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<br />—_ -" ` ,"���o�=KL(3PP,iL BA�?'LIs'TT CO.,Printlnp,La;thopraph,in�an�lG'ounty:Yupplies;`OmaTi'a. _ -- _ _ _:,. _ _ r._ _ __ - -
<br /> :,- __ �, _. . .---_- �,--; < _ __ _ . ^ _ �_.�_...�
<br />_ -_ ._ � _ _. ��
<br /> FR�✓1'I I hereby certify that this instrurnent was erztered orz ✓1�"um,erical
<br /> In,clex and filed for•record this---------Z.Q--------------daz�of--------��:G�I�b-C'�'--- '
<br /> .Fl. D., 19_14----, at- --- � -- _ --- -------o'eZock--�-.---.M•
<br /> L_,__�'_,_X4Ltrk i1�,_li��i_�_Qw�x'.-- - ..------- - .----- ------- . �Warranty
<br /> Deed.
<br /> TO '
<br /> --------- ------ ---- - --- -
<br /> - - ---- - - ------------------------
<br /> --- -
<br /> ' Re�i er of Pee,ds,
<br /> C_arrie_�.Y_QUnkin- -�-- --- - -- --..- -- -
<br /> - B�------ -- ------------ ---- ------- ___ ----------------- --------
<br /> - ---- Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �
<br /> z� et� � �C e�e re�et�t�:
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<br /> I ����----���,E.YQUnkin-�-v�i_�lo�r�r__ _ _-- --- _. __...-------- - -------------- - --- ------------------
<br /> " _____Grarator_________, in consideration
<br /> of the Countz,� of-------Hs�.��.--------------____rrnr�? b'tcat� of-------------IJ�b_Y'�.S1C�.---------------------
<br /> ----------- -- -- ------
<br /> of the sum of_------021e_ 11c��1�0 ---- ------ - -- __..- - ------- -- --------------- - - ---------- -- -------- - ---- ----------------- -----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> ir� hand paid, do----------------laereby GR�g�'T, B�RG�IN, SEL.L, ✓1J1�'D C,ONVEY'unto-----C_3rr f�--13._Youz�k_i.n-------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> of the CountJ of--------__Hc�.11__ ._-------. _ -- -----.----and State of-----------11G�.tx'38Kc1.---------------_- ------,Grc�n,tee,--------, the followin�
<br /> --- ------ - - _- - -
<br /> described premises, situated in, the Courztr� of__.___. __Ha.11_____ _____..__________________________.____and State of JV'ebre�ka, to wi.t:
<br /> Lot..,Nut_nb�r---Seyen--.-(-7-�--in--�lock----�Turnb�r---Tw�r�ty--.�''iv-e--(2-5-)----in__�u�s��---�YYY���].�r'-s---Add.it.ion_.L_o.---Gr_and----....._.
<br /> Is.lan�,.Nebra�ka,.as surveyed,�latted and recardec3.
<br /> - ---- - --- �- - --- --- ... ---- - -- - -- �---- --. ............. � �� -- � - ---- �--- --.....--------------------------�------- � ------ -- --- -----
<br /> - -- ---.._.__ - -- -- - - - - --- --- --- - - - ------- ---�-----------� --- -- - -- --- -- - ----� - - ----- ---�-------� �-�----------------- ------------�--------
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<br /> ��-.-.- ---- .----- - ------ -- --- -------- ----------- ------- ---- ----.----------------------- ._.. _.
<br /> _...._---.-.--- - -- -- . - . __ .---- ---- - - - - -- --- --- --- -- -- --.----.-- - -- -- .- ---- . - - -
<br /> - -.....- --- . - - --. - - - --- - -- -- -- - - --- - - -------------..------.------.-------- ------ .,---. - --- --- --- --- - --.----.---- ------- .---- -------------.--.-.--..--...----------.-.------
<br /> ---------- --- ------ ---- -- - -.- -- - .- - ....-- --- -- - - .-- - -- ---. -._.... -------..-------- - -.---. ---.---..----. -_-.----�----- - --- .-.-------- .-----.---.--- .- -. ---.-------------- ---- --.--
<br /> ----.------- -__----- - ----- -- - ----- -- - --__ - - ---- _ ._ --..------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> To�ether with all t�ae tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dor��e,r,
<br />', Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___.___,=e , ,—of, in, or to the same, or ai2y part thereof.
<br /> �D �d�1e AIY� t0 �OY� the ccbove-deseribed pre�nises,with the a�purtenarzces, unto the said�runtee___.___and to_______,�,�r________ heirs
<br /> and assi�sns forever. �Ind.____I.__�______her•ebr�covenant______.with the said Grantee_______that,_______I_________________________ hold_.__________said premises by�ood and .
<br /> perfect title; that______________.______________ha______sood ri�ht and lawful authorit;y to sell a�ad convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------- ,---------
<br />�I ------------------------------------------------- - -- - -------- --- --- -- ------- --
<br /> - --- ------ ----- ---------------------------- -------------------- ------------------- ----------- -
<br />' - - - --- - -- -- - ---_ - -- - -- - -- - -- _ _- -- -- -- ------ --- ------- -- , ---- ----- ------ ------------------- ---------------------------------- --- ----
<br /> hnd__.__________ ______.___I_______.____________________ _ __ coz�enant.._____towarrarztand defend the said premises a�ainst the Zawful claim,s of all persor�s '
<br /> whomsoever-- --- -- _. . . -----------------------------•---------------------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- --------------------- --
<br />' --------------------- -- -- - -- - - ------ - _- - - --__----- -- ------------------ -- ------------------ ---- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- -
<br /> Dated the__ _?_��i----------------�----- --da�J �l� NnVP,T_n�e7'-- - ---- --.Fl. D.,1914-----•
<br /> W7TJV'ESS -------- ----------------Z-.�-.-X4UX1k1�1------ ----------
<br /> --- - --H�nr,y_ -E-•--C1�#'f�rr1------------------------- - - ------------- -------
<br /> ST�1TE OF �l�'EBR.F1SIt�1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------�:iall-------------------------------count�, Orz this----------�-3_u-�-------------da�J of----------NOV E'111bPY'-----------------------.I. D., 19_l� _ , befoTe me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a✓V'otary Publie_______�_______________________.____within ccrad for said Countz�,personally came____________________________________________ __
<br /> ------�._F_,_Xounkin - ---- ---------------------�
<br /> - -------- ---- ----- - ----------------- - --- ------ -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person______.____whose name_____________-____�g_______._______afj�xed to the above
<br /> (SEr1I� } instrument as�rantor___.__._, and_______________�1�___.______________s�aeia�l'y aeknowled�ed the same to be__�_��.____________voluntary ,
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I✓i�'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my r�ame and afj'ixed mz� ofJ2eial seal at_._.______________._____
<br /> _�r�.n�__Isl�itd_,_�21,_S�1d.__�o1121ty___on the date last above written.
<br /> - --------------------H.-�-.-�-1-i�'�'ar--�i----------- ----
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires----- -Ja.t�.y__ 9_-'-' ----- --- - - - ---- ------------19_�0.-----•
<br /> I
<br /> ,�
<br />