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<br /> �.��....� D��D G���O�D �oo ���
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<br /> f— ;b:��U—KLOPP�Stf7�TLETTCO.,PrinliaO,Lilho�raphinp¢ndCoe��etyS#ipplies:Omaiia. , . .._>,:_: .._�._e_._ r-.-- --=-,- --=°-__� -. ._
<br /> _.
<br /> F ,.__= _ _ _ �__ _ ._ _.. ._::— . ----_ -et
<br /> ___.__ _. __..___ __�._�__.---._.___.__.__
<br /> .________ �... _.__ ._ ._ .._..__.___.�_.�
<br /> F��� I hereby certifz� that this instrumerzt was entered orz ,N'umerical
<br /> RO B� znve stment CO. Ircdex and led or record this_______2Q_th___.____da o ____________I�d��$______.__
<br /> --- --------- --- -- ------_- -- ---- f� f � f
<br /> �Warranty �1. D., 19-1�-----, at- --- ---�'+-�iQ -------o'clock---P-�--�•
<br /> 1.p Deed.
<br /> --------- --
<br /> -- -- �'���=- - ,��-- ----------- - -
<br /> N1Ck SC1�1�11 Re�ister Deeds,
<br /> 8�1--------- ------- ------ ----- --- ----- ---- -- ------------------------
<br /> ----- - --- ------------------------------ - --- -- - -- -- - - Deputy.
<br /> �.�.o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t��
<br /> ����___ The Ro_ss____Investr�:nt Ca.__,___a corporation
<br /> - ------- ----- ---------- -- ------ -- --- -------- ------ -------- - ---
<br /> of the CountJ of----=-----H�,l�------------------arzcl St,ate of----------�ebra,`�K�--- _---------------.-------------------------------------Grantor--------, ineonsideratiorc
<br /> Thr�e hundred Porty & no100
<br /> ---- --------------------- ----- - - ------------------ ----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> -- -- - - ----------- - -- --------------------
<br /> o the sum o ------- - - - - - - -- ----- -- - -- -
<br /> in hand paid, do--QB-----------hereby GR�,NT, B.,4RG�<1LN, SEI,L, .�4ND COJV'VEY'urato---.------------l�j,��---5_�21�1@ll------- --------------------
<br /> ------------------ -------- --- - ---- ------- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- ------------- -- ------ --- - ___-- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------
<br /> of the Count�J�f------- - -H311-- - - __ - --and State o�'---- - NebY'a8�a, --- -------- --- ---- -- -.._. . --- - - ----,Grant.ee.------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of___.__.___.____ ____ ___H�11 _and State of JV'ebra�ka, to wit:
<br /> ---•-----------•-------------------------------- ----- ----- - - - - - - - - - -- - --- --�---...._.------�----- ------------------------.._....-•------------------------�-------�------�---- -- ---� � ---- - -
<br /> ____,Lot Number__.Seye� _(? ) in .B1ock Number �ne (l)_in__Koe�iler..Pla.ce an._.a.dci_ition_.in__tne___Ci.ty__ot'______._____
<br /> - ----- -- �---- - - -
<br /> .._...Gr.and- I-sl-a.nd, - acc�r_dix�.�---�-o- -�h�__.r_�c.or.�3e�i �?lat..__ther..e.of.. - -- -------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- -
<br /> ..-----_------- --- --------- -- - - - ---- - -.. _- - ----._._..---............. �--�--------------------------------------- --�- �---_. - ---------�-------�----------.._...._.-----------�----------------------------------------------
<br /> - - -------...-�---......-- -�-- - - -- -- -- ------- --- -------- -- - ------...- --- -_._......---�--- ---- - -----...................._.--- -------....--- ---- -------------------------------- --------........__....
<br /> ---- ---._..............- ---- - -. _ ____..._._ ---_. --- -- ----- --- ------------------------ --......._._...._..._.... -- -------------�- -----�---- - --- ---- - --- -� -------------�------------ --- --_.._-------..._---
<br /> --------------------------�-----_ _ - - --- -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -�----- -- - ----- ----- --�------------- -------------- -----�--....._..-----------------�- -----...--� ---�� -----.....------�------ --�---------�----- -- --
<br /> --- -�--- ___ -------- - -- - - ------ - .._ --- - - -- - - - --- _ _ ._.------ ---------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with�all the tenejnents, hereditaments, and a,p�ur�tenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,.�,
<br /> �eee�,Claim and Demand whatsoe,r�er of t,h,e said Grantor_______, ' , of, in, or to the same, or any pc�rt thereof. -
<br /> �Q ���1C AIY� t0 �}OY� the ccvove-described p�°errr-i-ses, with the appurtenances, unto the said�Srantee_______and to____.___.j��_�__._____ h,eirs
<br /> the �aid �he Ross Investment Co.
<br />� and assi�ns foTever. �nd________A____-_hereby coven�nts_____with the said Grantee______that__.______.._��_______________ holdS_________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that___.___._i.�_______________ha�____�'ood ri�ht and laavful authority to sell and convez/ the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> - -------- --- - - -- - ----- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- ---- ------ --------------- ----------- -------- --------- - -
<br /> covena�ts
<br /> Jlnd:�h�___$�,�.(�__._�h�__�9_��___I21V�StItl2rit CO. �_.__.towarrar�tand defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> I'�' whomsoever---- ---- - - - - - _ - - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------- ---------------------- ---- ----------------------
<br /> Sn__�[itn�_s_s__V�1Yier_eo�-,_-�1�e___��i_d_---xne-_Ros�_-Inv_e_stm�nt--_Co-,--_has --caus��_-these-_Fresent-a--to_-be_-si�ried--by_-
<br /> its President and its corporate se�.l �,ttacrieci h�reto triis 12th day of May' A.D. 1914.
<br /> _._---------- --------- ---- __--- - --- --- --------- -_--_._ _-----.
<br /> u�'zT�ESS (CORP ) -----------The--Ro�s--Investr�ient--Co-.-,------------
<br /> (SIi.,AL )
<br /> -------T�--J'--Hansen---------------------------- -------- -- ---- �Y------Fxe_d---�r.--AshL-on -- --------P-r-esi�-d�;n�---
<br />� A�t�-st----.S-.Il.---Ross--- ----- -S���e�ax3r -
<br /> ST,l1TE OF NEBR.gSK.R,
<br /> H�11 ss.
<br /> --------------•-----------------------------------County, On this---------------1�„-----------------da�J �f--------------TJ[a.�T----------------------------------.g. D., 191-�-- - , before me, .
<br /> tice undersi�ned, a,N'otary Public_____________________._____________with,ir�and for said County, personally came I'r_2�1__ViT.___AfihtA21,_ __P-r�3�_$811t__��' ,' �
<br /> The_Ro_s_s__Inyestm�nt__Ca.._,___.to___me__personally___known_, to be tYie President oP said
<br />' ComFany,___anc� the i�entical_ �erson _whose _name is atfi�ed tc the above instru-
<br /> --- - ------- ------- ----------- ----- -------- ----------- ------------
<br /> (5�L ) ment a.s Gra,ntor, ancl acknowledged the saane to be hi s_vol�ntary act an� dee4
<br /> an�l t'ne voluntary_ act and deed _of the sai� The Rose Tnvestment_Co., ror th�
<br /> purpose therein ex�ressed. -
<br /> IN T�I�'NESS�T�"I{L+'REO�',I hav�32ereacnto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'icic�l seal at____�'ir�,11�_-______
<br /> Y_�].�1d_,__�t�bT_38k8.r______________ ___________--_on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------�.---J.----Har��en------------------------
<br /> .�'otar�r�Publ.ic.
<br /> ✓11y eommission expires----- -- - �'eb.--1_7th__ 1q16-- -------- --------- ---- -�.-----------•
<br />