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?� � � <br /> �����. D�C�D ��C�O�D �oo ��a <br />_____ _ _ �.__ . _ � � - _ _ __ _ <br /> .� <br />—' 6G�i0—KT.O!'P c�BAR�l'L.�`T'1"G`d.,Printi�p,I.ithoyraph.ting and C'ourel;y.Supplies;Ont¢ha. � . . � �� ^� � � » � ����-� <br /> FI�O.NI I hereby eertify that this instrurnent was entered orc �N'umerical <br /> D. C. Gideon & wife Index and filed for record this_____.__2s___________.___dar�of_____.______It��,�.L".Y1---____ <br /> .Fl. D., 19- ��----, at--- --3__ - -____ - -- - -----o'clock-P-• ---�• <br /> ------- ------------ ---- --- --- - - - --- - - `�Warranty /�� <br /> TO Deed. . -- - ------�- - --- -/ /� ------------------------ - <br /> ��( �l _ <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> ------ -------S_�.r ah--��- G i_��eon - - -- -- - -- <br /> ��- ----- --- - - -- - --- - - - -._ -------------- -------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�ok� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br />, ���t----w�;--�. -E;� -G�:dsc��-�n�-A�:b�r��-�f�eo�-,-- k�i�-w�.-�'e------ -----------�- ------ ---------------------- --------------------- --- �---- <br /> of the County of_-----------Hci11 -.czrz,a' State �f--_-------------NebraSKa. __Grantor----------, in consideration <br /> of ta�e sur� of-----------4�.e__Dol_l__ar-,---a,nd_-otY..er_.Yaluab-l-e-s--------------- --.-----,-.----------- ---------------------.DOLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do---------We----Tz,ereby GR�1.��T, B�RG�IN, SELL, �.ND CO✓l�'VEY'unto-------------Si3.r_�.YI---C-•----(`sj.�ED21- ------------------- <br /> of the Cour�ty of------------I�a.11------ ---------__._----and State of_--------.-----._----_---Neb.rt3._S_ka,--- ------------------__-------------:-._,Grantee--------, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of______._____._____,�i�.11____.______--.____-____-�_---._.--_-a.rr,d State of Nebr,gs�ka, to wi.t: <br /> -----------------------------�----_..------------...----------- -- - - ---- - ------ -- - -- ---- --- _-- ,._... -------------�---------------------------�----�--------...---------�---------------� --- --...---- �- ...-�-� - ----... - - <br /> -----... ...Lot--�ne. --�.1-� �-- an�, -�alf---�E.�.�.-of -Lot -Tw�, --�2-�-�---131oCk OriE --(.1.� .in..Gi�eons---A��lti on--- ---- -. -- ------- <br /> --- - .._..�a �t-Y�e---v-i�l�ge-of- -�ar�i-�Y��n-;..-N�b��s��-.---� -� - - - - � -- - -- - - ------ - - ------------------------- ---- _--- ------------- --�------ - --- ------- <br /> ------ - --------- ---------- -- -- --- -- � - - --- - -- -� ------- - ------�-�------�------ --------- --------....- --- - - ---- - . .....----------�------------------..._.,---------....--�------------------------------------�- <br /> -� -------------- ... ---- -...---- �-- - --- - -- -- - - - - ------- -- ----- � ---- --..._,- ----- --- -----�- ------ -�--� -� ------..----�----- -- - ---- ----...- --- ----�---- -----------------� -------------------- <br /> __._..... � � -�--- --- ------ --- �- -...- - - ------- - - - - - __ - --- ---- �� --------- --...-------�---�--- -----�----� -----..------------------ ------._...------- ---------........---------------�---------------- <br /> - -- ---- --- -------- -- - - -- -- - --- ---- -- - -- - - - - � - <br /> To�ether with all the terzernents, hereditainents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estccte, f�i�ht, Title,Interest,.norr�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever•of the said Cran,tor______,����:s� of, ira, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �A�le AIY� t0 �OY� the above-descri,bed prem;ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___._,_artd to________���_________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ./�nd_V��________lzereby�t_____,avith the said Crantee_.____.that_____________._SW B_________.__ hold__________.said premises by�ood und <br /> perfect title; that___________.___�Y_�__________hc��___000d risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and elear of all liens <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever---------------- - ------- ----------- ------ - ---------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------- <br /> -- - - -- - -- --- --- --_ -- ---- - _- - -- ------------- -- -- - ------ ------ ------------------------- -------------------- --�---------- ------------ -- <br />�I .flrzd________________________.W�________ ___ _ ___ _____.__._____ covenant______to warrayLt arzd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever- ------- - --- - --- � - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•------------- ------------------- ------- -------------- --- <br />'' --------------------- -- --- - --- - _--- -- - -_ _ - -- _- -- __ --- --_ ---- ------ --- ------ ------------------- -- - - - ----------------------------------- ------------ <br /> I Dated the------------Z-�h----- ---day of._------NOV81Tlb@�' 4 <br /> -- --------- - - -- -- --- - - - -.g. D.,191----------• <br /> TVITNESS ---------------------7)-.---C.----G1_dr@�1xi ---------- --------- --- ----- <br /> ---- ---- - ---- --- --C-�---1.��----�ecima,n-------------- - -----------------�lbert-a.-G���ax�-------------- ---- <br /> - ST.1TE OF .NEBR,�ISK�1, <br /> , H�,11 �� �ss� 7th November ,� D., 19___1�'. , be ore me, <br /> ---------------------------------------Count Or� this-------- -------------------------daJ of--------------------- f <br /> the undersi�ned, a eN'otary Publie------___--_-__-_-_-_-__----__-witlain and for said County,personally came---------_-__--_-_---__-_----___-----_-__----------------__----_ <br /> � ---Il•- -�--- G_i���n -ani__Alh�r_.�a---Gi���zn�---�hi�.._�rif�,-------------- ------ -- ---------------------- -------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical persore_�____.____whose rcame__._____dre________________________�f�xed to the above <br /> (SEAL � if2strumen,t as srantor__.�__, and_____,_._____-W-2________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be__�h_e�________voluntar�y I <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirz exp�•essed. � <br /> IJV'WIT.N'ESSWHEREOF,I havehereurtto subscribed mz� f2ame and af)ixed my of)"ieial seal at____.__._______ __________ <br /> ___Dnni��_._�_QUr�t.y_,___on the date last above written. • <br /> - ---C.Y1�.5-•----�•---I�SdIt13ri------------------------ ------ <br /> �N'otary Public. <br /> .My commi-ssion expiTes-------7��4�IT1�_�S'_._7��th-l-g�,7-�-_ ----- -------- ----- ----- --�-----------• <br />