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» -� � - . . . . . . A <br /> � ��� <br /> ��� DC�C�D C��C�Of�D �1oa ��o <br />^_ _ _, ,G��O—I{IOPP�BAR7'LF.�'t'CO.,Yrintiag,Lilhngrapieingan�Co�entyYuppdties;.f)rv�<ilea: �" _ _ , '- --- :.��_ _,�.�_ .__::_� .._.."'—.v__:._�_�._�__._�:�:.._�_<� --- ----._ <br /> FR�� I hereby certify �hat this irLStrumeret was entered orz ,N'umerical <br /> Jose�h H. D��,V1 S W1f@ Indexand filed for reeord this_____________�t�_______day of._.__S_�.P1U�ry__._.____ , <br /> _ � <br /> ----- ----------- ------- - �- - -- -- - - - �-- - -- ---- <br /> -- ----------------- -- - <br /> War2'anty .g. D.,, 19�-�-----, at-- - - �_-- _- -- - - -----o'elock--- �_,_d1I. <br /> TO - -- -- Deed. -�- `- - / <br /> -------- ---- - - --------- ---------------- ------ --- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> William Gustin <br /> B�-------------- -- -- --- -- - --------- -------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����__ Jose�?h_H._Davis an� _Erruna L.D�vis .husba,nd and__wife _____.________ . <br /> - _ . _ . . - ------- - --- -------- --�--- -- --------- -- -- - <br /> of the CountJ of-- ---------�a�.l------------- -_crrzd �Sta,te of- ------_ -------- -----�Ieb_�_i�S�'.�.- -------- ------ --------------Grantor-S--------, in consideration . <br /> + + ----------- ----------------------DOLL�4R�, <br /> of the sum of____�e�1'eT1_�een__hundxed___and._no _l09__________._______.____ <br /> in harzd paid, do hey�eb� GR.9✓l�"T, B.FIRG�I.h'', SELL, .F1ND CO��V'VEY'unto---------W111�dS11---G1a-�3t-1�1------------------------------------- ------�------------ <br /> of the CountJ��- -------- - H�'�11 - - - -_-- -a.nd State of---- -- - ----- ------- - --Ne p��.3kd-------- ----- --- ---,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of____. __ ___ _ _ H�.11 __________________and State of.N'ebre�ka, to wit: <br /> - _ ---------------- <br /> ..Zo.�._.Ntir�b�r_..�i x---(6--)--in__Bl o ck- -Numl?er- -I1i ne----�-9-,)--ott'-�lal l i ch-!-s---A dd�.t.i.o�_..t.0---t�?�..__City---of---Gr_and---I_s.lan�l. <br /> ..Nebra�ka,_._.Sub,�ect___hot�rever_ to___�,_mort_��,g�.._iri_ �h�_sum. .of_.�.�00.._.the.. b�,lance_._cf.._whi_ch..rem�inin�_;__.__ <br />', unFai�_the 4,rantee hexein assumes :and �,grees to �ay the sai�l mortga�e__bein�___in___favor.. of. The_.___ <br /> ------- - <br /> I Fguitab_le �3uildin�; and Loan As�_ociation af Grand Ts3arld Nebraska Also taxes for the year___1_914�. <br /> �---------�-- - -- --- --------- --------- -- - ----- -•--- - -�------- -------- --- --� ----------- - <br />'� ._which--�rantee will-�ay, -�.lso- any--s�wer--taxes-yet---un�aid -------------------------. ---- <br /> - ----- - - ------- -- ----- . ..--------------------------�------..... <br />�i .._.----- �-----.__. _�_ -- ---- -��--- - ---- - - - - - - - --- - -- -- -- ----- ------ - --�----- - ---- -------- -�--------- ------ ----------- ----------�----�-- ----- - � � ---�-------�---------------------- <br />� <br /> j -- ---- ------ - -------- -- - -- - - -- ----- - --- - - - -- - -- - -- -- - --- -- - ----- --- --- - - �------------------------ �-�--------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, Fzered�taments, and appurtenances ther�eunto belo32�in�, and all th.e F,state, Ri�sht, Title,Interest,Dor��Pr�, <br />�� Curtesy,Claim and Demar�d whatsoe,ver of the said (srantor_S____,and of eith,e,r of thefn, of, in, or to the same, or any,ereof. <br />�, �O �A�1C �IY� t0 �DY� the ccboae-desef°ihed premr,ses, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee.____.__and to_h1-S---------------- yzeirs <br /> I' and assi�ns forever. �Ind____W�._____hereFiz�covenant______zvith the suid Grantee____...that_______We__________.______ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> II perfect title; that________We_____________.ha__v�yood ri�ht arzd luwful authorit;y to sell a•nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Ziens <br />�', and ineumbranees whatsoever_.____�XCe��t___3�___a,:�OVE___Sta��d <br /> --------------------------------------------- - -- ---- -- --------- ---- - -- ------ - -- ---- - - ------- -- --- ------- - ------------------- - ------------- ---------------- ------ --------- <br /> ./lnd___________________________ti'��__-_-----__ _-____-__._ _ coUenanL._______to warrant and defer�d the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person.s <br /> whomsoever---�XC e�'?t--�.S._d.b QV 8 S t�,t e��--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------•---- ----------------------- ---- -------- --- <br /> ---------------------- --- -- - - -- - - --- - --_- -- - - - -- --------- - -- - --- --- --- -- ---------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the_________ _" Ja,nuar 1 <br /> -�- ---------- ------ ----da�J �/� -- - -- - y- - -- - - -./1. D.,19---5------• <br /> W'ITNESS ----_.___----- ------------------- ------10-s-egh--H_._Da1ri-�-------- -- --- <br />' `r.0. C.Iiarri son � �1��� � Eza�na L. Pavis <br /> ------- - --- -- ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ---- ( I.R. ) ----------------------------------------- ----- -- --------------------------- <br /> ( St��rtg s ) <br /> --------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> Garicell�d <br /> ST�Fl TE OF �N'EBR�SK.R, <br /> �i�,ll ss. <br /> -------------------------------------------------County, On this------------�}��--------------------daJ ��-------------------JdT1U�,r� �. D. 19__7,.�1- .. before me <br /> ------------------ , , , <br /> the urzdersi�r�ed, a Notary Publie___________..______________________within arzd for said County, persoreall� eame_._JO88Fh___H_,_Da,V1_S___dXld___EICIITI�,__L. <br /> Da�Ti s husband and wife <br /> -- -- -------- ----- --- ---- ---------------- -- -- ----- ----------- -- --------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to 3ne personally knowr� to be the identical person_�________whose name�_.___._______a,r_@_________________afj"ixed to the above <br /> (SF�AL) instrument as�rantor_g____, and_____..___.__theS?'________.__severally acknowled�ed the same to be___tYl:�,f�Y'______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� rzame and afjixed my ofJ'icial seal at___���d_______ <br /> .I_�lan�_�__in___said__County�_._____.____orz the date last above written. - <br /> - ---------------------•------T--�---C-.H�,r_r�isan------------ ----- <br /> �N'otarz�Public. <br /> �11y commissioi2 expires-----------------------------.___Fe_IJ�'U3r�._12_u----- ------19:1c`�.----• . 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