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<br /> GGb�U-KLOPP c@ SAR3°�E3'T CO.,Priniting,Lithographing¢nd Counly�5'upplies;Oma&a. � � � Y .� _
<br />��._-- -_ __ _ _. , . -.. ._�, __.,,_, _ �. ----'.
<br /> _ _. -:,-, .� _- ___._ ,�.. M__. �_______ _..=_.__.. .,=. ---_� __�_.: ,.--
<br /> FK�� I herebz� certifz� that th.is instrument was entered orz ✓1�'umerical ,
<br /> 0 SCclZ'' A�Tt1US & �91 f� In,dex and filed for record this_____�'��11__________daz�of.___.______.�a,�C�---------
<br /> .�. P., z915_-----, at-- - .9_ ._. -_ __ -- -----o°�ao��---�,__.�r.
<br /> ----- --- ---- ----- - - - j O - _ -- -- --
<br /> _- __.�Warranty -
<br /> Deed. (-// �� /� ,
<br /> - ----- ----�-- -,��_'_�.2_��i---- -�-%_�__�__�il/ ----------------
<br /> Re�ist of Deec�s,
<br /> --- -- -- -----�-�-•--E-•-�oundg - -- -- � -- -----
<br /> B�-------- -�----- ---- - -- - ---- ._ -----------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �.Z� �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� :
<br /> ����----- O s_c�ar A smu s_-an� pda��i e A. A srnu s-,--H1x sband---an!�_ w i f� - ------- --------- -------
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<br /> ---------- ------ -------- ----- --- -- ---- -- ----- -- - - - --- ------ -- -- ---- --- ------- - ----- ------- --------------------------
<br /> -------------------------
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<br /> -of the County of---------r�3�.1-------------------crri«? Statc� o�'-------.------------------------N�bY'�3,9Ka,-------------------,------------Grantor._..--------, in consideratioiz
<br />''' of the sum of--------FOLir- hUridr�d---tYllrty_ f 1Ve--&--T10�100 - - - - - - - - - - ---- --- --- ------ -----,----------DOLL
<br /> -- ------------- ---------------- -------------- -- .f1RS,
<br /> in har�d paid, do---------- ---h,er•eby GR.�4NT, B.9RU.f1IN, SEI,.L, ./��l"D CO.i1PVEY'urato----------�7-•----E-•----�91i21S3�8------------------------------------ --------------------
<br /> H�3.11 ----and State o ------- --- I�T2bre33kc`� ---- -- - ------._..----------------------,Grccnt,ee.-------, the ollowin :
<br /> o�the Count�J��- -------- - --- - - - - - - f --- - - - --- -- -
<br /> --- �
<br /> described premises, situated ira the County o/'______.___.._______I��.11_.____.______..____________________�ar1,d State of JV'ebr,y6ka, to wi.t:
<br /> --..-..The- V,test_..Taventy fi_Y� ---�-25-�__.f��t--.of--the...Eas�-�i.ghty--fi.ve.._�.�.�.�...f�et -of__�ot----Q.M�----�-�--�-�----��.�Ck------------------
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<br /> --�----- -------------- - --- - ---- ------ - ----- -- - - -- - - -_ - - - - - ------
<br /> Tosether with all the tenements, hereditaments, ccnd a�purterzarZCes ther�eunto belon�in�, and all the F.state,Ki�ht, Title,Interest,Dor��er•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said CTCCntor______, ' , of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �LCD ���1C �lY� t0 �OI� the aboi�e-described prerrzises, U�i,th i;h,e appurtenances, ui2to the said�rantee_______and to_________�j,_�________ he�rs
<br /> and assi�res forever. .,4rad____t_Y���C_____here�y covenant_______wityz the sa.id Grantee_______.that,_______�r1��____________ hold___,________said premises b��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that____t hey.________________haVe__Sood ri�ht and lawful authorit�� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Zien,s
<br />� and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> - - -- - - - - ------ - - -- - --- ----- --- ---- ----- -------- - ---- -- - - - - - ---------- ---- - -------------- -- ------------------------------ - -- ----- ------- --
<br /> ,gnd______.__________________t he�______.________.______________ covenar�t________to warrant and defe�zd the said premises a�airest the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---- ----- - - - ---- - ----------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------- --------------- - - ----------------------- -- -------------------------
<br /> --------•----------- --.. -- - - - - - - -- -__-- --- -
<br /> __ ._- --------- - --- - --------- ------- --- --------------------------------------------- --
<br /> Dated the-------------3�'t h----- -da�J �� - ----2��.r Ch - -------- ----�1. D.,19-1�-'---•
<br /> I W'ITNESS �-. �U Cbscar A$mus
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------- - --------------- - -
<br /> , ( I.R. ) -------------- -----P,�r_s.--;Cda�Fi e--A.--�smu s--- ---- -
<br /> --- ----- -- -- ---J�--�7��----aJ[o hlma.n------- ---------- -- _ ---- ( S t�.rnp s }
<br /> cancell�d --------------------�---- -------------------------
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�4SK./1,
<br /> -----------Ada,Tri� �ss. lr�th P�areri-----------------�. D., 19__1_�!._ , be ore me,
<br /> --------------------------------County, On this------- --- - --------------------da�J o�-------------------------------- �
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie____________________._____._____withir�and for said Countz�, persoraally came______ ___________________________.________._ ._
<br /> --Q_s_�-��__a_��t�--a,nd- �ag��-�--A-�---A_��u�-�----�_�b�?��--and_.Wi1'�-�---------------------------------�------ ----------- -----
<br /> -- ----- --- -- -------- --- ------- ---------- - ------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------
<br /> Go me personally known to be the identical person__s_._.___whose name_�__��_____________.___________ccf�'ixed to the above
<br /> �S�Z � instrument as�rantor__B___, and__________________.'�h_�y______.__,severally aeknowled�ed the same to be._,_�h��S_____volunta�y
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I✓li'W7TNESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and a�j"'ixed my of�'icial seal at___H�T1S�21_____
<br /> __�I��.r��l:��:_,___�,?�___�_d��___CO1.221��,_____o� the date last above written.
<br /> ------- --------- --J-•--J----�o-hlmari: -- --------------------
<br /> �N'otarz�Public. �
<br /> .My commission expires-----A�r11 12th-191$'- -----�-----------•
<br />_ _ - (3
<br />