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<br /> ,�. _ DC�C�D G°���O�D �Joo ���,
<br /> �
<br />— �' ;��U--K7,OP1'c�BARTLETT CO.,Printing,I,ilh.n�raphing knd C,'avnty TuPPttiest Omafia. -'
<br /> F����'� I hereb� certify that this instrument was erztered on �l�'u.merical
<br /> In,dex and filed for reeord this.____2.�______________daz�of__Q�''t.flb�.�___.________
<br /> .g. D., 19�,4----- , at- - __ 3_ __--- - -- ------o'clock-•�•---.M.
<br /> �rm��i a._A,_]3z1 an�-� --nusb a�d.- ----- .- ----- -,�Warranty
<br /> TO � Deed. �
<br /> ���
<br /> --------- ---------- --�`' -- --- -----�----------------------- --
<br /> Re�ister f.Dee,ds,
<br /> Sue--F_�_ThQ-r�'-�---------------- ----- --- -- ----- ------- -- --- --
<br /> BJ-------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -- --- ------------------------
<br /> _- -- --- ---- Deputy.
<br />; �.�o�a �Z� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br />', ���,�---Arr��d ia_ �,_B_e�.az�d �r�d--�ugexae...Be��ci_,_hu�b_�i.d---a�d _�if�--------- --- --- -- ------- -- - ------- --- -- - -
<br /> - --- -- ------------ -- -- --- ---- - -- ------- ----- -- ------------------ - - -- - --------- - - ------ ----------------------------------------- �------------------------------- -
<br /> of the Count� of---------��,11----- -------------__az�c� bytcr,te of----------N�brF3.Sk�, ----------------------------Grantor�-------, in consideration
<br /> --- --- - --- ------ ------ - -
<br /> of the sum of_---------0-21�---t3.:t7_d___T1�?�1�0--- -- -- .- - - --- -- ----- -------------- - - -- -- -------- ------DOLL✓�RS,
<br /> and other v�.l�,able consid�ra�ion:
<br /> in hand paid, do-----------------herebz� GR�✓1�'T, B�1RG./II,T'', SF,LL, <q.�n co�V��unto__S.�ae---Fa_T.71i�,T_�---------------------------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> ----------------- ----- .._ - - - -- - ----- - -- ----- --- ---------- ---------------- ---- -- ----------------------------------�------ -------------------------------------------------------- - -
<br /> I of the Countz��f------H�,11_------------- -- ----- --___and State of_---- -N��?r�,:ika.__-------------------------- - __--------------,Grant.ee--------, the followin�
<br /> ------- --. __
<br />�I described premises, situated in the G'ounty vj______ ��11_____ .____ __ .___________._______._____________and State of NebnE�Ckcc, to wit:
<br /> I, �c�:�---'�-i�:h�---�-3 )__in.. �31oc-�--�i.v.e_._�.�.) iM H..c�,.C.larlc'_� Ac�c�lt io�._ to...t'r��.-�.�.ty..__�f'._.�rr.��.t�....z.�.1,.�..�.�:,N�b.x��s.Ka-•- ---
<br />'� ...........-- - - --- - -....... - - - - ---- - -- -- - _- --- -- ---- -.......------.. . .........................._.........--- �--- - --------------------------------------� ------�----�- �---........-----
<br />'� - --- -- - - - - --- - ---- ---- ----- - ----- - ------..- ------- -- �----- ----� -- - --- - -_--- -- --�- -----------�---------------------------�-----�------------------------------------- ----- --
<br />�� --------------- ---- --- - --- - --- -- --- - - ----- ---- --....__.._.....-----�-------------.....-- ------.....----.....------------------- - - -_..............._-------------...------------------------
<br />� -------------� - ------ - ----- - - -------- ----- ---- --- ------� --- - - ---- --... - ---�------�-- ----------�-----�-----------��------...._..... ---- --- -�--- ---- - �-�- --� ----------------- --�---�------------------------- �
<br />'' ----- --- - --... -- -- --- - --- ---- ----- -- --- ----- - ---- - ------------------------------- - --- -�- - - ---- ------�--..... -----�- -_..--- -- -- -- -------..___..-------------- -------------------
<br />' ------------- _ - -- -............. - -- - - - - --- -- --- -- - -- - . - - -- -- ------ ---- - ---...- -- ---- ----------------...._...__.-�---------------._..... ----------�-� -- - - -------�-------�---...-------- -----
<br /> -- ------- -------------- --- - ------ - - - -- - - --- -- -- -- - - - - _ .. .. _ .----------------------------------------�---------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurcto belon�irz�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Do7��er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever•of the said Grarztor_s___, ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> ZLCD ���1C AIY� t0 �OI� th,e above-deseribed premises, with th,e appurtenan,ces, unto the said�rantee____.__and to____h�r___________ heirs
<br /> ar�d assi�ns forever. .flrzd___!_N_�%____ _herebr�covenant,___._wit,h the said Crantee______.that________�e____________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that,.______!N_e_____.___--_.-_ha_at_�dood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell, and convey the same; that they are free and clear of adl Ziens
<br /> andineumbrances whatsoever------------ ---------- --- --------------------------- -- -------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
<br /> -------------------------------------------- -- -- __ -- ---------- --- __--- - -- --- -- --- ----- - -..-- -- ----- ------ - - --------------- --- - -------------- ---------- ------
<br /> .Flnd________________ ___ _YYE;________._________________ .____________ covefiant.______t;o warrant and defercd the said premises a�airast the lawful elaim,s of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-------- - _ - -- -- _ __ - _ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- --- -----------------------
<br /> ----------------------- -- - ---- - - - _-- ----- --- - -- _ ------------- ------ -- ------------------ - -- -------------------- - - -------- --------- - -
<br /> Dated the-------- J�1 St---------------- --_da� of___ __.- -AU�TUSt- ---- - ..g. D.,I91?�------•
<br />'; W'ITNESS ------------- --------�-------t�I_1Tl���i�,__A_�8�1.�..2'1�----------------
<br /> T.0. C.Harr. i so� -----------------------------���er�.e---�_�l�d-----------------------
<br />� ---- ------- --- ----------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> ST�1TE OF NEBR�SK.Fl,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------�i�.7.�-------------------------------County, On this---------7j�,S�.----------------da�J �f-------ALl�i.l,��-----------------------------------�. D., 19_1�_ ._ , before me,
<br /> the uradcrsi�ned, a Notary PubZic----------------------------------withirz arad for said County, personally came--------------------------------------. ---------------------------
<br /> ----��m���ia__A_.__}3elanr�__�.x��__�i�����---�3��.��1�,�1.u��s�n�l---�.r�.�__�t_ife-------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identieal personu___.____whose name�_.��____.________________.___afj'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAI. ) i.nstrumerzt as �rantor_�.___, and_.____________S,hS�_________severally acknowled�ed the same to be.__t,YL��.r_______volunta�y
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TNESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofJ"ccial seal at__________________._____
<br /> �r-and---�-slar�.d_,_i�i___s�,i�l__Caun�,yT__on the date last above written.
<br /> _______'_________________"____."'_"'1-�-0�-1�-a11O.L-Z-�iIII�._________"'_______' , .
<br /> �l�'otary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires-------F�bY'Ud,7'y 12'�- - ------ -------------------------19_1$------•
<br />