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<br />—"_...-�'"T.,v��0��—KLOPP"�-�BriRPl,F,2'`T CU.�Yrinti�n9,I,ithngrapice,-nq and G'ounly YeLppliesf�ma3ia._.� . .. �.. . ,�.... �.. , ..� -_; _ .,.._... �_::..-. _.�_..��.. � _ °-�- �._- - .. - - . - _ - -... -_
<br /> FRO.M I herebz� certifi� that this instrurrze�zt was entered on ✓Y'umerical
<br /> _ Index and fi-led for record.this.__.__ �(�,_-__________day of_____.:�3�G�'Ii1'l�;r.__
<br /> � --- �. D., 19__i.�f---, �t---- _ .;2 __ _---- ------o'clock_._- P•--�•
<br /> Tkt_e__ F�oss_ Tnvest'rri�-�.t Co._ __ _-___ ___..__�Warranty
<br /> ,
<br /> r� � Deed.
<br /> -- -- ------ �
<br /> - - ---------------- ----- --------
<br /> - Resister f Deeds,
<br /> '��'-�:"��i�_'A�SC�3!Kyi1- - - - - -- -- - -----
<br /> B�J------ -- ------------- -- - -- --- - -------------- - -------
<br /> � Deputy.
<br /> ------- -- ----- —----- -- - -
<br /> �.�.o� �Y� �e� � � e�e �e�e�.t�:
<br /> p � �
<br /> ����---•�T�e S�os� �`nv�s�men� .Co. ,a cor���ra.t�.on,of the .Count"y�-a�' Ha11-,-and--S-t-at-e---�f--Dlebr_aska.----
<br /> _. ,.; --�r.���-_ _r_ _ _ _ ----- -------- ------- ------------Grarttor- --------, in consideration
<br /> s���o/'.�. . - -
<br /> of the sum of__-----.i�z12_-�S1Ci_.2T_4��.QQ_-_-__-._ _--__- .- ----DOLL,FIRS,
<br /> ---------------- -------- ----------- - - - --- -- ----- - ---- ------------- ------ ---------
<br /> trz hand paid, do-C'_-�-----------ILer•eb� GR�.T�°T, B.f1RC�4IN, SEI,L, .g.ND CONVEY'unto-----Hr'1.�-�j.L'.-.t3..S-Ch@YyYI------------------------------------ ------------------
<br /> of the Courct�J�}�-------- _���.11 - -- - -----und, State of- - ---_ -- N��7rd�k3 - -- ----- ------ -- --- - ---,GrarLtee.-------, the followirc�
<br /> � described premises, situate,d in the Cou3ity of____ _.________._�. _Hc�,l_1_ ________.____ ____.__and State of.N'ebre�ka, to wit:
<br /> �_Qu_s.._.�TUxlbc�x__�'�_�_��_�n.__(.1�.�_,.Nurnb�:r__Sixt��n ..(16..�.,.an�a__T�unlber__S�v�nte_�;n.__(.1.�_�_,.in_,�31_ock.__Num�?�r.__One.._.�1..).
<br /> �o_�hl_e.r___�lace_,_�,il__;aci�_i_�_ion__i_n___th�__C,i_ty___of._Grand__.Isl�,nci_,accc�rr�in�...to_ .�n�._ r�c�rc�ed_��l.at____th�reaf.;___.,
<br /> �,�.��_..L.o_�.�__.�TUmber- Six---�-b-)--��:?_d_ Nu�nber---Ten---(.10_�.,_in- -}31oc,k.-Numb�r--On�.---(-1-�---Lak_ev.iew,.�.n...d�d�. t_i�n--in.__�he
<br /> City---of--Granc� Iala,nd_,�,cc_�_r�ing-- to._.trie..r�;c�rd�ci...F�l�,t -th�reof.- -�-� ................ -- --------- --- - ------- -
<br /> � - --------- --...- - -- ------- -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - -. .- --- - --- ------ ------__.....- ----------- - - ---�.................. �--------- - - --------------------- -------------�----------------....---------
<br /> ----._.... ---�--- -- - - - -... -- __.. ------ - ------ --- - ----- --- ------------ ----- ------- ---------------- �� - -- - ------------ - ---------�------ - - -- - -------------------------- ---------------- -
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<br /> --------------------- - ------ - - - -------- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- --- -- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditccmerzts, and appur�tenanees thereu�zto belorc�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�,
<br /> �,Claim and Demand zvhatsoever of th,e suid Csrantor•______,��Ek��, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ,
<br /> I' �O �d�1C d'�� r0 �OY� the ccboUe-described pi�emises, with the appurtenances, unto th,e said�rantee____._.and to____.______Yl�s________ heirs
<br /> the sai� Tri� Ross Investm�nt Co.
<br /> and assi�nsforever. �nd______,�______,yzeTebycove�2ant_S__with the said Grantee_______that,_____________it_________________ hold_a�_______.said premises by�ood and
<br /> peTfect title; that_________1_�______._________ha_s____�ood ri�ht and law�ul au,thoritr� to sell ccnd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
<br /> i, - - ---- - -- - _ - .
<br /> -- -- - ---- -- - - -- -- -----
<br /> the said The Roas Inves�mer�t Co. �
<br /> I', ,Rnd_____________.______._____h_____- _______. ____.___.______ covenarzt_S___to warrurat and defend th,e sc�id prem,ises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of all persores
<br /> whomsoeve.r---- ---- - - - - - - __ - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------
<br /> Zn---kui�n�s_a__ Wxi�xec�f-,-�tnc� __�airi__T_rie---R�.s�---Inv�s_�ln�nt--�o�_ri�s---��.u�_�_�i__*����;---��r_�s_�nt�---t-o---b-�---�j�;n��i---b�--i_ts
<br /> Pr�siden� an� _its corFora.t� seal attache� heretp this 30tk�aday_af June,A.D. 1914.
<br />'� WzT�ESS ------------T�ie--Ra�s---�nu_�_stm�nt�--�o.-r--- --------
<br /> (CORP ) By_-----�,re�---W,Ashton-------- --�'res_�._�en'�.---
<br />' ---------- - -T..T.H��n s en------------------------- ----------- -- ---- - �S�+�Z)
<br /> A t t°s t---S..D,.R o s s---------------�e__r_r e t�ry,----
<br />'� -------------- ---- -- - ---- - ---- ---
<br /> - - -- ----- ---- ------ -
<br /> _ ..------------------- - ---------------
<br /> ST�TE OI+ ✓Y'EBR�SK.g, I
<br /> j�ss.
<br />' ------Hs�1-�-------------------------------.County, ) On this------- ----�-d------- ------------da�J ��---------------JUly-------------------------------�. D., 191�-____ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notc�rr�Public_____________________________.______within arzd for suid County,personally came_____FY'��__yY_A_s�.�Qn_,_P_r_�s_i.�_�n�___�f
<br /> __�.n�---R_9_��___I��e.s�men�---��t-}-�°---me_--�er�on_�,1.1y._knov�n,t�---be---t he__�r�s i��nt---of__s�,i��_
<br /> __�a�t�?41��r_,_�nc%_�ne___ic��ntical___�ers�n__wno��___narne___is___affixed,__*o__th�___aboy_�___instru-
<br /> ':��nt. a�� c�ran.tar:, and �,c�now�.�+��;�d,: �h� �arn� to :be his v��.untary act ar��1 r�_�:�;d
<br /> � anr3=, *�ae vo�:���',ary, �et an��__d_P�d--of t��, .,�a�,,�.,T.� _���,� ;;.I�v��t�nent Co. ,for, the.
<br /> (SFAL ) �ur�.ose tr�exein ex�?re�;�ed: .
<br /> INW7T✓l�'ESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�'ieial seal at__________________________
<br /> _Gri�,11�__T_Slcti21�3_,Ne�JT'��,Skd,____ _______orz the date last above writterz.
<br /> --------------------------------�- --�.J.,��a�.�en-------------- -
<br /> .Notar�Public.
<br /> ' ✓Ylz� commission expares-------------F�t�_,_1_7_�_l1_
<br /> � + - -- - - - - ---- -- - -- ---------- ----------r91�-------•
<br />