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�..�.� e� � <br /> °-� D��D G��C�O�D �oo �0� <br /> � <br /> _ ___ ..__- �, _ _ _ _ __-_ _ � <br />—` ,�b��U K70PF�BrIRfiLF,TT CO.,PrinEi�e9,I,iEho�r¢phing anil Cotint?I Yupylies:Omafir °— __. . . _ . __ _... ._ .:..___,_- -�_.-- _ _ __._._ <br /> �'��� I herebz� certify that this instrunzent was entered on .,�'umerical <br /> ]3�n�amin F. SCU�d�r & W1f�_ _ _ __ Index arcd fcled for reeord this_.______2.6_�� of______�'�1U.c1I'�.___.__ <br /> -- �Warranty �1. D., 19__1.�.----, at-----.___ll_------- ------o'elock----A_.�_.M. <br /> ------- ---- -- --- - - ---- --- - - - <br /> TO Deed. �, _ � <br /> _��?_�zu-�_'__._/Jrc�=��, ' <br /> ------------ --_---- - - - -------------------- - <br /> Re�sister f Deeds, <br /> ----�mos -A-�--�ea,�le � -wife - - - - - -- <br /> 8�-------_ ------- - - - - --- -- -------------------------- <br /> De ut <br /> - ------- - - -- ---- --__ - --- - - P J. <br /> �.�oi� �Y� �en� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t� : <br /> ����----We.,_ _�3e_r._,�amin--�',-- S.cudcier -anci Flora--A,--S_cu�der-,----hi_�__wif�------ ----- <br /> ------- -------- --- -- ------ -- --- <br />', of the CountJ of_-------T3c�.11--------------- ---rcracl Str�tn of--------_I�TE�x2x_�.Sls�.--------------------- ----Grarctor--S-------, in eoresideratiorz <br /> of the sum of---------�'���--kll��l��'�'(� --�-0/7�DD--- _ ------ -- -- -------- ------------ -- - - --------- ----- -- ------------------------- ----------- -------._DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do_- --____---_-Ta,er�eby GRd4NT, B✓IRG.,4IN, SFLL, �I.N'D CO.I�"VEY'urLto AII10;3--Ax_-�$�a�le---ansi---Ir__ene_-J_-•---Rea.�;le->----_------- <br /> .; . <br /> �, ------------------------ --- ----------riusb_and �n�l-�rife-,----- ----- -------- _--- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- - <br /> of the Count�J�f---------Hs'�1.1 -_ - -----arcd bYtate of_---- -- - ���J�'.�s�,�.----- --- ---- --� - -- -- --- -----,Uran,tee-3----, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____._____________. ��],,�,________._ ._____.____and State of JV'ebrs�ka, to wit: <br />�` ----Par.t.--.of----the- -�I�t�----o�'.---'�-n�=- ����ion-5 in--T�wn�h-�p---`�,�e----9-._W�e_s-t...-o-f---LY�e. -6th---�.-M-•--, <br /> ----��.s_�.._�,s f�_�lo�YS�-- _t_4.-w�t.�.---J�.���i�n_?.�.��-a�---a-pa_�.�*--ii�_...��..�...��St....�.1_x��- -p�..._�he---Ri��----�f--w�Y --�.f.--�.h� <br /> ----5.�.:,--_�'o�e�?1�--an�___�ranc�--�s1��.nd---Rail.rnad---��±2...�-5--�'eet....SoutYi_,of_..t�i�...Nort-h---l�.ne.--Q-�'---��,i-d---��--of---S��ti�n <br />', ...5,----rurinin�--t'�en.ce East, -F�rallc�l...with...���id__N'ort_h...line.,....610.. feet ;.--th�nee_South_--142_._7_�..feet-;-------,--- <br />'i ----tla�r!c�,---�_�.r-allel. .�i_th--s_aid---l�.rth_._lin�-�----61Q---fEet---t�---��..i_d._.East--lin.e---o�---R-i.�h.t--�-a�_..��y-s---.�.r�--.__. <br /> --th�nce rlorth 142._-(�_-feet - to tne- pl��.c�-- of--b�ginnin�-2- -.cont.�.inin� 2 acre-s-� -be the._:s.ame.--a..11ttle._. <br />( more...or__1.�.�s,---a,n�i.-e��.ch.-of s�,ic��r<�rlt.ees---to--own.--an--und_i.y.ided...half..of s��..d._.��'�.C.t.,--'---------------------------------- <br />'a � ----�--- -- <br /> --- -----....- ------------- - - - - -- -- -- - - ---- - - -- - ------------------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hef•editamefzts, and appurterLaraces thereunto belon�in�, and all th,e Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Pemand whatso�ver of Ei�e sar'd Gr•antor�s______, , , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CO �d�1C Al�� t0 �OI� the above-desci�ibed prer�zises, with the appurtenances, urct,o the said�rantee___fl__and to:.__"�YlG�.I'____:__ heirs <br />', and assi�resforever. .Flnd__�e__.___._hereb�covenant_____zvith the said Grantee__�_.that.______We________________.__ hold___________said pTemises by�ood and <br />' perfect title; that______�e_____._______.___hav.�.sood ri�ht and lawfu,l authorit�� to sell ccnd convey the sarrze; that they are free and clear of ull Zieras <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------- --- -- -------------- - -- - - ---- .. ---- - --------- -- - - -- - - -- ----- ------------------- ---- - - ---------- ------------- - <br /> - -- -- -- - - ..- - --- .__._ _ - - -- ---- _--- ----------- --- ---- -- - --- --- ---------------------------- ----------- -------�------------------------ <br /> ,Elnd_______.-____________-W e_____ ______________ _______________ _ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said prem,ises a�airast the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-- ---_ _--- - - - _ -- - - ---- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the---------'����------------------ --da�J �/�- --•T��?'2U�,Z'37'- -- --- -- - --.fl. D.,19--��----• <br /> W'ITNESS }3�I'1��3TTl.�ri F. SCUdd6P . <br /> ------------------------------------------ - -- ---------------------------- <br /> �-5� � -----�'lora A. Scudcier <br /> A. D. �tzr�er - - ( Z,R. <br /> ---- - - --- ---- ---------------------------------- ------------ _ <br /> - ,( S t��Tnp ) <br /> � c anc e ll ed --------------------------------- -- ----------------------- - ---- <br /> Harry wi��;�,rs <br /> - ST.gTE OF ✓I�EBR�SK✓1, <br /> �i311 ss. <br /> ----------------------------------•-----County, On this-------- --��h---- -----------daJ ��-------sT_s'��aI'y--------------------------------.1. D., 19---1� - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a�l�'ot¢�y Public._____________________.._______withirz arzd for suid County, personally came__��n��1�2'i F.s eudder �.21d <br /> -- - - - -- - ---- -__-- --- --- - -- <br /> ----------F�o�_a__A-- �cu.�c��x__�----l�i�.__vsti�-�->------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - -------- __ ---- - ---- -- ------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persora___g.._____whose naine_S__�Y'e_______.______________af�'ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL � instrument as�rantor___�.._, and_____�.1�g31____________.___ ._severally acknowled�ed the same to be.____�����__.._voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed my of�'icial seal at________._______________ _. <br /> __Donipha.n�___in___saic�_county__�______on the date last above writterc. <br /> ------ -----------------------------A�--D,---�urger---------- ------ <br /> - Notary Public. <br /> . . . 0 c t ob er 10 --------r9------�---• <br /> .Mz� commzssaon expzres----- - - -- - --- - -- -- --- ----- ------------ 1� <br />