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<br /> � �.� � . . .. ,
<br /> ,: �-. ��C�D ���OC�D �oo ��o
<br />� __ , ___ _ _ __ �_ _ _. _�. :_ _._ _ _ _ __ _ __._ �_ __
<br />— - 6J;(r-=K70PP&BAR3'L'L�'TT CO.,Primtting,I,ithot�raphinpand Caunty S'uPPliesf Omrrha.-" __ - -` - -- -�- - _ _�__._
<br /> .� _ . ._ - -
<br />- - - -;__,_ _, _ _ _,....,. _ ....,,- -_-- - __._ � _.__ __
<br /> 1''��� I hereb� certifz� that this instrumerLt was entered on JV'umeTical
<br /> �'ranK Tsch��.U�E'2^ & wife In,clex an.d led or record this__.__.___�,�______________da o �!'_�'�T�.s3x'
<br /> --- ----- -- ------ --
<br /> - ---- - -• -- - - . --, -- � � �J f•- - - �---------
<br /> ✓1. D., 19 -�--��----, at-- _..___ _ j - -- - - --------o'clock�.-----�•
<br /> -- --- - --- --- - _ - -_ -- -- - _ - - - - '�Warranty
<br /> rU Deed.
<br /> ; ,
<br /> � , � �r,-r-�i� �
<br /> ---------- - ---- -- - --- -- - - - -----------
<br /> - ---------------- -
<br /> Walter 13edford RegL er of Deeds,
<br /> B�------ ----- - - - - -- - - - - --- ----------------------
<br /> De ut
<br /> - - -- ----- ----- A �J•
<br /> �.�o� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ����.____ ______We_, _Fz�n�C___'�schauder__a,nd_�'xnelia_ Tschauder_,___hus`b_ar�d___and,_wi__fe_ ____ ______
<br /> " I�T6bT�,Ska _______________Grantor___�_____, in consideratiorc
<br /> of the CountJ �}-----HOOk�r' - - - - -�irrd ,Sirct;e of------ - ----------- ------- - --
<br /> of f----------- -Fourteer� Hundred arid -_______---___. ________------- -.._.______._ N0�100---___.____
<br /> the sum o --------- ---- - - -- - --- - --.._------------------ ---------------- ------ ----- --------------------�------ ---------------- ------ --------DOLL.f1RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_.________________lzereby GP.,4NT, B./1RG�II.11�", SF,I,L, .F1��V'D CO.NVEY`zcr�to___._______�altBY' $@df0r'd,
<br /> - ---- -----------------
<br /> ------------- --------- -- - ---- --- - -- -- -•----- ------------------------- - - ---._.----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------------------- _
<br /> of the County of- ------ Ii��l.l - - ---arcd State of----- - -N�bT'd,Ska, -- --- --- - - --- -- - - -- ----,Graiztee.--------, the followin�
<br /> deseribed premi-ses, situated in the C.ount� of____ _________________I��11_______________.___________.______arzd State of Nebr��ka, to wit:
<br /> ----•--------------------------�--------------------------- - - - --- - - -- - - - - -- -- - --- -- - -._.._.....------- -----�------.._..--•-----------•-�-------------�--------...------------....-• -- --- -------- -------
<br /> .lots FourtH,E�n -(14), -Fifteen ,(1�); Sixte�n- (-16),----5eventeen (17 ), Ei�hteen (13-)---and,--Nin�te�n----(1_g )
<br /> ......... ..... .. . - ----------------
<br /> _ in__���vt�_norne--Place--�,--su�?-r�-iv-i-s-i-°n.--c�f--�art...c�.f._..t.Yi�__Nort1l--Me_st----qu.art_er--°�'---Sec-,---?2,-11---��-------------------------.
<br /> ---- ---�---- -- - ------- - -- _ ------ ... -- ---- - ---- .- - � --- -- - - ...... --- ..... . .. ............... ......�--�--�----•-�---- - --- ---- ----- - ----- --------..._----- -----------�------......._..._._._.
<br /> ----- - -�---�-� -- -...---- --- -- - .... ---- - - - --- - --- ---- - - - ---- ---------- .._._--- - -------- -----� --�..... ....................__..- --------- ---�--�------ -- -------------------------------------�
<br /> ,
<br /> ------ - - ---------- - - -- - - - -------- - -- ----- - --___ .. --- - -----------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnefzts, and appur�ter�ances thereunto belon�sir��, and all th.e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtes�,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor_�;____,arzd of either of t,hem, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���1C Alt� t0 �0�� the above-described prern-ises, witlz the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___.___and to__________n_��______-__ heirs
<br /> and assi�resforever. �qnd_____�!e_.__.___herebz�covenant______with the said Grantee_.____.that_______�e____________________ hold___________said premises br��ood.and
<br /> perfect title; that._______�'�e__.__._______ha_V_esood ri�ht and lau�ful authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lien,s
<br /> andineufnbrances whatsoever---------------- - ----- _--- -------------- ----------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------ - ---- -- ----------- - - -- -.._------ ---- ----- - - - -- - -- ----- -- ----------- -- -- --------------- -- -- --------------------- --------
<br /> �4nd__________________________ti'Ye___________.__ ___ -----------__ _ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persor�s
<br /> whomsoever---- --- - - --- - ---- ------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------- ---------------------------- -
<br />' --------------------- - - - --- -- - --- --- -- - - - ------------ -- - - - - ---------- ------------ ----- --- ------------------------- - -------------------------
<br /> Dated the------------��h-•------------------da�J ��- �'�F-�'11-- - - - ---- ---- -- ---�1. D.,191 j�.----•
<br /> �'IT.NESS 1 I+rarik Tschauder
<br /> --- T. -P__-Bn�hm------�5----�-Q�--�2-•-------- --- --- -
<br /> ----2---------------F,m�;_]._i�----T�s�Y�au_der_------ -- ------ --
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -
<br /> ----h?m.- W.,----Gru e;n i_�;_��:s_ t�--#1� -- - - -- --- -- ---
<br /> ,., . , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> St�:te, :of Nebra.ska���, pn� tn�s 5tn, day of Apri1 l�.P. lyl3, b�fore me 4,t1e urr�er�i�ned, a Notary Public
<br /> hall County ) wit�in and for said County, personally carne Eme�i�, Tschauder,ti�uiP� of Frank
<br /> T�'�Y��uci�r to me �ersonally known, to b� t�e i�entic�,�. per�o� wnos� n�me is-affix�r� to th� above �in'-
<br /> �t�uir�ent as Grantor,an.d she ackricwled�ed the s�n� to be t�er valuntary act anc� deed for the purgose
<br /> trl.erein e�ressed. _ , _ _ - _
<br /> Ir� wrztness whereoP, I h.ave hereunto subscribed my narne and af'fixed rny official seal at Gr��,:�� Is1anQ ,
<br /> Nebr. �n tne d�,te la,st abavE written. _ _ _, _ , _ _
<br /> I:�y comrriiss3�n expir�s ���arc:n. 26-1919. (S�L ) Theo. P. Boehm-Not�.r:Y Pul�lic
<br /> Sta�:e of Nebraska) ��, pn this 15 day of April A.D. 1.913. ,before me the undersi�ned,a Notary Public,
<br /> �-iooker County ) witYiin ��nd Por s�,id Ccunty, Ferson311y came Frank Tseh�,uder husband 'o� Emelia
<br /> Tscr.auder, to me Fersonally knawn, to be the identical x>erson r�Yiose name �is afflxe�i to tne above in--
<br /> strumerit as Grant�r, �n� h� ackno��rledged the �ame to be his voluntary ac;t and deed Por th� purpose
<br /> therein ex�ressed. � �
<br /> II�T WITNESS t�JIII+',RFOF, T have h�ereunto subscribed my name and affixed rny of'ficial `seal at Mullen,Nebr.
<br /> on tne �ate last a.bove written. (SEAL ) Chas. F. �Grueni�-Notary Publlc
<br /> My commission expire� �ct.30-1918. �
<br /> , y
<br />