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<br /> .4�,`,, D��� ���I�J�D �oo �O a '
<br />_ -__ _ _._ _ _ :_ __ __ _. ,� � _ - - _
<br /> __56�7U-KLOPP.&BARTLETT CO.,Pri�zting,Litie�graphing a�id Counly Supplies;OviaAa. _ ' _ _ �_: _
<br /> __ �_ __, „_. ... -__._ .__ � �
<br /> �'R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered ora Numerical
<br /> Th� RO S S Inves tmen� C 0. Index and filed for• record this_______g t_h______,___clay of_____AF-�-�-�-----------------
<br /> .
<br /> ----- -- ---- ----- -- - -ro -- - - -
<br /> Warranty �. D., 191�-----, at---- 2_.1� - --_ _-- -----o'clock,- P-� --.ItQ.
<br /> � Deed. - �
<br /> ---- --- ----- -- ----� --�- -���C,�i!%�- ------------
<br /> F;. D. GlOVeT Re�ister/�f Deeds,
<br /> �
<br /> B�---------------- --- - ------------- -------- -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �Z� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct��
<br /> ����---Th�--R_o_ss__Inv�_atment ��..,- a c:or-�arat i_ox�--- ------------- ------ ------------ ----•------ - ---------------------�-------------------- -
<br /> I' o the Count o ---------- ----c�rrcl State u --.------------------ -------------Grantor---------, in consideratior� .
<br /> f ✓ f ����1 -- - - -- �' �T�k3�d3��;-- --- - - -- ------------ - -
<br /> of the sum of_-----Ori�--�,T'id NO�100 ----------------------------DOLLJIRS,
<br /> - - -- ---- - --- --- - - ---- - -------------------------- ---------- ------------ ----------- --- ----------- -
<br />' in harzd paid, da�£�---------hereby GR„4NT, B�2RG,f1Id1�', SELL, �JV'D COJV'VEY'urato-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> I -------------------- ------ - - -- --- - -- - ---- -E.-- D._._G1oy_ex-------- - ----- - - -
<br /> Hall Nebraska
<br /> of the Coun.tJ of------ - - - - - - - --__ _- --and b�tate of_ - --___- - - -- -- _ -- � - - ------- - ---.._- _ ---- ------,Gran,tP.P.----_---� the followirc�
<br /> described prernises, situated in the, Countr� o/'____ _._________..______._Hs�ll__.__ _.__,.____arad State of JV'ebrs�ka, to wit:
<br /> Lo*s Number Ten (10 ), and �Number ElevEn_ (11 ), in Block_..N�mber._One.__.(1__).,__._a.n�._I,ot___Number___________
<br /> ..---------�-- ---- -------- - ---------- - ------ - - -
<br /> I�I ...-.--.... . Four -(,4-) in--Alock Number-Five- (� ),--.a12 in. Koehler._I?1�.c�,... a,n..addition---tn--th�---C-i-ty----Q�'------------------
<br /> II --- Gr_G�.n.�i--I slax��� -�.cc:o-r-di-n�---�a---t.ne__r-ecar-ded- -p1at- -t-�.�r-eaf'.--- -------------------------------------�-- -- -�----....--------- -------.... .
<br /> -----._-------....- ------ - - - - - , -- ------ - - -------------- -------....--�-------------- --------- ------.____...-- -- ---�-- - -.----------..._..-- - ----------- -- -------� -------------------------------- ---
<br /> I -------------- ----- - ----- - --- ...----- --
<br /> - - --- -- - ---- --- -- ------ -- - ---�- ---�-------�-- ---...- ---- ------...--�- -�--- ----------- ----------..--------------------------------- ---------.._
<br /> ---- --......- ---_ --------- - -- ---_ ---- --- -- -- --- --- -- --_--------------- -----------------.._..------...------� ---- - ...-�-- -----�--�--.._..--- ---------.... �---- -------------------------...-----�---------------..
<br /> ----------... -- ---------------�---�- --- ...._. � - -- --- --- - - -� -- -- - --- ---- ----- -�--...------------ ------------._ ----- ------------------------�---- ----------�---------......----- - - -----------�----------�--------�---�
<br /> ---- ------ -- - ----------- - - -- ---- - -- --- - - ---- --- - -- -- - - - - - ------ --... --------------------------------------------------- .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamerzts, and appurte,nances thereunto belon�in�, and all the F,state, Ri�h,t, Title,Interest,�.z
<br />� C�•r�,Claim and Demand whatsoe,��er of the said Grantor______., , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���iC AIT� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�Srantee_.__.__and to___._.__�jg__________ heirs
<br />� he s• i he l�oss Inve stment Co.
<br /> t a � T
<br />� and assi ns oTever. .2rid_______ Izereb covenant___ with the said Crar�tee______that,________________ hold;3_______._said remises b ood and
<br /> � f n----- � s--- �-�------------ P ��
<br /> peTfect title; that_________________�t_________ha_S____sood risht and lawful ccuthority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever------------------.--------------------------------------------------
<br />� - --- --- ____._ - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -__ . --- - --- - ------- - ------- ------------ ------------------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------------- -
<br /> - --- -
<br /> Investment Co.
<br /> .gnd._�_Yl�.___5�,1�---Th� _R�_S8___________h_____ _ covenant__g___to warrant arad defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------- -_ --- - -- - ------- ------------------------------•------------------------------------------ ------------•----- ------- ------------------ --- ----------------- - -
<br /> _In__ti�Jitn�s�__WY�_e_ _r__eof'_,___t�.�____��i� Tne_�o_s_s Investmsnt _Co.__has__cause�__these_ �xesents___to__be si�ne� by
<br /> its Pr��ident__an�j_�_i*�___��_r��rate ;�Ea1___attacheci__n�reto___triis 30t1�._�a,y of June A.�. 1y1�+.
<br /> W'ITNESS , r r , s
<br /> �CORP � ---------7.-�---�(�5�.�---I�i-U��TJt?�.�'�-�0.- ---------------- -
<br /> --- (SEAy }
<br /> ------ ----- T,_ _47,---��ns_en---------- --------- --------- -- � g3�------��E�---V�.----�l-��i�a�-----------------��e�i�e�t-.
<br />; -t����s��------�-.�-.-I�a�s----------------------�-�r�-�a�3�. ,
<br />�
<br /> -- -
<br /> i ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------
<br /> i ST.1 TE OF JV'EBR.gSK�l,
<br />' �ss.
<br /> ---------------------��.7.1-----------------CourLty, Ora this-------------��-----------------da�J �f----------------_.aT_�1_1.3C--------------------------�. D., 19---�4._ , before me,
<br />'� the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public___________._._________.______..____withis2 and for said County, personally came_�'r���__W.___A�ht_S�11Y__PY',�����I1t_ __4f
<br /> T_Yie___Ro�s__In�r_�_s_tmen�___�_Q_�_,---ua_--m�---���x_�on���,X__�nown___to_ be__the___�resi�ent___o:f__said_
<br />', C-om}?any,__an�____th�___i�en�i_�al___�er��n___wnose___�ame__is___aff_ixed___to__the__a,bove___instru- ;
<br />,
<br /> ment , a.s Gxantor, �,nd acknow�e�ge�� �he sarr�e to be his volunLa,r,y act �,n� �eed
<br /> �.x��.. ��1� vblunt�,ry act �.nd de�d- of t�1e s�i4 TXie Ros� -T��tm.ent CQ:', . �or tY��
<br /> (SEAZ ) �ur�c��e: t��erein sxriresseti. ,..
<br /> I.N'W7TJV'ESSYV'HL'REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my ofy'icial seal at_,___����_._____
<br /> -I81�2�d�--N-�bS'dS�ci�------------- ---------------an th,e date last above written.
<br /> --------- ------------T•----J•--IIanSQ1�---------------------------
<br /> ✓l�'otart�Public.
<br /> .M� commassion expires----�'�b.- 1�tY1--1��6. -------- ----------- - - ------- ------ ---------• `:
<br />