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<br /> � �� p p -
<br /> �f . D��C� G��C�O�D �oo �0�
<br />. tG��6—KTOPP c�B�RTLFT'T CO.,PrtinEin9,7ilhoprapT�ing and Cou�aly�Yeipplies:(lmaha. _. .� .__ _. _,__ ..;�,_. __> ..--_--. �.�. . ._ .__ ._._. _ _._- - - - —
<br /> �''x���'1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on �N'umerical
<br /> --- ----- -- --Harx�r-wi�ger� a.nd__�ri�e ---
<br /> Index and filed for record this________1_��Yi_____,_,day of______�d'dZ_�$__________,_
<br /> .l1. D., 191�------, at.-- - -$:?,0 __ _ _ ------o'clock,Ar.- ---�'L
<br /> ----- --- - -- ------- -- - - ---- - - -- - --- - �Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. � O ���
<br /> ------------ ----- �h�t� -----�- ----------------- - ----
<br /> Re�iste of Deeds,
<br /> ---- -- - ----G e�or�e---R�- O rr� --- - - ------- - -
<br /> B�------------ - - ---- ---- - ------------------------
<br /> ` -- -- -- - Deputy.
<br /> �,�ob� �Y� �en� �p ��je�e �xe�e�.t�:
<br /> I . r �
<br /> We_ _Harry_ _W3g�;ers_ _aMt�_ E.____Catharina_ Wi��,ers_his wife
<br /> ����-- -- - - � - ---- ------ ----- -- ----------
<br /> ----------- ------------ - ---- ----- - ------- - --- ------ - - -------- - - - ----- -----
<br /> - - -- - ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
<br /> I'' of the County of- ---------_H's�ll------------------rrrad :St,cr.te <,f- --------- ------Nebr'aS_ka.-- ------- ------ ------ ------------(�rantor-- -------, in coresideration
<br /> f the sum o ------ �1�'EE--I�tiTldTB-t�--'I'�4t821�. r'lYe-- ------ --------------- - - -- -- - ---- - ------- ----------•-- ---- ----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> o f � Y- ----- ------ -
<br /> in hand paid, do_._-'``-`�-----lzereby GR.gNT, B.gRG✓IIJV', SEI,L, .1JV'D COJV'VEY'unto ,------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> ------------- -------------- -- -- ----------- - - -- ---- -------------- ----George._R. _Orr- -------- ------------------------------
<br />�, of the County of- -------- ---H�,11--- __-- --and State of----- ---- -- -- --- -- - �T2bT�.$k�i.------ - -_ _- - ---_--,Uran,t,ee-------, the followin�
<br /> described pTemises, situated in tl�e Countr� of____ __ __________ �_�].-_____________________________._____an,d State of JV'ebre�ka, to wit:
<br /> .•••---•-•------------•-------------------------------- ---- - - -- --- - - --- -- - -- - - - -- - --- --�---- -...----------------------•-------•---------------�-------------------------�--........- ---- � --------- ------
<br /> The.__Ss�u�h. (S�._.��Yenty-Five___feet___(_75, _ft_�_ of___Lot Thirteen (13) of: the county sub-divisi_on o� gart ,_
<br /> --o-� --�he--Sauth.._rial�---GS�-�--o-f--s�ctiQn---num�ter.---�.ive----�.5-)-->--.-Township---nine.---�-Q-)---Nortn---oP---Ran�e---Nine---(-�--),._.
<br /> ._.��st--Q�...th-e---6---P..M.--BeiX��--7-5----�e.�t---no.rth--a.nd---sout-h-, -and...l5.g.._Peet---i.n. .l�ngth,--- off--of---tne---south.--side
<br /> I'' --a�'---�a,i�--Lot---T-hir_Z-e_en -�131-•--- --- --- - - ---------.....---- ----- -- --- ----�------- -----�---�-----------��------ - -- - ----- ------- --- -..._..-- - -
<br /> ----------------------- ----
<br /> .--------�--- � -�----� -......-�-- - ..__ -- - -- - - -� - --- --- ----- ... -- -- �--------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------------�---------�---........--�---�--...........---------------------------�-------
<br /> ---- ---- - ---- - - - - ------ ----- ---- --- - -- - ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with ald the tenements, hereditamerzts, and appurtenances thereurzto belorz�in�, and all the Fstate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim a�d Demand whatsoever of the said. Grantor.____, ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �CO �d�1C AIY� t0 �DC� the above-described preyn,ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______arad to___.__,�8__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. Jlnd_____]�(�______h,ereb�covenant_______zvith the said Gra,ntee______.that___________1�Y4_________________ hold_.__.______said premises by�ood and
<br />', perfect title; that____.______________________ha._______600d ri�ht and laz�rful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br />��' and ineumbrances whatsoever-------------------- ------ - --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
<br />'' ----------------------------------------- ------_- _ - ---------- -- -- - ----- - --- - - - - - ----- - ------- ----- -- ------------------- --- - --------- - ------------------------- --
<br /> I '
<br /> ---- - -_- -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - ------- ---- --------- - - - - ---- - --------------------- -------------- - -- ---------------------- ---- ---
<br /> .Flnd._______.____._______ �e_______________________________________ covenant_____._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever--------__ . _. - - - - -- - ---- -- ----------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the.--- ------'2�'------------------- --da�J �/�- - - ��b2'U�'y - -- ---- ----- --.FI. D.,19-15-----•
<br /> u�zT��ss ------------------�-�_r__ry_---�!ig��r_-�-------- --------------------
<br /> --- - ----��- T�.--�edman---------------------------------- - �' 50 � ------------------ -E-•----G�,khar-lna--Wiggers----------
<br /> --- - - ( z.R.
<br /> ( stamps ) ---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------
<br /> ----------- ---� - - ----- - . _ - - ---- - -- ----- --- (cancelled)
<br /> ST�FITE OF ✓l�'EBR.l1SK�1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------------------------xall-------------count on th��--- �4--------- �ebruar 1
<br /> J, ---------------da�J �f-------------------------------�---------------------�. D., 19-----:�.._ , before me,
<br /> the un,dersi�ned, a�i�'otary Public________________._____________within and for said County, personally came_______H�.S'T�___W1��,Y'�__�.rid__E.____________
<br /> _C�.t_harina Wi_g��rs,---h-��---W�-�e�------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> - ----------------- ----- ------------------------ - - - - -------------- ----- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__g._._____whose f2ame______�,�e________________________afJ`ixed to the above
<br /> (g�Z,� instrument as �rantor_______, and___.___�21�jI__.________________..severally acknowled�ed the sarr�e to be___________�xi,��.]�luntary .
<br /> r�ct and deed for the purpose thereirc expressed.
<br /> IN W7TJV'ESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my name and af)ixed my of)icial seal at_______________.________
<br /> D0211Fhd211__121.__Sd.1_d_C4Lirit3t_t_____._orz the date last above written.
<br /> ----- -----Gt�a.s-.---�b-.----��t��l-------------------------------
<br /> �l�otary Public.
<br /> .My comm�ssion expires---------------__]�eCOTtlbeY'---_1_�_--1-g17.-----------------------------�'"----------•
<br />� , �
<br />