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<br /> Li�U R7�FP R SARfiLETT CO.,Priali�ep,I iEhogr¢phi�pantlC,ounty'.Si�ppta"es;CTmaha. - —`� �
<br /> . FRO� I herebz� certify that this instrument was eratered orz �V'umerical
<br /> ------Ch�7,Z'1�8---H.----De21Tt13r1 &--W1r@__.._ ------- Index and filed for record this--------�Y'a------------daz�of-----���'C�--------------
<br /> �Warranty ,�1. D., 19---�-5---, at--- 11: ���-- -----o'clock A.---�•
<br /> Tp Deed. ' ���
<br /> ---- --------- - �i�c�i_ �/-/���--- -
<br /> - ---------------
<br /> � � �Re�ist�e of Deeds,
<br /> ---------- ----------Jo_�.chim--F.--Stoltenber�--------
<br /> B�-------------------- -- ------ - -------- ---- --------------------- ---------
<br /> ----- Deputy.
<br /> �.�.o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�. ,
<br /> ��At------W�--Gh�.rlE� �i.---�er�an-a.nd_�illi.an E.--- D�nman,-,his--�tif�T---- ------- - -- - --------- ------------------------- ------ ---
<br /> I, of the Count�J �f--- - �I�.17.- --- - -- uncl ,�St<r,te of- -- - �T-�bT'e`k£�Kc�- - -— ---- ---- --- ----- - --- -------Grantorg ------, in consideratiori
<br /> o the sum o Ten t hQil$�.21d_00 _100--- --= _ ` — - — — — _ _ -- — — — — — � -- -- ---�---`-- --------- -D L.�4R �
<br /> f f---------- -- - - --- � -
<br /> ------------------ - ---------- --- -- -- -- -- - OL S
<br />�i ir� harzd paid, do-----------------hereb� GRd4JV'T, B✓1RG.FII.N, SE.LL, d4�1�'D CO.NVEY'urzto-------.__-.TQs'�,Chj.�--�'-•----S�Ql�_�'X1��Z'�----------- -----------------
<br /> -------------------------- --- --- ------- ----- - - --- - ------------------------ -- ------------- -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ --------------
<br /> of the Countz�of------- - - - ��11 - _ ---and State of----- - I�@bxr3.Ski3, - -- ---- -- ----- -------- - - ----------,Gran:t,ee--------, the followin� '
<br /> descr�ib.ed premises, situated ira the Cou�zty oj_____ ____.__________H��_._______________________..__.__a�2cl, State of JV'ebr�Bka, to wi.t:
<br /> ----•-•.............-�------------.._------------------------- -- -- - --- - ----__-- ----- - - - - -----.....__....----- --------------..........._....�--•---------•-----------�-�-----�---- - -----� - .._.......- --- ._--
<br /> ...............The__NQrth_,half___oP__.t_he__North-east _Quarter (N� NF� ) oF_..Section. Thirteen_,(1�.)_.__in.__Townshig_.,,__.___
<br /> --------.----Ten--�-14��--D�ortri,---�.f-__Range---Ten...j-1�.-�-._1Ye�t---af....t_1��---6-t-h--P,.M�._.,.._.�an.t.ainir�--F3-0---a�r.es...a��Qrding------------
<br /> .._---------t�---t-?�e---GQVerrlment_._survey---tY�.ereof.....-------.-------.--------
<br /> ..----------��Posse��i�n to -be--g�ven---l��ar.ch 1T---�--9�-5r --�d--Gr_an�ors__.�4.-P��--t.a�e-s- f'o-r -th�.-.y.�ar....1�1.4...-�..................
<br /> ----------- --- -..._ - - - - --- --- -- --- �--- ------ ---�-----�--------------�----- -------------------------.._ ._.....--�-- -- - ------- ----- ----- -- -- .......---------------------------------- ----...------
<br /> --- - -�-- -._....._ - - - - - ---- - - -- - -- ----- - - ---- - ._._. - -..._..- --- --- ----- --��---------------------- ------------- - �----- �-- �---�---�- � -- --- ------- ---.._-- -----�----
<br /> -- ---------- - -�--- ---- -- - ---- --- ------- -- - - - --- ---_ _ - ---- ------------------------------------------------------......------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, Tier•editaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arad all the Estate, Ri•�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er,
<br /> Curtes�,Claim and Dernand whatsoever of th,e sai,d Grantor__�___, ,' . , of, i», or to the same, or arzy part thereof.
<br /> �O �A�1C AIY� t0 �OI� the at�ove-described preen,ises, with t,he appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to_____.___h�.$__.._____ heirs
<br />, and assi�ns forever. .11nd____y�ty_______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee______.that._.________Ip[e_____.__________ hold____________said premises by�ood,and
<br /> perfect title; that_.__________YY_�____________h,aY_�___�ood risht and lawful authority to sell aaZd conve;y the same; that they are free arcd clear of all lien.s
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever--------------------- --- ------- -------- - ------- --- -- ---------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------- - -- ---------- - - - --_ _ - = -- -- ------- - ----- ---- -- -- --- - -- -------------------------- - ------------- ----------- - ---- -- - --
<br /> �qnd.______________ __ttP$------_- --____ --__----__------__ covenant_._____to warra�zt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of aZl persons
<br /> who�nsoever-- ------ _ -- - -- -- - -----------------------------------•------------------------------ --
<br /> - --------------- ----------------- ---------------------- - -- - -----�--------- - --
<br /> --------------------- - - - --..- -- - --- --_ --._ . - -- -- ----- --- ------- -- ----- ---- ------------------- - -- -------------------------------------------- -
<br /> Dated the------------��t-�-----------------da�J �1�- AUgUSt� - -- ----- - - -�1. D.,19_l�.--•
<br /> WzT�v'ESS ------------------------�harle s-I�-�---�enman---------------
<br /> ( 10.00 �
<br /> --------- --- -- J ohn_Al l an---------------- ------------- -- - -- � I.R. : --------------------------L i ll i an--E_,---Penman------- ------ -
<br /> ( Stamps )
<br /> (�a,nc el l ed) ------------------------------------------ ---------- --------- -� - -- -
<br /> ST.,4TE OF .N'EBR,F1SK.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -------------------------x��'1-----------Cour�ty, On this---- ---Z�T-�h-- ----------da�J �f--------�-u���--------------------------------�. D., 19__l.�._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a,N'otary Public.-_---_-.__ _-_-------__-_--..-_-----withi,n and for said County, personallz�came----------__-_---_-__-__-__---_----___---__-------_-_-_-------
<br /> .��l�,rles---H-,----Denman_ and---�il2ian--E,----Denmanl---his__Wii'e.�--------------------
<br /> _ to me personally known to be the identieal person__S_.____whose name_S___�'�_________________________af�"'ixed to the above
<br />. (SF.�•AI�� instrument as �rantor__�_._, and__.____�Y1G'�_�___________________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__.�hBj,T__.___volunta�y
<br /> act ared deed for the purpose therein e�pressed.
<br /> INW7TJV'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rzame and afj"ixed my of�'icial seal at___��_�{�_________
<br /> __I.s1an�!_,___i�__sa��_�____�ounty_,_____________on the date last above writterc.
<br /> ------ --- J�hn__A11�t'1----------------------
<br /> �Y'otar�Pw-blic.
<br /> Jtly eommission expires----- - -- J3T1._._��- 191$�-------- --- -------------- ------ ----- . ------------•
<br />