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<br /> �._�. ��C�D �° �C�O�D �oo �0�
<br />`"' ° � ���iU-KT,OPP&SARTLL'TT CO.,Printinp,Litho�ra7�hing and Coi�nt,y,Suppdies;nmalid: ' ' "` ' ° -.-. __._._ -
<br /> �'��� I hereby eertify that this irastrument was entered on JV'umerieal
<br /> Th�' RO s S znvestrnent CO. ____._ Irzdex arzd filed for record this________�l�_____.___.___day of.____�c�I1Li��'�._________
<br /> .g. D., 191.�----- , at-- 2.:..��0 _ _ _ _- - -----o'cloek,---P-•---�• ,
<br /> - -- - -- ---- _ - - --- - Warranty
<br /> ---- -- --- ----- ��
<br /> Deed. �
<br /> -- ------ -------- -- ---- ----
<br /> - -- ---_----------- ----------�--
<br /> Re�ister f Peeds
<br /> --- -- Ja�Qb__Gei.s� -------- - -- - -
<br /> B�------- - ----- --- - -- - ---- - --- ---------------------
<br /> -- ---- Deputy.
<br /> ��.o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> ��A�-----The- l��.s_�--Inve�tmen.t___�Q,_,__ � _corporat ion_, : , .. ___ _
<br /> of the CountJ �f----- H�,11 -_- - ---c�rad Stcat,e of- - - - -I�T�bI'�,�k_c3__--- -- ---- -- ----------- --- ------ ---- -------(�rantor----------, in consideration
<br /> Thre� hun�rPd fift and 00
<br /> _-- ----- ----- - - --- ----------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> of the sum of_--------- --- - -- -------- - - -y - -- ---- --- ------ ------------- -- - - - --- - - --- ---
<br /> in hand paid, do e�- - faereb� GR✓1 N'7', B.9RG./tIY', SELL, d4.N1� CONVEY'urzto--- - -----------------------------------------------.._------------------ -------------------
<br /> ------------- ---- ---------- ----J�.0 ob_ G�i s t - -------- -----
<br /> --------- --- --- ---------- --=--------------�------------------------------ --------------------------- -----------------_------ --
<br /> of the Couraty of---------H�.1,1-----------------------and State of_------._NE�bT'�,Ska. --------------,Grarz.t.ee--------, the followin�
<br />' - -- - ---- ------------------- -- --
<br />', described premises, situated in tlie,Count� of_...__________________��all-------------------------------------un,d State of Ne,bna6�ka, to wit:
<br />�� Lot �Tumbered One (1 ) in 731ock Number 2'wo (2 ) ln Koehl�r place.�,.__an__.addi.t_i_on.__in__tYie______________________
<br /> -----------------------�---- ------- ----- - --�----�--- -- - ---- -- ---_-
<br /> ---�------�i-t-�' -��'...�r.and I.s_1�an�i�- _accoxc�in� -to- -t_he__.x�cor.�i.�d--�.�.�.t -t.hex�;of--------------�--------------------------�----------- --- ---------�--- �-�-----
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<br /> E- -�;R, }�-------- --- -�------------------...,-�- - �--�- - -------------- ------ ------�-------------�--------------- ------�
<br /> -------- --�--... �-- --- - - ----- ----- -�- --- --- - -- - -- - -- ---------------
<br /> ( S t��rnp s )
<br /> _---... - -----� -.._......__..__-- -----------------
<br /> c�,rj.ceZ-Ied- ------ -- ----- ---- -......--------�- --------- --- --- ----------------------
<br />, ------- ------- -...-----....__..--�----- -- -- - -- --..- _ --- - ---- -- --- -_._.. - --- ------ --... --......._-----....-�----�--�---- ------ - ------------ --------- -�---�---�--��---�--..:------�-----------....--- -----
<br /> -------------- - -- ----- ----- -...__ - ------- _ _ .-----�-- -------�----------------------------------------------------------------- --
<br /> To�ether with ccll the terzements, hereditary2e3zts, arLd appurte,narzces thereunto be,lon�in�, and all the Estate,Risht, Title,Interest�
<br /> �Claim and Demand whatsoever of the sai.d Grccntor________, ' u�of, i,n, or tn the same, or arez�part thereof.
<br />, �D �d�1C AIY� t0 �OYb the above-descr�ibed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______arcd to_______YL��_________ Izeirs
<br /> The Ross Inve-�tment Co �
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ./Ind________A_______hereby covenant_�___with the said Grantee_______that,_____.____j,'t,_________________ hold._g__.___said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_________�_�____.____.______ha__S___000d risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever.___.�XC�.��-_t�3,X.E?�3.-__._-___-______________________.__
<br /> - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
<br /> --- - - -.. --- - ___ _ _-
<br /> _ --- - - - -- - - - - -
<br /> ---- - ----- ------- -- --
<br /> t he sa i d -------- ------
<br /> .Rnd�_Th�?__ROSS--.�ri�l'@3tI11@rit---�II.-.-- ---- cnvenant_S_____to warrarat and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---�XC��� t_a.X�_S. -- - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------•------ --------------
<br /> ------- ----------------------- --- -------------- -- -
<br /> In Wlitness Whereo�' Lhe s�id Th� Ross Inve:,tment Co. has cau�ed thes�: pres�nta to be si�ned b�
<br /> -- - - - - - -
<br /> - - - - - ---- -- --- ---
<br /> - -
<br /> - --- --
<br /> - --- - -
<br /> - - - c.. . . , i -- �----- -- -
<br /> -�-s-- -res en an - s corpora e aea a �c e erP a s _ ay ° ne A:17: I-g - -.----�--------
<br /> ;
<br /> �.
<br /> ----- - ------ ------- ---- -- -_ -- ---- - - - - ; �;. . .
<br /> ` - --'The �oss Investrnent Go.
<br /> ' T�VITJV'ESS
<br /> (CoI3P. ) By -�'r-�d---�_---AsY��-��:------- -------ls_�_s_id�nt-----
<br /> -- �-•-- �-•---xsa,ns.�n---------------- -------------
<br /> - -- --- (S�L ) Atte�t -�-�----I?-•--R��a--------- --------- ---�_e,cretar�r-------
<br /> ST.1TE OF JV'EBR�SKr4,
<br /> ss.
<br /> - ------���,11-------------------Count On this-------- -----
<br /> �J, �� ------------------------da�J of-------------J111�----------------------------------,Fl. D., r9_14_ .. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otaryPublic__ _________withi,n and for said County, personally came__�!'z'g�,--W._--A,sh�.an�---�-r-eside��---of
<br /> Th� Ross Inves�m�nt Co. z to me personally___known,____to__be___tYie Presid�nt o�' said Company,__and__the
<br /> identic�,l �erson �rhose nam� iu �.ffixed to the abov� instrument as Grantor, an�� ackno�vled�ed
<br /> --- ------- -- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> t�e s�me to b� his volunta,ry act an�.� deed �.nr� tY��; voluntary a�ct a�nc� d�ed a�' the said The I�oss
<br /> Inves�m�nt Co. , for t�.e puxpo�:�� Lk�erein expresaed. . . - _ _ _ _ . - �
<br /> � � , _ _ , ; , . �
<br /> (SF.,AL ) - ' _ _ .. _
<br /> I✓V'IVIT.N'ESSY�'.�IFREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and afJ'ixed my ofj'ieial seal at:__.__��_��.�______
<br /> ________I_S1_�Sld_,_._I�I@_b__x's3.�1��______ ______:________on the date last above written.
<br /> -----�'-•---�-.--1=��T1:��7�-------- ----- --------------
<br /> .Notar�Public.
<br /> .Mz� commission expires------ -F8b'- ��th- - - - - - ---------- --- ---- ---- -19.16-----•
<br />