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<br /> ; .: ,. , DC��D ���OC�D �oa ���
<br />__ <:,,- -;6��U—IfIOP7'&8RR'I'ZlF.'T2'��.,Prin.linn,l,iRho�jraphiri�are�lCeunty,qupplies;f➢m�rfia: _ _ �..__�. ___ . --- _
<br /> I'x0�'1 I hereby certifz� that this instrumer�t was entered oro ✓Y'umerical
<br /> -----,-------------- B�V['.Y'lal' ---- Irzdex and led or record this-----1-J-��h------------daz�of---�Ic1.rGYl---------------
<br /> -�._._�E�'�L�1S- -- -._ ._ � �
<br /> . .g. D., 19_.1_�._.__, at- - ---9- _ -- - - ----------o'clock--A.----�I.
<br /> - ---- ---------- - - --- -_ _ -- - - �Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. _ -
<br /> ,
<br /> . p ,
<br /> ------ - �- -=e�L��-_ �c-��e==�?== -
<br /> -- - ---------------- --
<br /> Re�ist r of Deeds,
<br /> -- -- - -- - --- _ _�_,.--�.- Alt_er -_ -- ----- --- --
<br /> B�--------- --- - -- ------ - ---- - -----------------------
<br /> ----- --- ------------- - --- - - - __ - -- - -- - � Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ����----- x�- __Beverl.y- B,- �eem�__ _ - - -- -- - _- - -----_ . --------- - - ------ --- ----- ----- -- --- ------
<br /> -�------ -- ------ --- --- ---
<br /> City and
<br /> o the Count o ________ _ _ aa�d S'i,a-te o ___________________________._____Grantor__________, in consideration
<br /> # n � f s�. Zou�s t--- - __- -M-i�asour --- -------
<br /> of the sum of_-------- - -S�1f e11_FiLl21dY'�� - -- - -- -- -- ---- - --- ------- ------DOLL.�IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------------dzereby GRv4NT, B�1RG.gIIr, SF,LL, d4✓V'D CONVEY'untv-----------I-•---E�---Al-L-�r----------------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> --------- ---------- �-- --- - -- - ----- --- ------- ------------- --- ---------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- --- ----------------
<br /> af the Count�J��--- ---Hdll__..-- - - -- -----and State of_--- - - - -- N��k1Z's'�k€�- --- -- ------------- - _ - - -- ----,Grant.ee-------, th,e followin�
<br /> described pa°emises, situated iiz the Courit� of:___ ____...___.____ ___.__.___.Hc111------------_---___.-_.an,d State of Nebr�s6�ka, to wit:
<br /> ........................•-•---------------------------- ----- - - - - ----- - - - ----- ---- --- - -- --� --.....-- --- - ------- -------------------._..__._...----•--�---------•------------ -----------....-- -- --- --- -- -- - --._..
<br />� .._..y.a:t...Humb.er..._�"our..._(.?�.�__.�lo.�k._�TUZ�b�r___Eleven___(11._�___Kernohan..&_ Decker�_ .Addition to____the Cit� of _
<br /> - -Gr�c�--I-sl�nc�;--�t�br-a�ka. --- ---- -----.._...------ ----� ------- - -�- - - - - ---- -- -.... - ---------� �
<br /> ----------------- --------� - ---------------.....-- ----------:-- - - - -
<br /> ----------- - ------- ---- -- - --- - - - - -- --- --- _ - �---....-- --.._.._..------------------------- ---- ------------ ---- --- -.._..-------......_... ---------- --� ----------- �-------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------�- - - - - - --- ------- - ----- - - - -- - - -- ....- - --- --- --------�-- - --- - ----------------- --��-- �----- --------�--- -- - --.... ------------ ------ ----�-------------------....----------- ---------.._.
<br /> .._................. ...--- -- -- -- - �- -� - -- - --- - ---_ _ - - ---- - -- ---- ------- ------- --- ---�--------- -----�------- ----------�-----......_._---- --�-��-----....------- -- ------�--�------------ --
<br /> ----._...._._ _ __. ----------- - - - ------- - __ . .---� -----.. ------------------------------------------------------ -
<br /> To�etl�oer with all the teneme�Lts, heredita�nents, and a�purtenances the��eunto belon�in�s, an,d all thn.. Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grantor________,und of eith,er of them, of,in, or to the same, or arzy part thereof.
<br /> �O �abE dll� tA �OI� the above-described premises, with the appurteraances, u.nto the said�rantee________and to______._____________ ___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd___I___________hereby covenant_____with the said Grccntee_______that______I_________________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that________._____�___________hc�T_�,'__sood ri�ht and law�ul authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lien,s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------- --------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br />'� ..
<br /> -------------------------------------------- --- --------------- - -- - - ---- _ --- - -- - - -- --- --- - - -- -- -- -- - ------------------ ---------- ----- ---- --------------- ----------- --- '
<br /> .,4rcd______. .-____________.__.______j____________________________ covenant______to warra3zt and deferad the said prerrzises a�ainst the lawful claims of all p�rsons '
<br /> whomsoever------ -- _ ._ - --.__--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -
<br /> ---------------------- - --- - --- - -.. - -- -- -- - - ---------- - ------- ------ ---------- -- - -- -------------------- - ----------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> --- � 1� __---- F'eb rLl`d.r�/-- ---- - -.,4. D.,19_15-----•
<br /> Dated the--------------1-5--- - ----------- da o -
<br /> W'IT.NESS ------------------ --I�3�_V_��'1�!--8-•---I?�eTT1S------------------
<br /> 1.�0 �
<br /> ---- -- - ----J. --P-- -I3erg--------------------------------------- -
<br /> --- ( I :R � --------------------------- ------------------- -- ----- -----
<br /> ( 8 t�xr.g s }
<br /> (canc el l ed) ------------------------
<br /> �ss.
<br /> C�,.tX--��---5�..---Z-QLi-1S---� on thzs----- -1-5�h-----------------da� �f--------------��brua�r�r---------------------�. D., 19__�-�__ , before me,
<br /> City
<br /> the undersi�sned, a Notary Public_____________ ______________________within and for said�personally eame____$�__$.___DP,P,IQ;i-_________________ __
<br /> -- ---- -- - --- - -- ------------- - -- ------ --------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_____.____whose name________.______i�________________________af�'cxed to the above
<br /> - �S� � instrument as�rantor___.__._, arzd___.________y�[Ylp___________.__�acknowled�ed the same to be_______��_g_________voluntaiy
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�'8xed my of�Lcial seal at._______________________
<br /> _$�.__,j�_C1U1:3,__�Q�.._,.j.11__fi3�_�1__.��'C�Qn the date Last above written.
<br /> . (SExL )
<br /> ------ -- --------------At��ul__8�31��-------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .Mr� aommission expires----- -._ ,A,�?r 11- 1ff-141�-�------- ----- ------------- � '------------•
<br />