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<br /> a6�il}—KLOYP&$ARTLEI"1'CO.,Prin.ti�rag.I.ithographing a�uTCoun:by,�'upplies,'0»i�clia. �_ _ . _ . _..__ ._.._�_.__,.�� _..-�_.__.,'— ---- _�_ �_,, � _ __
<br /> �''K��'1 I herebz� certifz� that this irestrum-erzt was erztered ora .N'umerical
<br /> ------.-----T�147[i�S---__7L_c�,�l�s�,2�_.� _V!!�._�_�_.--- ---_-------.- Index and filed for record this------12t-k1----------daJ o f------F�bT'Uclr3T-------
<br /> ------- ---- - -- -- -- -_.. .-
<br /> -- - ---
<br /> Warranty �4. D., 19- -�---`J---, at-- - - 3.:�0-- - -- ----o'elock----�.--�I.
<br /> - T� Deed. , , �
<br /> - -------------- ---- - --- -- -- ----- -�!-------- ---------------
<br /> Re�ister ,f Deeds,
<br /> Ben�amin �. Scudder i �
<br /> qB�------ - --- - - ---- ----------------- -----
<br /> De ut
<br /> - - - -- - - A J•
<br /> �.�o� ��� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> ����----We,- -Trioiu�.s_ L-an��n �.ncl__T���rY-A� -�����- h�..s__�1.�-�->------- ------------ ---------- ----- ------ --------------------- - --- - -
<br /> o the Count o ---------- - czizcl Stute o ---------------- �?b�'4��k-c3.-----------------------------------------------(�rantor----S------, in eonsideration
<br /> f � f �al l- - - --- -- f �I
<br /> of the sum of_----- --- - -- - -S iX��-�0�100 ---_ ` - -_--- -�---l-----------�----'---'- -`-'------_ _-_ --------_--------------.------------�OLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do------ - ..-----:--3zei�eb� GR.f1,N'T, B.f1RG.FII�1'', SEIL, �4��D co.�vE�unto---$en�ami-n--F.---S�dder------------------------------ -----------------
<br /> of the Courzt�J�}�---------.__H_'c��.�.---- - ---- - --and State of------- -NE'.br�Sk�,-- - --- ------ ---------,Gran,tee-------, the followin�
<br /> --- - - -
<br /> described premises, situated in the C''ourzty of___. __ _______.___. ______.Ht],11_________.______...__.___and State of Nebra�ka, to wi-t:
<br /> - - -.....---L a#.-�in.--.�One -�1�-)s -on.__Isla.nd�- jn S_�ct�ic�n---T�r.enty.—one....(2.1.)..,.....in....To�tn.s.Y�.iF---No_.__._:t�Lin.e---�-9-1,------�----- -- ----- �
<br />. -----_-----�Torth.,--of.--F�an�e--N�-,----�1_c�v_en--(;_11_.)---West---c�f---the.. fth .P.�.2. ,- -cont��inin�-,---a�eor_c3in�--to---t_h:e--------- ...__ �
<br /> -------------Unit_�s�--St_�..t.�� 1Suryey- --th�;��;Q-�-�---two---�-�--�---�.??-�...12�100- --�,cr�s.,_ ..rnc�.?".�__�r_._1ess.-------
<br /> --------- -- -- - ------- _- -- - - --- - --- --- ---- - ---- - - ---�- -- ---�------------- --� -----� �------------------�------�•-�---�-- -- --------- ----- -------�------------------�------------------._...._..
<br /> ----- ---- � - ---- -- - -- -- -- -- - ------ --- ----- __ -- - -- - -------------------------�-------------------------- - ------------ -- - ------------------ -- - - ...-------------�---------- ----------------------
<br /> ----�--- ...- - -.............. ........_..- -- ---._--- - - - - -------- -- --- - .......-- -- - --------- -........._--------------- -�---...-�------ �--------- ---�-�---------- � ----...--�--- --------------- -�--------------- ----
<br /> �__...-- -------- --------- - -------- - - --- - - -- --- -- ---- -
<br /> To�ether with all tlze tenements, hereditarrzents, and ap�ur•tenances the�°eurLto belon�in�, arcd alZ the Estate, Ri�ht, Title.,Interest,Doz���r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and DemancZ whatsoever of the said (�rantor___�_,����, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �CO ���1C A1�� t0 �OY� th e ccbove-descr•ibed pr�ern,ises, with- the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee.______and to___________�.�_S______-__ lr,eirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �1nd.___yY�;______herebz�covenarzt__.___,_with the said Grantee_______that._________________�@__.________ h,old_______.___said premises by�ood and '
<br /> perfect title; that________��______________ha__Yesood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and eZear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> .-- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br />' ----------------------------------------- -- -- -- ---- ------- --- - -- -------- - - -- - - --- ------------- -- -- ---- -------- -- -------------------- --- ---- -------- ------ --- - -
<br /> _ ,
<br /> i. _
<br />� - - - - --- -- _._ ._ - -- ----- -- ---- - -- ---- - - ---- -
<br /> �gnd._____________________.___.�!�__ .__-______.________.______.____ coz�enant_______to warrant a.nd deferad the said premises a�ainst the lawful cZaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever----- - --_ - - _ -- ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---
<br />' ----------------------- --- -- -- - - -- ---- ---- -_.__. ------ - -- --------- ----- --------- ---------------- ------ ---- ----- ---------------- ------- ---- ---- -
<br /> Dated the---- -------�th-------------------da�J �/�- Fzl)rU�3.ry� - --- -- - ---.g. D.,19_1-�-----•
<br /> T�VIT.NESS -------- ------T110Tf13S---L�121�,T�,21,----------------------
<br /> �Tohn Allan ------------------------ Mar_y_�_�._---�,�.ngan-- ---------------
<br /> ST.lTE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> Hall �ss. 9th February 15
<br /> ------------------------------------------------County, OrL this------------ --------- -------------da�J �f----------------------------------------------------------.1. D., 19------- - , before me,
<br /> _____ with,in and 'or said Count ersonall came__�h0111�.5 L'd.21�',d,Il_d.21(.�__R��,ry A.
<br /> the undersi�ned, a✓Y'otarr�Publie_____ __.______._ t y, p y
<br /> L_a�n���n, _hi_� �.vife,-- ------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------�
<br /> to me personally known to be the ide�zticccl persorz_8__._____whose name___S__s3,Y'�_____________________afj'axed to the above
<br /> (SEikL ) irestrument as�rantor__�___, and_____._�.h�y'____._ severally acknowled�ed the same to be_______thL'j,�'___voluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN W7TNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of�'icial seal at_.�i�,ri(�_________
<br /> _I�l�.Tl�,___1T1._S<:3.�d__�_4LiXl.��_,___________on the date last above written.
<br /> � ----------- ---- -�-ohn__A1�.=�,n-----------------------------------
<br /> ,Notary Public.
<br /> JIIycommission expires----- --Sciri� -��' -�- 1���-_-- -- ----------- - ------- --- �-----------•
<br />_ ; . �i
<br />