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<br /> Curtesy,Claim artd Demand whcctsoeaer of the,sai,d Grantor_�____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or aizy part thereof. !
<br /> '', �0 �d�l� Al�b t0 �OY� the above-described pre�nises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said�rantee______,and to_..__h�x________ ___ lieirs
<br /> ' and assi�ns forever. .grzd___._W e________hereby covenant______zvith the said Gxrarztee________that______._._�!!�%________.__.___ hold___________said premises by�ood and !
<br /> `' �
<br /> �, perfect title; that______YY_e_______________haY_�'___�ood ri�sht and lawful authoriti, to sell and eonvey the same; that thez�are frea and clear of all lien.s I
<br /> ' !
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoever-------------------- ---- ----- - -----------�----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------- �
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<br /> !I .Flnc�_______________lKe_.______.____.------__-__. ___._____--_ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said prerrzises a�ain,st the lawful claim,s of all persons
<br /> " whomsoever--------- - - _ _. -- - -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------- -- ------- -- ------------ - - '
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<br /> ---------------------- --------..._._--- -- - -- - - -- -�- ----- -- - - - ._ - ---- -- - - - --- ----- ------- -- --- - ----- -------- - 's
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<br /> ; Dated the---------�h - -- ------- ----da o -- -.R. D.,X9-�-�}-----• !
<br /> 7 ?1 f QC�U_7��T ----- --
<br /> � W7TJV'ESS I
<br /> �I -----------------------------�e-or_ge--B._Br_ad�- - -- --- - -
<br /> � ---�ax_ 13r_ad- !
<br /> � A�--to--George--B_,_Bra.d�----C_.�t.73ri�lr�ger-- ---------------------- 3�-- Y ------ -------------- -- j
<br /> i
<br /> 'i ---------------- -- ------ -- -- - -- -- ------- -------- - �
<br /> � �-�---�_Q -JyZ�xv Br�.�,�y ---- -._I..N_,_V_iK_- -- - ---- i
<br /> ,! -------------------------------- --- - - - -- ---- -- --------------- -- �
<br /> ' St�,�e :�i C�lorado ( ' !
<br /> ��r�ld Cou�ty. ��SS 0�. this 21st day of October A.D.1g14,bePor� me the uMdersi�r�ed,a �
<br /> -- • ; Not�y F�.�1ie,withir� �,rid far ��,irl Cou�ty,�?�r�or�ally caMe �Cary .Brady to
<br /> � m� ��rs��a�ly k�.e���rn,to be th�; id�ntic�l F�rso� whose a�a,me i� a,ffixed to the above instrwnent as �
<br /> �r. d�:tar,�,,nd �he acknc��v'�edg�ci �ne �a.rn� to be ner vo��nta;ry �,ct a�d � c��ed for the pur�o�e therei�-- �
<br /> ,i expr�ssed. ,
<br /> � In Witri��5 Wtier�oi,I nave her�unto sub�cribe�d i�iy �am� a�ci �ffixe-d�- my official---sea]. at N�w Rayrner,j
<br /> ; Col� c,n tri� d�,te last a,bove writte�. (SF�AL ) __ _ _ . In el���` t_ N.Vik - Notar- ---P-u�li.c. �
<br /> '� T�y c�mrnis�ion expires O�t . yth 191�.• �'
<br /> ,I . . , , , ;-, , ,, ,
<br /> Stat� ef N�braska. (, , , , : .: . ,, - , ;
<br /> �� Hall Cou�ty ($� Or� this 29th da,y of Oe�;ober A.D. lyl4_before me th� ur�dersigred ,a �
<br /> I� N�ta,ry Public,withir: a�d Por �a,lt�� (;eu�.ty,�?�rscnally cartie Geo�gt; B.Brady t� m�� per$on��ly know�.�,t
<br /> �; be tn� identi��,l �er��� �rho�e �ame i�" �f.f.ixer� te� tl�e abave ia�atrumer�t �,s Granter, and he a.ekno�v—
<br /> `, lr;��ged the s�.mP to be his v�lu,�.t�,ry �ac,t a.r�.d deed for the purp�se th�re��;� �xpress�d.
<br /> i In Witr�ess Whereof, I have zi�reur�to subscri���d my rlarie z�,nd aPi ix�d my officia,l: �eal at Graricl I�la,��.
<br /> ; Iv�brasK��, c�n th� d�,te abov� writt�n. �, �, ;
<br /> ,± _ . (���AL 1 Johr1 A.Fer�u sc�� �
<br /> ' T��y Corr�nissir�r� �xpirES I��.reti 2��,191� Notary Public.
<br /> ;; --_ _ _ _ �
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