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<br /> : � D D D ��O�D ��o ��a
<br /> D�C�D �
<br /> _ ._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- -_ _ __ _ _
<br /> _ _ � �_�_ _ _ �_
<br /> 6ti�iU--K70PP&BARTZ.F.TT CO.,Pritzling,I,itTzo�r¢yhing and County Supplies,•Oniu3ea. . . . .. .
<br /> �'���/1'I I Izereby certify that this instrument was erctered on Numerical
<br /> -------Th�--R03.S__I21VE'StIl1e1'lt Cn_-'--___----------- Index arcd filed for record this-----�$�21-----------day af------!?��_4h------------
<br /> .R. D., 19---1�---, at - - �'��- __-- ------o'elock, P'---.M.
<br /> -- --- -- --- - ---- ---- - - -- -- -- - - - - - �Warranty
<br /> TU Deed.
<br /> ����,�� ��
<br /> ��
<br /> ___ _ _ ____ _ _ __ _________________________________ _ _
<br /> Ke�ist of Peeds,
<br /> Conr�,d Fuss
<br /> �✓------- -- - - - --- - - -----:------ -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br />� �.�o�a �.�� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> ����-- -�h� -�tQS� Inve_�tment_ Co� ; a _cor�aor_ation, _ .
<br />' Nebr3$xa ___l�rantor_________, in consideration
<br />'' of the CountJ �f----- - H�,11. - - - arrd Stcrte of-- --- ------------------------ - ------------------------ - --- -- ----
<br /> II of the sum of------S�\U@ri hllXi.dl'E�1 Bc -110�04. ----- ----- -- -- ----- ------------ --- ------- --- -- ------- ------ -- ---- ------- ---- --- -- ------DOLL�RS,
<br />�I, in hand paid, do�-S----_--------h,ereby GR�1.NT, B.9RG�gIN, SELL, �4.ND CONVEY'unto-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> ---------------- -- --- -- ----- - - - --- ----- �4z1x_��--b'__Li��------- -- ------- - ------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----- --- ----
<br /> ------- ------
<br /> Hall Nebraska � .
<br /> of the Count�J��--------- - -- - - - - _---..._and State of_---- ---- -- -- -- - -- -- --------------._--- - __--_ ---- - -_ , rantee.-------, the follounn�
<br /> I described premises, situated in the Cour�ty o/'____ ______._ _______._ x�_l.___.___._ _____...____afzd State of JV'ebr�6�ka, to wi-t:
<br /> ,� ..............•---•-----------..----------------------------------- - ---------... - -- - --- - ---- ----- - -- - --------------._....._....-----------------�-•--•-••--•------._....-------------------- -------- - ---- -- - - ------
<br /> --�at�s--.Dtumb�r....one_.-(-1-)-_-an�.-_T�e�----(-2_�.._i.n---�l�C,�---Numb er__.Six-_(6..)..._in..Ko�hler..,Place-1---an--a�di t_ion---in---the...__
<br /> - G-#-�y--of- ���r�d- I s1-a��t-�- accardi��- -ta-..th�--.r.EC�r.d.e.d_.pl.at. �h�r�n�',----------�----�---�---...._..- ..............._.__....----------........--------------
<br /> -------_�--- ----._.._ --- - - --- - ---- - - -- - ---- ---- -�- -----�----�----��------�-------------------------- -- -- - - - - --- - - --------- -------�--------- ------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------
<br />� ...__.. - - - ---._...---- -�.-� ---......- - ------- - -.._- _ ---- - --- ---- -- -=-- --�--�-- -- - ---
<br /> -----_......_._-�---....._.....----------------�-----------------------------...---.......------------------------�---��---�
<br /> .
<br />'� - ---------- ---- ------- - - - - - - --- ---- - - -- - -- --- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -
<br /> -- ---- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------_-----._.._..
<br /> To�ether with all the tenerrzents, Tiereditazne�zts, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�, arad all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�S,
<br /> 6�,Claim and Demand whatsoer>er of th,e,said Cr�antor_______, . ' . , of, in, or to the same, or anz�part.thereof.
<br /> �CD �A�1C �IY� r0 �OY� the,aboze-described pre�n,ises, with the appurtenances, zc�2to the said�ra�2tee_._____and to____hj.a8--------.---- heirs
<br /> � the said The Ross Investment Co.
<br />�' and assi�ns forever. .�4nd____R______h,ereby covenarzt_8__.wi,th the sai,d Grantee______that______________i t_______.___ hold__$_______said premises bz�dood a»d
<br /> perfect title; that______.__i�____________h,as____Sood ri�ht and lazvful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that thez� are fTee ar�d clear of all liens
<br />' and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------- ----------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------
<br /> ------
<br /> -- -- -- - ---- --- -- - __-
<br /> rnves�nent- co-;_-- -- ------ --- ------- ---- - -------------- --- - - --- ---- ---- -------------------
<br /> .Flnd____�he__Si,`��a__�he___R033_ _�___________ __ _ covenant_$____to warrant and defercd the said preTnises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---BXCE}7� ��6_S .d.S_3_8_S��d f Qx--x-h�---y��T'---��14---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- --- - ---
<br /> - ----------------- ----
<br />'�, ---�-�--1���-n�s�-�her--eo�'-,--the--sa.i-d---Th�;___Rass_.Inv��t:r,i�r�t----�a-•---has_ caused---t_h�se---pres�nt-s---to---be__si_�ned- - --
<br />' by 1ts presi_�ient___an�i__.i_t_s _cornorate seal attached hereto- th�,s 30tri day of June A.D. 1914.
<br /> - - - ---- . . .---------•
<br /> _ . .
<br /> I'' W'zT�v'ESS T,�i.Fs.--�DSS--I-I�IV�S-T�T�- C-O-•-- ----- ---- -- ---- -
<br /> (CORP 1.00"�
<br /> � H�-----Fr�d--�t___AsY�t�n---------P-r--e-s-id�n�-----
<br /> - ��- �•---k��.n�en------------------------------- -- ------- (sEAI.� Staznp }
<br /> ,�,cancelled ) A��.�s�.---�-R---D�.---Eoss----------S�.�r-e-�-a.r�------
<br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR�lSK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------------------��.�.---------------Cour�ty, Orz this---- _------3d-------------- ------day ��------------------------�TUl�----------------------�1. D., 19._1�'.. , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a Notary Public________________._________._._____with,in and for said Countz�, persorcally came___�'_�'��__Yl�,___A�hton,___P�.�s_l�ent____
<br /> --�f----T�ie_Ro�s---Inue_�km�nt----�-Q-,--.---to--.me--pEr_,sana7.].�r_--kn��rn-�a--b-e--the---P_r_�ai�enL--�P----
<br /> __��,�d_-��mp-a,n�r-,=an�i__�he_1_�entical__�er�9n__who se__na.me__i_s_aff'ixed__to__the___above___i�-
<br /> stru��nt as GranLor,:-� ari� acknowled�ed t'he same...to be�hi s _voluntaxy act and:�<
<br /> {SEAI, ) -�geed and the "voluntary act anQ �eed o#' the said ��i� Ross Iriv�stment Cfl. , 2'or
<br /> the gurpo�e::therein expresseCl.
<br /> � I✓y'YVITNESSW�fEREOF,IhaveharFUnto subscribed my name and af�'cxed my ofJ'icial seal at______��_ap�d---_--
<br /> .I.S1�.21d,____N�brcL3ka_____________ ______________on the date Zast above written.
<br /> -------- -- ------T�---a-.---��s��----------�---------------
<br /> Notar�Public.
<br /> .M� commission expires.---- �'!'e�_.__l��h� 1�1�� - - ----- --------- ----- --- �----------•
<br />