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��� <br /> ���� D��D �C��O�D �oo �00 <br />__ _ . _ __ ___��_ . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ <br /> � _ _ _ _��__��___:: _ __�_v�_��___ _ __ _� ____ __ _ �_�___. <br /> �6�i0--KLOPP cE BAR7'LI���'T L`6.,Printinp,LiGhopr¢7rhting¢nd L"ounlg.Supylies;briz��ea. _ <br />._. :�..�:::: _..., . . . . ... . ._. _ . . . - � .. . _...,�_ ...__...____ _.,----'.. ,>:...... ..:... ._ . ,.. �-::::.- , . ' . <br /> . . . .>-.::�---.,..._:�.�'.— ----_'_...__.._...�__.._..__.._______w.,_�;..._..--_-����.._�____...__:�._-- �� <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this irzstrument was erztered on JV'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this______1j___._________day of_______A�r�-1__._____.___ <br /> _ ��3I�.�,r-�---F� --�'i1-lxq.ox�-_- -_ - --- - <br /> P� V�rife �Warranty .�. D., 19--1�----, at- -�'�.�'0 .__ _ -- --- --------o'elock--P•---�• <br /> --- - --- To <br /> Deed. ' <br /> �°�2�� ��-- <br /> --- -- --- - - -- ---- - ---------- ----------�---- ----------- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, . <br /> A. J. }3aum�,n <br /> ��------- - _- - ------ -- - ---- ------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ����------t����- �.��i_1_l�.r�- -F. _Ei.11�� ��n��.�.�--�� -�'�-�lmore-,----txusb-�.ri-�--�n�_vy_i_�e-�----------� <br /> I <br /> o the Count o ---------- - �- - - arz-d Stcrte o ---------------------------------------(�rarctorB------, in eonsideration <br /> f � f S�e���-�:�--- - f---- -- -------�tyam -ng <br /> o� the sum o�---- -- -- +'1r;h*---IIu11!�r.�!�--1�0.11�S- ----- - - ---- --- ---------- ---- - -------- _ ---------------------- ------ ------------����� <br /> in hand paid, do---------------laer�ebz� GR�JV'T, Bd1RG�F1I✓1�', SELL, .lL✓Y'D CONVEY'ztinto-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> I A. J. RAUTfiAN � <br /> --------------------------- --- ------- --- ---- ------ ----- -----------�------------------- ---�-- ---- -- - ----------------------------------------- -------------------�------- --- -- <br /> --------_---- --- <br /> of the County of- ---------H_a.11__ _._---- ----------and State of_---- - -----.- --- ---N ebr�,Sl�� ----------,C�rartt,ee--------, the followin� <br /> J <br />' described premises, situated in the County of__.__ ________ _.__H�ill --_---.--________-_ ._._.___an,d State of Nebre�ka, to wit: <br /> _.....-••---•-----•-----------------�----------- �--------------- ------ -- --- - -- -_- - - - -- --- -- -- - - -- -...- �--��------�-- ...---------------...-•-......-�-------------------•------•--- --- <br /> --------- -----------_..- --- - - <br /> ----�-----�a*. -numbsr....Ei��--�g � i.n--Blo_c�.__numb�r_...Ten -(�.0 � -i��._R.Q.�..l.�..�s__AFX�:.ti.or�.--�-Q---Gx.aza�----z-�-�-a,x��.-�---- - ------- -- ----- <br /> - ---- --Nebraskat -as trie s�rne 1S --1�,1�� oUt-, --Fl��,tte�l_ a,nd recorde�l.----�........................�----�----------- ----- ----:._----------------------- ---...--- <br /> - - ---- --- - ------ - <br />' --------�--- ------ --_.... - - .__ - --- - - - - --- -------------- -------�-------�------------------------- ------�- ---- --�- - -�--�---- ----�-- --�-------- -- - �--....---------�---------------------------------------- -.. <br /> I <br />� --�-------------- ---- - - ---- --- - - ----- -- - ---- ----- - ----...- -- -- - ---_..._ - -- --- ---......-�-- ---------------•----- - ------- --- ------ -------------.__.----- ------------- ------�----------� � <br /> -.-.......... .... .�----------....- --�--- � -- - -- - - � - - --- -- --- --- -- -- -...-- -- ---�--------- --�--�-�--��-- - -�------��---�--�-------------�-------------�------------------ - -- ........--------�-------- - --�--------- <br />, ---------- - --------- ------ -- - - - - -- -- -- - --- -- - ---- .._ - - - - - ------... -------------------- -�--------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenery2ercts, hereditczments, arccl appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, IRi�ht, Title;Interest,noz�»r, � <br /> �urtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the said Csrantor__g__,an,d of either of them, of, ifz, or to the sanae, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�1C AYC� t0 �OY� the above-describe,d�rernises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rar�tee___.___and to_______h1_S _ yzeirs <br />• and assi�ns foreUeT. .11nd____Ir,�B.__.___lzereby covenarzt________with the said Grantee______.that_______________19tB______________ hold___________said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that___________w'_�___________haY'�___sood ri�ht ayad lawful autlzoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that thez�are free and elea.r of all liens <br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever_e�CCt;Ft__a_ r?107'tF;�,�;e _to_J._P_._CY!erry__f'or _the__sum_ of_��00:.00,.___an�__taxes__________________..__ <br /> --------------------------------------------- - - --- ------------- ------ -- ---- - -- --- - - - ---- - ------- ----._- ------- - - --- - ----- ------ -----'--------------------- ------- <br /> --- -- _- ---- - -- -- - _ --_- - - _-- -- - - - - - ---- - - ------ - -- -- --- - ------ ----- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- <br /> .flnd.____. ____w�_______.____-_---_- ._-_-_-_--.__-- covenant.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- -- .. -- - - ---- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------- ------- ------------------- <br /> Dated the---------N 1 ri�h------ --------- -----da�J �f' . _. - - A�Y'i l ------- -�-- - -.�1. D.,19---1-�-�----• ' <br /> T�zT.NESS Plilla�rd r. Fillmore - <br /> ------------- ------_------------------------------ ------------------ <br /> �nt�,urice ��Uilccx ; 1.00 ) ------------------------�3'nthia__E.___Fillm_c�re <br />' --- -- ------ --- ---- ----------�----------------------------------- -- - --- <br /> ( I.R. ) � <br /> ( ;.��amp ) --------------------------------------------- - <br /> ------------- - --- - - --- - -- <br /> - - - -- -- --- ----------- - t c�lcel led ) <br /> ------------------------------- -- ------ ------------ ------------------ <br /> VUY02��2I G <br /> ST�TE OF�����'/, <br /> ss. <br /> -------------Sheri�an-------------County, Ort this--------N1Tlth---------------da�J ��----------------A�ir11-------------------------.1. D., 19-1-�--- , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a JV'otary Public__`%��?1_:i 510212d_____withirz and for° said County, personall� eame_Iadi.l7._�.r�__:E'._.____F'1_11II1QrB___tU1.S1__________ <br /> .C,�nthia �. - F i_11m�r a,------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -------=- <br /> -- -------- ------- ----- -------- ---- -- ---- - --------------------- ------- ------ ------- -------------- --- ------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz�known to be the identical person_3...______whose ncame;t___�.I'�___._________,__..________af�"ixed to the above <br /> (ST'.,�t'�I, � irestrument as �rantor_�____, and_____._.______haV�_________ __severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be___�,y}g��_______voluntar� <br /> c�ct and deed for the purpose there�s2 ex,vressed. � <br /> IJV'W7TJV'ESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj�xed my of)icial seal at._���3r_����_ <br /> _',�1_� -01C11 __________________ ________________on the date last above writterc. <br /> � �s- ---- --- <br /> ---- ---------------��aur i c-�---wi 1 Cox---------------------- -- <br /> JV'otarz�Public. <br /> ,My eommission expires,------Au�'' 1�'' 1�1?'------ - - ------- -----19------------• <br />_ a � <br />