL � instrument as�rarztor______._, and______________________&�e___. _�ckriowled�ed the same to be____.___��___.___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereir� e���ressed.
<br /> I�l�'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my offieial seal at__��a�Q________
<br /> county
<br /> Islan�_,Nebra.8ka,,_121___531� -__A_:_._on the date last above wTitten.
<br /> -----------------------�-•-----�-•---5 t�war_d-------------------------
<br /> Notar�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires------ -ApY'i1-22; -1�16-•-- --------- ------ - ---- -----r9------------•
<br />