<br /> � � �
<br /> ��._ D�C�D �C��O�D �oo ���
<br />_�_ '�G�7i?--1fLOP1'"�BARTLETT CO.,Printin9,I,ithn�r¢phing and Count,y Suppt2est CTtnaTia: _ _.. _- --.,_ _� .-,� _ __.
<br />��._.. �. __ _ _ _ ___ . . _ ...�, __. _._, ____..- -_...._ ___�.__
<br />._.._. ._ . _
<br /> -��—__.__.,-._,_.. —__._ _...—_.____�__ ..__.___ :-: _=.-�--_. . �._
<br /> FRO✓1l I hereby certifz� that this instrume,n,t was entered ora �N'um,erical
<br /> In,dex arzd fi�led for record this____2_�.__________________daz�of____O.G_t_Ob�Z'.._________
<br />'� _�he--�3-c�-�-�---I�1,ve�_t�tlez�t---Co.__ ------ ----.- �Warranty .R. D., 19_14----, at----__-----9----- .-- ._ _---- ---------o'cloc7c---A,._�vl.
<br /> TD � Deed. �/�
<br /> - -� �1a/_-�,�--
<br /> ---- ----- --- ------------------- -
<br /> Re�ist of Deeds,
<br /> i, Ne 111 e--B.Ho_�'>e--- --- ----- ---- ------ .
<br /> B�----------- -------------------- ---- --- ---------------------------
<br /> Deputz�.
<br /> �:�o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� ;
<br /> ����--- �}=z� �c��s Ir�.v_e�tm�n� _CQ, �a �o��_or��_�.or�., -------- - __ -- ----- ----- ----- -- ------ ------- ------ -
<br /> of the Count� of_--------_}:ia.11--------------____crsrcl b'tcrtc of--------_N�I�Y'�,�k�. ------------------------C�rarztor-----------, ir�eonsideratiori
<br /> - ---- -- -- -- ---------- -
<br /> of the sum of---- _T1Y�71t�L--�1�?',h'�--Htl�(�x�_�.-&--11Q��.4� --- ---------------- -- ----- ---------------- ---- --. --------------------- ---- -------------DOLL�IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, doe�------- --._lr,erebr� GR.FI.T�T, B�RG.FIIN, SF.LL, �.ND CO✓l�'VEY'z�rzto-----N�11�2___�_�__.I-�Q�2-------------- ------------ -----------------
<br /> of the County of-------�al�------- ---.----------------and State of_--------N�bT'd5k�,- ------------,Grant.ee.-------, the followin�
<br /> described prernises, situated in the Countz� of_______ ________ ______xa'_1__________.______________.__._______and State of Nebrq6�ka, to wit:
<br /> Thre� (3 } Four-(�)_,,_�'ive (� ),5 ix (6 ), a,nc� sev�n al�. --in-- �zocx-_----------
<br /> Zot.�...Num�er_-Or�e__..�_?-.)__�_Two -��-)�- --- __- - �- - -------------- � �7-�----
<br />_.�_� �
<br /> ��k�_�.x�___�_�V��_._(_7_) _in__Ko�hler _�laee,�n_.a,d�ition_ in__th� ..C.ity __of__Grand__T�la,r�d_saccordi�g_ to___the_.r�_-_,
<br /> �_Qr�.e.d F 1at t.�e��af_,------- ------ -- --- --------------------- --- --------- �--- ----- --- -....- -� --------- ------- --�-------�--
<br /> -�--------- ----------------------------------------- ---
<br /> ---------------------- ----- --- -- �- - -- - - - - ---- --------------�------�--------------- ----- ------�--..._ --�--- ---- --- - ------- -- ---�------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------
<br /> ----�---- -- - -- --- --- - - -- --- ---- - - - - ---------------------- - -�----------.....-- -------------� ----- -------- -- ---- -- ----------�--- ...- ---------------------------------...----�----------------
<br /> - ----- ---- - --------- - --- ------ - - ---------- - -- -- ---- ------ - _ - -- �---------�-- �----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtefzances thereunto belo3z�in�, arcd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�,
<br />', ��,Claim and Dem[cnd whatsoever of th,e said Crantor_______; of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> I'� �0 �AL1C A11� t0 �0�� the above-descrihed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to_________��_r•__._____ Izeirs
<br /> the ���id Th� Ross Inve�tment Co.
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd_.____�_________hereby covenant,5____zvith the said Grantee________that._________�,t__________________ hold.�_._.____said premises by�ood.arLd
<br /> perfeet title; that______.a.t___.____________ha�____�ood ri�hL aizd lawful authorit;r� to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all lien.s
<br /> atad incumbrances whatsoever---------�XC��_t---�:�,Xe�--------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- _
<br /> ------------------------------------------------ -- ------ -------- - - --------- -- - -- - -- ------ ------ --- -- -- -- ------ ------------- -------- ------- ----- - -------- --- -- -- -- -----
<br />'' - _--- - - - - - - _ ... ---- -- - ------ -- -- ---- ------- ------ -- ----------- ------ ------- ---------------------- ------ --------- ---------------------------
<br /> the :�aic� The Ross Ir�vestrr�er!t Co.
<br /> I� .Flnd ._ ______ _____�_____-___________ ._______________ covenan,t.5______to warrant and defend the said prernise,s a�ain,st the bawful cdaims of all person,s
<br /> i
<br />� whomsoever----eXG��t t�,X�S. -- - ----- ----------------------------------------•----------------
<br /> ------------------- ----------------- ------- -------- - --- -- --- - ------------ - - -
<br />` I�__��t,���_�.__Wh.er�of_,the__s��i_d__. _The_Ross__ I�ve�tm�n;,__.Co.na,s ca,used___th��e_�re��nts __to_ be sl�ned. b,y _its
<br />� Pr�sid-en� and i�s corF�rate �eal attached h�reto thi� 30" ciay of June A.D. 191�.
<br /> E _ ,ir :.� � �
<br /> _-- __ _ _ _ _ *' ----_ _ _ _
<br /> i
<br /> i W'ITNESS ---�.��__�_S?.�_�___I?'�7_T_4�_�I?1e2'f.t--C 9�-------------------------
<br /> -- ( CORP ) �Y---F-��-�1--tK,.��ht-Q-�------- -----------P_��_si!��nt�_
<br /> T.�_._�a,r�.s eM--- -- - (S�AZ )
<br /> �_�t e_�t------�_�_A,_�t o��------------------�_e_�r_e t�.r�_.
<br /> ST�TE OF eN'EBR�SK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---------x�,ll-----------------------------County, On this-----------3d'-�---------------da�J o�-------`TU1�_--------------------------------------�. D., 191�---- , before me,
<br /> the urcdersi�ned, a✓V'otaTZ,�Public___._____.______________________z,vithin and for said Couratz�, personallr�came__.�t'X'_�d___�.A�_ht_OI�rP_�C�,.'�'a�d�,..'Y'Lt----C�.�'-
<br /> ._TY�.�--RQ-�-�- -Ix�v���me_n.�--�a-•-->-t_o._xa�---��r_so�a].1y_---kno_w�,-t-o---he___th�__1�_r_�_s_i�i.en_t---af---s�.icl. ,;
<br />. __Coml��,ntiT,_a.r�d tne__identic��,l__persor� whos�;__nam�_is___affixed__to___the___above__instru-
<br /> mE:?�t a� Grantc�r,�,r1� aeknow_�ed�ed th� same ta l�e hi s ttolunt ary �ct ;�d,.. de.��,
<br /> (SEI�I, } �and �h€� vc�luntary act ar�d d�ed c�f t�.�,,�,ai� -,T.h� R,oe;� ��.yestm,�nt---Co._aFQx..���
<br /> ' ��ur�ose .trier�.ir� �xpre�sed. < < ����.
<br /> Idl�'W'IT.NESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my ofJicial seal at____.Csr'd21d_______
<br /> _I81�.rid zNebrdS_kd,�____________ __ ___________ora the date last above written.
<br /> -- ---------------T_�_S_��ia.n�En---- ---------------� '
<br /> <N'otarz�Public.
<br /> JIIy commi.ssion expires------�eb_._l_�_�11 - - --- ---------•------- ------------Y9--:�:h----•
<br /> i',
<br />�__ .
<br /> ,
<br /> _;
<br />