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'� V'� �:,� <br /> � - .w D�C�D ��C�C�O�D �oo ��� <br />. :�G�7U—KT.OPI'c2 B.�t�R'LF,R'T CD.;Prtinttin9.I,itie�raphang an�l Cve»7t�Yuppdiesl fTrrm)�a._ - . <:. _. -' ----'--:_ .._.��� ��.-- -- -- --- — - __ <br /> FR�J� I hereby certif� that this instrz�ment was entered ora Numerical <br /> 2b�h Feby. <br /> --------- Wel�ha-H.--TO�'U71E--3c---Y1Ll5b-,--__ ---------- In,dea�and fided foi•record this-------------------------dar�of.---------------------------------- <br /> �Warranty �. D., 191-�------, at---- - j:�0__ ____----- ------__o'clock ._P_'_.M. <br /> �,U Deed. . , <br /> - - -- - ------�c�--------- --------- - <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> �aniel W. �i�ns�11 <br />' -------- --- ---------------------------�--- - --- ------- - ------ -- -- <br />' B9----------�------ ----------------------- ------------------------ <br /> De � <br /> ------------- - - --------- ----- - -- -- ----- - ------ puty. <br />� �.�o� �YY �ea� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t�; <br /> ���t____We_,_._tiYelt_ha �i.----To�vn� an� Criarles �. Toj,vne _��_'�rife anci Hu5`b�,nd�� <br /> - - _---- ----- ---- ------ --- ---� - ------ - - -- -------- ---- _.- - <br /> ' -_-___-_-____-_-----__-_---Grantor-�--_-_--, in consideratiorz <br /> of the Coui2t� ��----- I�l:�,ll . -- -- - - -<i�i,cl 4t�Lt� ��f-- - - - --- --�T_E'_k7z'�Skc3_ -- ----- <br /> of the sum of_--------T�XETlty -T.Y10-U.S-�.rid.,_—__..—---'- �--- - "- ----"----�-------�--`--'- "---'- ---- -- -' -'------- -'---'---------- ---'---�OLL,f1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------_1z,ereby GR�INT, B�IRC�lI�", SELL, ��N'D CONVF.Y'unto.--------------Dc_`�__T_1_�._�_'_l-W.----�ia,215_E,'ll----------------------- ----------------- <br /> f J � r� ---a,nd State of------- --- -��b__T"�,3_K� - --------- ---- ------ -- -- -- ----,(�rantee--------, the followin� <br /> o the Count o --------_.z.��.l3ri�------ -------_- <br /> described premises, situated in the County of___ __ ______________��,�„�.___.___.________________________.____and State of Nebre�ka, to wit: <br />�,rt�r -S�ctiort Triirty -(�4 )-'1'ownsnip- -Ten--(10 ) Nortr�---Ran�e---Elev�n--(11-)---- ---- - <br /> ...............�t��t--�.ix.t_h..P.r. �n�i�?al- -���r._i.di_an->---.Hall---CQUn��r--�_��.�asKd----�----C_ax1.�,��.inin�--0-ne---Hunsir.��i...Sixt,y.---------------------- <br /> - --- --L�c.�es.---2�rr� -°--r-L-e�s acc�rdin�. .to.--Goverrun�nt--9urvey--tiz�_rc�of-,----Su'k�-,jc�c-t---t°-- a...Certain- - --- - - --- - <br /> - - -- ...-- ------------ <br />' ---------------T��or����,��---�f---�iv-�---Tnc;usanci___�iv_e._Iiundred_._Dol_l�rs,--�v►a.icti--tn�...s�,a,-d---Gra,ntee--a�_sumes-�------------------,-------------- <br /> ....--------- --- - -_.. -- - - ---- - -------- -- -- -- --- - --- --- - - ----- --�- - -------- --- ---- -�- - ---- -------------.•-.-.-_--...- -----------------------------...- -----------------------_..---....._ <br /> -�--- ---�-- - - -- - - ---- - - --- ---- ...------- -- -- -- �-- ---....--�-------------------------------- ----...---.._...-- -. ------------ --------�--�------------�--- - ---------- ---�-------- --- ------------------- <br /> �..----- - - ----------�-- --- - -- ------ ---_..-- - - -_ _ _ - -� ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and a�pu,rtenances thereurato bedon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and I�emand whatsoez�er of the said Cranto�____, ' , of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br />' �0 �d�1C AlYb t0 �OY� the aboUe-descriFied pr�e3nises, with the appurtenances, unLo the said�rantee__/__._and to.______�j,_;3__________ heirs <br />' and assi�ns forever. ✓fnd_.__�'�e________herebr�covencznt___._._with the suid Crantee_______that________.___�__�'______.__.______ hold________._..said premises by�ood an,d <br /> perfect title; that______________�e__________h,a__Veyood ri�lat and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever________�C��?t__3N__d,bOV2___7q�21t1_Oil�d_i______________._ <br /> ----- --------- --------- ------ -- -------------------- --•------ ------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- ------- -- - --- ------- ----- -- --- ----- -- - - - -- ----- -- --- - --- ---------------------------------- -- ----------- -- --------- --- <br /> - - --- - - - - -- - ____ -_ - -- --- -- - - ---- --- -- ----- - - --- ----------- ----------------------- ------ ----------- - ------------------------- -- <br /> .F�nd.:_______________._____________W�__________ __._____ _____ __ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--- ---__ .. - --- - - -- - _ --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------...----- --------------------� <br /> --------------------- -- - - -- --- - -- _ _ .----- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- ------------------ ------- -- -------------------------------- - --- --- <br /> Dated the-----------_22.?1C�--------- -------da�J ��- 9 C�Ober ------ ---�1. D.,19_l�-----• <br /> W'IT.N°ESS -------- -- W@lt k1d--H.---TOWriO---------- ----- --- - <br /> ��20.oo�� <br /> ------ -- '��rs--Ch�,s.--R.--Be�;�_�---------------- - ( St�,rn� s ) ----------------------C_Y1.ar_l��__E_:_-TnY�n�------ - ----- - , <br /> P <br /> (c�.nc�11 ec� ) ----------------------------------------- ---- <br /> --------------- ------ ----- - <br /> --------------�i, --D.__'�_r_out--------- --- ---- ----- - - ---- <br /> Sta�e oP N�bra�ka) <br /> : sa, On this 22nd �a;;� of' Octob�r A,D. 1914, before m�, tk7e under�i�;n�d, a NQtary <br /> Hall County - ) PUblic tieit�rin an�, for said CQUnty, p�;�sonally c:ame Charie� �;. To�m,�, hH'u��and <br /> of Weltha H. Townau. Lq .me personallY knav�n to be the identical p.ers�n whose He affixed to the <br /> abbve' lnstrumc�rit �.s Grantor, �,nd H� severally a�kno�rledge� the s�m� to °be his valunt�,rv act and - <br /> �ieed fr,r tne �ur�ose trierein exFr��sed. <br /> I?�t t�TITNESS W��REO�', I ti�v� hc�r�unto subscr��aed my rir�me a�i� �,Pfixed iny affici�.l seal at '�Tood River, <br /> in said County,on t�a� r�ate last above written. . _ . <br /> My commission expire� A�ril 27,1�15. (SEAL ) H. D. Trout-�=�'otarY Public <br /> State of Tk�isscuri ) . � <br /> � sa. On tl�i� 26t�i day of. Octaber A�.D.191�+, b�fore me, th� undersi�ned, a, Notary <br /> City of St .Zouis � pu�lic ��it�in �.nci f'c3x �ai� Cr�unty, p�rsonall.y came Weltha H. To�vne �+Wif'e o�' <br /> C�rarles �, To�rneu to m� F�rsonallV knr,ti��n to b� tne idcntica7. p���on t�v�ios�: �nar�� She affi�ed to trie <br /> above instrume;nt as Gran�or, antl Srie sev�rally ackriowl���;ed �Yie .sa�x��< ,ta be H�r voluntary act and <br /> de�d f'o.r tl�ie Furpose tt�i�r�:im exgr�ssed. <br /> IN WITNESS ti�l��}�EOF, I hav� hi;reunto sub�cri'�eci my natn�; �,n�.� a�'Pixecl my o�'�'iei�,l seal at St . zouis, <br /> in s�,i� City, on �Y�e ���.',� la��t abov�; written. <br /> ?,![y COTI]IT1�5Sion ex�ires Ap.r. il 17,1q17. (S�AZ ) qliver Senti--Nat�rv Public <br />