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� � 4,� <br /> �� <br /> ,, <br /> DC��D C��C�O�D �oo ��� <br />=-.. _ _,r���t}=K7,OPP&AEiRTLETT CO.,Printing,I,ith.bgraphi�ip and County Suppdies:tTmaha. '` _ .__ . .;_.__ > �___ _:_._ .._:�.�. __�_�_.�_�:__-�FV_.-� --- '--,=. _ __ ___ <br /> FRO.M I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> -------Th�_�o_ss__Invest111e11t--00. -- ----- Index ar�d filed for r�ecord this--------LZ-------------day of----------�c7.1_Ch--------- <br /> .g. D., 19 1-�----, at--- - 2__ . - ---- --------o'clock, = P�_�YI. <br /> ---- --- --- --- - - -- -- - ---- - -- -- - �Warranty <br /> r� Deed. ' • � � <br /> - ---- - -- ---- - -�°���_�_�tic��--------- - -- <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br /> NicK Schnell <br /> B�------- - ------------- - -- ---- -- ----------------------- <br /> ------------ -------- <br /> - ------ -- _ -- -- - <br /> Deputy. <br />� _- ----------- ---------- ---- --- -- ---- ------------ <br /> ---- --- ----_ --- _. --- -- --- ---- ---- ---- --- _._ -- ---- -- -- <br /> — - ----- - ---------- <br /> ��.o� ��� �er� �� ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> � ���t----The__Ro_s_s_. In_v_ �s�ment_ Co.-�----�,--c__�rpor�t ion-- ---------- - ----- <br /> - - - -- ---- ----- ----- - ----- ------- - --�----- ------- - <br /> of the County of_-----------Hc�..l-1---------------_rr.�rcl Stcr,te of---..------__--------------------N_t;�Y'�;3k's�------------------------------------Grantor.--------, in eonsideratiora <br /> ThTee_ hLiridT'��3-f_1�'t�.-&---T7.0 _00 ------------------------ - - ---------- - --- ------ ------- -------------------.DOLL✓IRS, <br /> of the sum of------------ ----- - � - ------------- <br /> in hand paid, do-B-S-----------hereby GRd4NT, B�RG�IN, SELL, ,�1ND CONVEY'unto------------N1_��---�ChXlel�---------------------------------- ----------- <br /> ----------------- --- ------- -- -- - --- ----- ---- -- - -- --------------------------- --- ---- -- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ --- -- <br /> Hall Nebr�,ska the ottowin <br /> of the Count�J�f- ------- -- -- - -----and. State of'-- -- -- - --- -- - - -- - - ------- ------ -- - - -- --- ----- -----,Grantee._-----, f � <br /> described premises, situated ira the .C,ountz� o/'_..___..____.._ �i�ll ' _____._ ___and State of Nebr�ka, to wit: <br /> --------�---•...............�--�-------•----------�-------- -- --- ------------ -- - - -- - --- - - -- --...-�-------------..._.._..-�----------- ---------...-----•----------------------•----------- .........-------- ---------- - ----- - - - <br /> --Lat__Numrer _Four (-?�}- in- Blo�K__Number-One -(1 )--Koehler- Place_._an. A�r��t.i9�l--in...�.h�---G_i.ty..._Qf__..G.r.a,nd.__-----. <br /> - Isl�nc�_,--a�_�Qr._d_in�- �-o--�h�._r.�:_c.Qr_��_�_..�l.�t- -�_h�r.�;.o-f. -- ----- --- ---.__.........-�--��-----�-�-------------------- -- ----�---- ----------------------------�-------------- <br /> ._----------------- - ------ - --- --- -- --_ --- - --- ----- --- --- -� -- ----� --- -------------------�- -----�----- ------------------..----�- -- ------ ---- ------ ------------------ -----------------------------------� <br /> .-----�---� �----------- ------------- -- - -... - -- - - - ----.._....----- - ----. __.-� - -- ----....-�------------ --- �-- -- -....... ---- ._....----------�- --......---�----------.......----.... -� --- ----------�---------------------- <br /> --._..---- -- --------------- - - -- - --------� - - - - - --- - _ --_ .. -- --- - - --- ------------------------------ <br /> To�sether with all the tenemefzts, yLereditaments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�ii2�s, artd all th.e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�� <br /> �''�,Claim and Demarcd whatsoPVer of t,hn,said Crantor______,� of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �O �A�1C �TC� t0 �OI� the ccbove-described nrem,ises, with the appurtenaiaces, urLto the said�rar�tee________ar�d to_________..�}�_g_______ heirs <br /> th� sai� The Ross Inves�ment Co. � � <br /> and assi�ns forever. �s2d____n._________herebr�covenasat�_____wi,th the said (�rantee______that____.______��_________._______ hold_s______.___said premises by�ood and <br />� <br />� perfeet title; that._,__________i t_____________hc�______�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell ar�d eonvey the same; t.hat thez� are free ctnd elear of all liens <br />', and incumbrarcees whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------ - - ---- ---------- ---- - ------ - -- - ----- - - ------- <br /> - - ----- -- ------------------- - -------- - -- -------------- ----------- - <br /> • <br />�' - - --- - -- - - ---- -- ---- _ -- -._--- - --------- - - <br /> - --- - -------- - - -- - -- - -- -- ------------------------------ ----------- ---------------------- -------- -- <br />' ment Co. : <br /> I .Rnd__�h�__�a.��___�1_'le__T�OSS_ I__?1V�St_-._ �covenant�_____to warrant and deferzd the said premises a�sainst the lawful claim,s of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- -- -- -- - ---- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- --------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------ <br /> --In---�it�n�s-����f----th�--��,i�__T�� _RQ��--Ix�v�s'�ment--Co.__ has---�°au�e�--th�se--Fresents---t-o--be---��, _�e�--by-- ` <br /> ita Presi�ent an� its corporate :�eal attacrie� riereto tk�is 31st �ay of October A.D. 1913. <br /> ��------------- ---------- - �� - ---- -- ----- - - -- -- -�----------• . <br /> W'ITNESS -� +'---R()Sv-- I�- -V�a -��±,i�T�---CO-.- ---- -- --- <br /> . (CORP ) ;------- -- <br /> T. J. Hansen (SEAL ) -By---Er-e-d--W..--AsY�t-ox�.r._--------P-res-i�-ex�t----- <br /> ---- ------- -- -- --- - --------------------------- - <br /> _At t est____S.._D,___Ro ss�___________S ecretary____ <br /> • ST.1TE OF NEBR,�ISK/1, <br /> Ss. lst �October 1� <br /> ---------------H�,11-----------------------County, Orz this--------3-------------------------daJ ��-----------------------------------------------------------.1. D,, 19-----�T-- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_________________________..______.___within arzd for said County, persorcall�came_�'�r��__W.__A�ht021_,___Pr�_S1�e11� __O� : <br /> The Ro��_._Iny�stment _Co_,_, _.to__me__F�rsonally_ __known___to___be___the _P��si�ent__oP__�aid__ComFany <br /> an�i tne-- -id�nt_i_ca.�--��xson---y►►l�os�---__n__am-�---�.�__�ff_�x�d_ -�-Q----�ii�--�.b�y�__in�tr�dment---as---Gr_ant�r,---and <br /> e acknowled�ed the' s�ne to be Y�is. v:oluntary act an�1 desd and the valuntary act anC� <br /> (SF,AL ) deed oi: tt�.e sai�1 Trie 'Ross Investment Co. , for tha Fur�ose ' trier�in exFressed.- <br /> I✓U'W'IT✓V'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my 32ame and afj"'ixed my of)ieial seal at._�r��j________ <br /> ISl�.ri�l'-,---Neb-x�5k3-----------------,___ :____on the date last above wTitterc. - <br /> T. J. Ha,nsen ` <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> .Notar�Public. <br /> .My commissiorc expires----------- ---------------Feb. 1?th 19.��-.----• � <br />