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<br /> � � F�O� I hereby certify tha� tTiis irzstrument zvas entered orz ,Numerical, � �
<br /> -----------C-�1.- F3.--�enek.---1N1d0.W_�-2'--__ _.___------- Index arcd fcled for record this------�.2---------------dar�of--+I-�3U<'�.2'�-----------
<br /> �1. D., 19-15-----, at-- __10'Z�- - ___ - - -----o'clock, A-'--.M.
<br /> ---- -- --- ------ - .. _ ----
<br /> - -. _ � - Warranty
<br /> -�.� Deed.
<br /> --- ----------�_�� /�'��ir�
<br /> --- - --------------- ----------' -
<br /> Re�ister Deeds
<br /> ------- ---C r ac e--P-�---C of f ey_- - - - --- - ----- -
<br /> B�-------- ---- -- - -- - ----------------------
<br /> _ Deputy.
<br />� �.�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� :
<br />, ����--- Carl ti . P.ZencYc �fidorver
<br /> o the Count o ----------- -------ayzd Stc�-te o ----------------NL'b�'�.Skr'�---------------------------------------------Grantor---"------, in consideTatiorz
<br /> f ✓ f Ii�ll-- ---- f
<br /> of the sum of__________r�'?�j�nty _five_Hundred # _DOLL�RS,
<br /> - - -- -- ---------------------- ---- --------- -- -- --------------- - ------- ------ ------------
<br /> in hand paid, does-----------hereby CR✓1NT, B.FIRG✓ILh�", SELL, ,l1JV'D CO✓1�'VEY'unto-----�`rT'�iG�,'--�-. --G4#'-f-E��------------ - ------ ------------------
<br /> Hall Nebraska
<br /> of the Count�J��- ------- � - -- - - -----and State of---- - - - - - --- -- ----------- --- - --- -- - --- -- --------_,Grccntee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated irz the County v�'_____..____Fi.�,ll_ __ ___ _ ____ __a-rzd State of Nebr�6ka, to zvit:
<br /> - --------------- -- -------
<br /> ------------�------------L.Qu_�__i:�u��l�?vxec�-Six -�6_)__.S�V�n �-7 )-_EigYit t� )- -Nin�.._.�-9.--�----�,nd__Ten..._�_10.�.--�-n---�lock...Nurnb_�red- - - ----
<br />' -- ....... -- --Tr�irty_Six -(-36-}- Charles W��,smer' s Adc�ition---to- tne -Cfty- -of Gran��--Island,--.I�ebraska,- -�,s-- ----- ---
<br /> I ._ ..- - -- - th� �.��r�e _�r_e _aurv�y�r.�_,__�1�,+.ted _�zn��- recUr�.�ed. ..... -- --�--�-�--- ---------- ------- - ------ - ..._.---- -- ---- - ----------
<br /> - -- - - - -
<br /> ---- ._-------- -- -- -- ----- - --- ---- ------ - - - - ---- --- ------.-�------------------- �--- ----,� ----------
<br /> .........................--------------------------------------------�--------------------------
<br /> � 2. �0 �---- --- - - -
<br /> ----------------- - ---- � --------- ------ ---- - - ---- - ---- -- - -- ---� - -----�-- -�-- ---�_.._.I�....__..�...-- ------------.......---- ------------ -----
<br /> ....- ------��--------------------------------- -- ---�
<br /> ( Stamps )
<br /> -- ----- --- -- - -�----- -- -- - --- - --- ---- -- ------------- ---------------------�-------(-6-��Tl�-E'il���)-
<br /> ......-------�- -----��-�---- ------�� �- - �--- ---..__._... - -- -- - - -- - -�- --- --------...... ---- ---_- ---------------- _--------------------- - - ---�------�-------�----- --- - -------------------��-----------�
<br /> --- --------_ -------- ------ -- - -- -- ---- - -- - ---- - - �- -- - - -•----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thet�eunto belorz�in�, ccnd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of tlae said Crantor______,an,d,of e,ith,er of them, of, ii2, or to the same, or arcz�part thereof.
<br /> �CD ���lE ATt� t0 �OYb the above-described prerr�,ises, with the appurtenarices, urzto the said�rantee_______and to______�r____________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd________I.____hereb�covenarit________zvith,the said Grantee______.that_________�___________�_________ hold___________said premises by�ood,and '
<br /> perfect title; that__________I_._._____________ha_V e_sood ri�Tit and lazvful auth,orit� to sell a.nd convey the safne; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever------------------- - ---- - -- - -- ---------------------------- -- - -- -
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br />� --- -- ._... - _ --- ----- _ - - -- - --- -._..----- ---- --- ----- ------- -- --------------- ------------------------ ---------- - -------------------------------
<br />', .Flnd_________ _.___._ _____I_ _ _________ __ .._ _____________ covenant_._____.to warrccrat and defend the said pre3nises a�ainst the.lawful elaims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever---- - --_ - -- -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---- ----- ------------------------- -
<br />� ---------------------- ----- -- -- - ------- --- -- ---- - - - - - -------- ----- -------- ----- ----------- ----- ------- ----------------------------------------
<br /> I, Dated the---- --12_�r -- J�iLl�3�Y'y 15
<br /> -----------------------da�J �/�- - - -- - ----- -------- - - ---d4. D.,19-----------�
<br /> I, WZTNESS -----------------------L'c3.Z_1--��---�-E.'21Ck---- -------- --- -
<br />��� ----- ------- ------ J�.�-•----E-•---.�1��1�------ -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------------
<br /> ST�1TE OF �l�'EBR�F1SKg,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------��.`s�.l-----------------County, On this-----------12_n-------------------da�J o�--------J_'�:,rtLl3z'-�-------------------------------�. D., 19----�-�- , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a�otaryPublic___________ ___________.___.___within and for said Countz�, personallz� came._______���;__��___�,��y��}�___yp�_d-0-W-2Y'------
<br /> (SEAL � �
<br /> -- ----------- ---- ------ -------- ------ - - ---------- --------------------- ------ - -----------------------------------------------
<br /> ----
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz__.___.____whose name________j.�____________._________afJ"ixed to the above
<br /> instrument as�rantor________, and_____________.ne.___._____.____�e�d�.acknowled�ed the same to be___________h.1g_.__voluntary
<br />� act and deed for the puTpose thereir� ex�r•essed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereurzto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�"'ieial seal at__________________________
<br />�� ____._______G7't�,71d___I_S1��i1d_____________ _______________on the date last above written.
<br /> � � - -J���--E-.___�u_��------- ---------------------------- ----
<br /> � �'otary Public.
<br /> JII� commission expires------ ---- - A���'� ��Y1 - - -- -------- --------------19----�c�_,..
<br />