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<br /> I''����1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orz Numerical
<br /> Index arad led 'or record this_______22_____.______.da o �e�emb�x_________
<br /> Ru��l�?h__K�se_,unm�,rr_i��i-�c- - __ -- � t � f----
<br /> Au,;�z st_Kru s�'--an�__w if__e, - ---- .�. v., 19-�--�'----, at--- --_3:2 0-- --- . -- --------o�e�ock---P_-•--�•
<br /> -------- Warranty
<br /> �,U � Deed. �-il ���i%� �
<br /> -----------�--r--�- - - --- ------- ------------- ------------------------ --
<br /> Re ster of Deeds,
<br /> Trl�__ CnicaF��?--�,urnb_er---Gompany--o_f.__----.--
<br /> B�- ---- __ _---------- -- -- - . _ ----- - ----------------- ---- -
<br /> + De ut
<br /> Qm�ha_��-c-�-�F-�-�-a�_�.or�t - .-- - - -- -- - p �•
<br />� �.�o�n �.�� �e�. �ip ��je�e ��e�et�t� :
<br /> �tl���t------ We,Ru�ol�h--Krus�;,urimarri.eci_,_and au�;us�_-Kruse__and _l�a�ci�.l�n.a---Krus.�-.h__1-�---w�,f�; -------- ------------
<br /> of the CountJ of-----H�,1-1----------------------a,fafl Strrte of-----------------Nebr_a,sk�------------.-------------------,-----------Grantor�------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of----T.�Ten�y-fiv�_ hun�lr�c� 00�1_00 Dollars_ (_and other__consiciera�ions ) -__ _ ---- -_ - -_--------------�
<br /> in hand paid, do___________________laereby GR�✓1�°T, B�RG�lI.T'', S�LL, d4JV'D CO��VE�u,nto__The___�..��i_�_a�c�___Zumb�r___Com�?�,n�r_,_�_a,___c_or�.nr_a±ion
<br />'', �r�;�ni_ze�---a.n�---�xi_�t_in�__un_�_�r.�hP---l�,w�--°f--tEZ�---S- -a,*-e--_o_f---Nebra,ska-)-------
<br /> f z� f ----and State of_--------------�T_��br%��Kd,------------------- ----,Grantee.-------, the followin�
<br /> I o the Courat o ----- .]JOLi;�.�,� - - --- ----- -- - --------
<br /> I described premises, situated in tlae Count� of______ ___H��,11___________. _______._________.______________arzd State of JV'ebr�&ka, to wit:
<br />' ��1�...�o�4:k��_x_l�r__1��1�'__.o�'--��'4 �'ive -�5 )_-�n 13:1,ock --k'orty-thre�._..(.!�-3.1---of----�_��.._a�.i..���.a.7.---.*.owni.no�t--�i�y_a-Q�- -
<br /> I' Gr�,r.-�--.I.s_7._an�,Nebr.aska_,-�_�.in� �--s�u�.rP--�'-i_�.c� -o�'- �x�c:,?.�r�� -i�.�.v_ir.� -� .Yd�s.t.�x�y -i'ronua��_...of....&-�---f-�-�-�---�n-----
<br />'i P.ine_..S 4r._ee�_.�a,nd--U.ou.n���i -�n----t.ne l�or.th--1�.�---Lhe- a11e�= -in_ �a.i�--�1_c.ck.-----------------------�----�-- - --------------------- - . _------- _---�
<br /> ._._.----� - --- - --_ - - - - - - -- - - --- - ------ --� --- -- - ------------------------------------ - --- ---- --- ---- ...- ------- ----------� ---- --- -------------------------------------------------
<br />�'� _.------- - -- -- - ---- ----- -- -- -..__ _ - --------- - - -- -- --------�------------ --- --------- ---- ................ - - ---- ------- - --- ----- ------- ---- -- --- --� -------�- -------....._.. --------�-----------
<br />�I -------�--.....-- ...---�-------.._.._. -- -- -_ ----- --- -- - - - - - - - -. .... .. ......._-�------ -- ---------- ----- ----...---------- ------------------------- ------ - ----................ --�--------
<br /> .
<br /> -------- --...- --------- ------ --- -- -- -- - -- - - - -- -- - - --- --.......---......
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances the�°eunto belora�in�s, and all th,e Estate,Ri�ht, Title.,Interest,Dou�e�•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeve,r of t,he said Crccntor_S____,���s��ls�t�+o, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> its succes�ors
<br />'', �D ���1E All� t0 �O�b the above-desrribed prer>zises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee.____.__arcd to___.______A____--___ �SSat�
<br /> �
<br />��� �ssi�ns forever. .,4nd____.We________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_____.that_______________�1e_____..______ hold________.__said premises by�SOOd und
<br />�', perfect title; that________?�Y_�.________________ha_V_�_Sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free arzd elear of all lier�s
<br />'�, and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------ - - -- - --------- - ----- --- --- -- - - -- - - --- --- --- ----- -- - - --- ---
<br /> ---------- -------------------------------- - -�
<br /> - -----
<br />� --- -- - -- - ---- - -__ _--- __ - --- - - --- _ ---- --- --------------- -- --------------
<br /> ---------------------------- ----------- ------- --------------------
<br />�'I .gnd_____________.___I+IC�____________________.__ __ ______________ covenant.____towarrantand defend th,e said premise,s a�ainst t,he lawfuZ claims of all person,s
<br /> I�''i whomsoever------- .. -_ _ . -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ------------------- ------------- ------------ ----- ------------- - --
<br /> -------------------- --- ---- --- -- --- --- -- ---- - - - -- -- - - -- - --- - - ------ -- -- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> Dated the------------13t-�------------ -- -----daJ �>' - - -JU�'12 ----- - --- - ----.fl. D.,Z9---1�'--•
<br /> W'ITJV'ESS ------------- ---- --------------------Ri�iCl.Q1�-n--Kz'L18�--------------
<br /> ----------- �oh� l��.-1-��-------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> -----------------------------------------Au�;�a,st-�r_u��- ------- ---
<br /> ---------------- ----------�da�dal�na_�ru_se-- ---
<br /> ST,RTE OF NEBR,RSK.g, .
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------��-�'-11-------------------------------County, On this---- -- 1 t n' ------------da o Jun�---------------------------------- f
<br /> 3 -------- J �----------------- - - �. D., 19.1�_ .. , be ore me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a dY'otary Public---_--_-_-_--_-_-_-_----__-__-.._with,i,n c�nd for said County, personally eame-------------__--_-_-___--_--_-__-_-_--_-_----------_---_,--__
<br /> _______:__Rud ol�.?h__I�ru s�_,�,n_lzr�rn;�xr i.��.�___ma,n_,anci.__Au�.u_��_._�ru�e_._and___I±�a,��l�.l ena__Kru��_,hi_�
<br /> ---- -----tivife-�- ------ - - --------
<br /> ---- -- - --- - ----- -- --- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> to me personall� known to be the identical persor�_�____..___whose name___�__clre____________.__.________afrixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL } instrument as�rantor_�_____, and___________t n��______.._____severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_____t_f"_1_e_��'____voluratary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thef°ein ea;pressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of)ieial seal a�______�'r�'.�Zl!�_______
<br /> _I_����,�'i!�_,_�_�__�_��,�__.LGLi21ty, _____.________on the date last aboae written.
<br /> ------ ---------------------------------1�.hn__A11�.n------------ --
<br /> ✓l�otary Public.
<br /> ,My eommission expires-----.____�a.2a.� �>- - -- --- --- --- -- - ---------- ----�--------19_1c�------•
<br />