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- 1 <br /> � � f� <br /> ���..�_ DC�CD C���O�D �loo �do <br />�_�w. __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ <br /> �._. _ . _ _ _� _ _ _ _ _ <br />_� _u��il1,-KT,OPP c�$ARTI.ETT CO.,Prinitinp,LiGlaogrnphing and County Supplies;On+rzTaa. � � <br />_�_._.._. _ _ . , _ .,. ._ _,_ _._ �_._ ,..�_._., _._ _.._, _ ,._ ---. . _ <br /> FROdYl I hereby certify that this instrzement was entered on .N'umerical <br /> -- - ' �• -'�,---G_���QZl--$c-W��2-----._-----... Indexand filed for record this----------��----------dayof---------�d'dr�h---------- <br /> ,Warranty .Fl. D., 19--15-- , at- J�-- -- - - ---- ---------o'clock---P_-•---�• <br /> ---- ----- --- -- -- - - -- -- - ��/ <br /> Z U --- Deed. ' ' <br /> - -- - -- - ---- - - - -------- -------------------------- �-- <br /> Re�ister of eeds <br /> ------ ----- - --�aran--C�- G_ideon- - -- ---- � <br /> ��- ----- --- -- - - - - --- - --- ----------------- --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��:o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�ct� : <br /> ��At--------D.----C----Gi�eo-n--an� _Al?��r_�a_Gif.��on,- hi-s--wife_ --- <br /> - ------------ --------- -------- -------------- -- - ------- --- --- - <br /> of the County of---------�F��-�;--------- a.n.d State of------------Dleh�-�.Sk1--------------------_------- .---------------Grantor------------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of______._.�?�e__.�01�_c`�,Y'_,.___�.�'1�___OLYt�7'__V31Ua,bl�8 __ _._...DOLL.qRS, <br /> - - - - ------ - ---- ----- - ------- -- ---- ------- ----- ---- ------ -- - - <br /> in hand paid, do______.W�--____lr,ereby GR�1NT, B�IRG.�4IJ1�, SEI,L, ./�ND CO✓l�'VEY'unto________��Td.h_.C.__Gi_!�e0I1 <br /> - -------- ---------- --- --------------- <br /> ---------------- --- ------- -- - --- ------- - - ---------- ---- ----- --------------------------- ---- -- --- - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Hall Nebraska y <br /> of the Count�J of------ - - -- - - ------and Sta,te o�---- - - -- - - - - --- .._ ---- -- ----- --- -- - - ---- - -- -------,Grantee_------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Count,y o/'_______________________ __.H��.�_______________________.____arzd State of Ne,br�ka, to wit: <br /> -----------.I.ot---S_ix.---�.fi.�--.-an-�---the---east--Five..�'eet----05.)_..�f. Lot---Five---�-�)► . Block Five-- (�-)-�----Original-- -Town ---- --------- <br /> - ---- pf -.1�oni_Fhan�- N�1��_�_s_�Ca..-- - ---�----------------- - - -...._..- �- ---- -- --- - - ---- �- - ... ----....-------� --------- <br /> -------------------------------------------- ---- --------- <br /> --� ----- -- - --...... - - - -- ----- - - ---- ---- .._- ------�--------�-----� --------------�-------------------- -�-- -- -- -- ------- ------------ -------- ---- _ <br /> -�-- �-----....-----�----�... ............. .-------- <br /> ---------- - � ------ -�-----...- ---------� � �- --- - - - - _ - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - -- - -�---- -�---....- --- -- -- � -..__.....-- -------�-----------------�------------------------ --- - --- ---------� <br /> -----�----�-- -�---.... <br /> . <br />�,, --- ----- ------ ---------- - - - --- - --------- - --- - -- - - --- - -- ----- - ---- .._- - - -- - ------ -- - - - - -------�------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditamer2ts, and ap�urtenarzces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Z'itle,Interest,Do7��er, <br /> I' Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of t,he said Crantor--------��r�a���of,ira, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />' �0 �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-descr•ibed prer»;ises, with th,e appurtenances, unto the said�rarctee._.____and to_________Yif?T-------- heirs <br /> I and assi�ns forever. �nd__kY�____.___hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_______that______ti�e___________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br />�I perfect title; that.________vy_�__.___________hav�__sood risht and laavfzcl autY�oritr� to sell and corLVey the same; that thez�are free arzd clear of all liens <br />��I and incumbranees whatsoever---_-------__---------------__---__-_---_----_-_-----_- <br /> I ------------------------------------------- - ------- ---- ----------- - -- - ---- - -- - --- - - _----- ---- - . <br /> ----- - --- ----------------- --- ------ ---------- ----------------- ----- - -- - -- <br />, .Flnd__________________We_____ __________________ __ ____-----_-__--_ eovenant______to warrant arzd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoeuer------- -- ----- __ _ ---- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------- --------------- ---- <br /> ------------------- - --- -- - ---- - --- - -- - ----- - ---- - - - - --- - ----- - -------- ---------------- ------- ---- - ----------------------------------- ------------ <br /> --- - -------- --da�J ��- - -�IIY.�ITIb_�r--- - - - - -�4. D.,19-��-�---• <br /> Dated the------------�t h <br /> W'ITNESS ------------------�-•---��----�-��e0I1--------------------- ----- <br /> ---- -----------�-� -?��-�----�e�man-------------- ----------------------All��rt_a___G_i_d��n--- --- ------ -------- - <br /> ST.<1 TE OF NEBRd4SK.q, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------------------xall-------- County, On this-------------7-��---------------daJ �f---------------�0��.�ber---------------------�. D., 19---1�`- , befoTe me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie----------_--___-_-___-_---------_with,i.n and for said Count�, Aersonally eame---------_-__---_---__--------_--_-_------------_-_-___.__.__- <br /> __�.,.___��___G i_�_��_Albert a_____�:ideon.x___hi_s__wi f�,. <br /> - --- ---- ----- - --- - --- - ---------------------- ---- - - - - - ---- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- <br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person___�..____whose name____.___._arG___________________ccf)ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL � instrumerzt as �rantor__.$._, arzd_______._.___we_________.________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_______hi�_____voluntar�y <br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my name and afJixed my ofjicial seal at________________.______ <br /> Danir_Ylanr,i�i--Sd,�(�___C_OIa,YI-��t,_._______on the date last above written. <br /> - ------------�h��,_S�---�ll�--�3.�_�mdr1---------------------- --- <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> .My commr.ssiorc expires--------�e�e�iit��r__l�th-19�7� - ---------------- ----------�-----------• <br />