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- --� <br /> �:� � <br /> 1.�: DC��D C���O�D �oo �0� <br />___ _ <br /> .�C.,��—KL(5l'1�cE BAI2TLF,TT CO.,Prinlin9,Z,ilhor�ra�hing and Coeinty,�upplieslOmahn: _�.. _ ._ _ _.__._ _. _;-�:.�_�___�...._._ ___���. �:_� -- -_-- <br />_. - _ , _ __.. _ —. _. _ _ . ,.. __ ___ _ .__.,,, _ _ . <br /> __� _�:_—_--__—�____:_.__._ <br /> �'��✓�'� I hereby certify that this in,strumen.t was entered on .Numerical , <br /> Indea;arzd filed for record this___________�._��a_________day of_.__0_Ct��1L'T'__._____._ <br /> .Fl. D., 191��------, at--- -- - _.2._ ___:- -- -------o'elock------Iz-.-.M• <br /> The Ross_ Inv��tr�iF:nt--Co,-- ---_ ----._____- ----- --�Warranty <br /> -- --- - - TO <br /> Deed. ' <br /> . <br />�� - -- �-- '`�=--------=�------------------ � <br /> - - - - ---- <br /> ' Re�sister Deeds, ' <br /> Henry--YJi l_lman,------------- <br /> ----- - - ---- -- <br /> B�----- - - --- ---- - - ----- -- - ------------------------ <br /> I - - - -- - -- <br /> Deputz�. <br />'� -------._:------- --------------------- -- - -- <br /> �.�.o�a �Y� �e� �� ��je�e ��e�e�ct� : <br /> ����----- -The--Ros_s--In.vestm�nt--�c. ,-a-c;-or�?prat i_an, ------------- -------- ------------- --------- --- -----------------�-------------------- -- _--- <br /> of the County of ------H�.11____------- -.------cc�r�� St<r.te of- - ------- --Nebra�ka,----- --GTantor-- ------, ire corasideratiora <br />', of the sum of_____Th_r__e�___hun�rec�__f_i_f__ty..&___no�_100______________________ ____DOLL�RS, <br /> irz hand paid, do2� -----------li,ereby GR.F1.A�'T, B.i1RG.RI�1�, SF,I,L, .,4ND COJV'VEY'urato----.-H�21r�T--`',ri llman-----------------------------------------------------,------- <br />� ------------------ ------ -- - -- - --- - -------- --------- ----------------- ------------ -- ------ -- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> -------------------- --------------------------------� <br />' of the Courzt�J��--------H's�11 ---- ----and State of---- --- --TIebS_e�,�k�,- - ----- - -- - -------- _ -- ------- ----,Grantee,--------, the followin� <br />', described premises, situated in the C,ountr� of______________H�.l__1________________________________._____._____arzd State of Nebra�ka, to wit: <br />'', L�t__Num�er._.Six----(-E�-�---in---�lock__Ntzmber---T�v�---(2-)--in._Ko�ril�r_..P1_�,ce_,_��,n---a�di_tion---in.---the---C-��y---o-�---Gr.��,------- <br /> II I_sl�,nc�.,.a.ccQr�:�.in�._t.�- the--recorde�l.-�?l�.t-- th�reo.#'_..._-- -------�---- --- ---- - - - - -- - - - <br /> - ---------- -- ------ ---- - - - - -, -- - - - ----- --------------------�----------------- --------- ......._.._.. - - ------ -...-----..........--- --------- <br /> ------�-------------�-�-------------------------------------------- <br />' --- ---- -----�--- ----- ---- - -- -- -- - - ----- --- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -...-- ...._ -�--------------------- --------- --------•----- ------- --�------------------- -----------�-------------...---------------... <br /> - ---- - - --- ..._------- ----- - - ----- ---- --- ---- -- --- - -- ----------------....--- <br /> I� -------- --... -� - - ---- -- ----- ----------------- --- - --- -- <br />' - -------- ------� --- - ---- -�- -..-- - - - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -----....--� --- ---- ----......--- -- - - ---� --�--._..-------�------- ------------------------ - --- --- �- ........._._------......----�-- <br />�' -- ------------ -- ---- ---- - - -- - - -�- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- - -- - - - - - - --- <br /> -- - -- - ----__.___ - ----------------------------------- --------- <br /> To�ether with all the tene�ner2ts, hereditaments, a.nd a�purtenances thet�eunto belon�in�, artd all the Estate,Ki�ht, Title,Interest,.�r, <br /> �c,Claim artd Demand whatsoever of the said Cr•antor____._������of, in, or to the same, or any part theTeof. <br />'I �D �A�1C Alt� t0 �OI� the above-desc�ibed pre�ycises, with the appu,rtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to______h�B______.__ h,eirs <br /> tY�� sai� Th� Ros:� Inve�trrient Co. <br /> and assi�ns forever. .flnd_______�______hereb�coverearzts_____with the said Grantee_.____.that,_____________�.'�___.________ hold_�3________.said premises by�ood and <br />�i, perfect title; that_._________i t___ .h,a__S___.dood ri�ht and lar��ful authorit;y to sell and corcvey the same; that they are free and clear of all lierzs <br /> _ <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever-------�X�P�.?�--t s�X��---- ------------------ -- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------- --------------------------- <br /> I' -- -- -- - ---- - -- -- -- ---- - - ----_ -- - ----- -- ---- ----- -- -- - --- -------------------- -------------------- -- -------- ---- -- -- --- ---- <br /> Inveatment Co. � <br /> .Flnd__�h�__��.�_�___Th�__RQ:3S_ _ ______n_____._ __ covenarat�s_.__._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever___P,XC��'� ta,X�S. <br /> Ix�.__���.�z�e�s---���ler�o�'_,_�.r�.e---���,_�,�---T_��_I��_��---Inv�,_��rl���--Co.h��---��.use-�.---���e_�e--}�r_e_5_�nt�---�cz---b-�---s-i�,ne�l-_by---i-t� <br /> Pr�:i-ci�nt and it� corFor�,te �e�l ,attached-h�r�to _tY:i� 3�'t d�y ,oP - �une A.D. lgll�. <br /> W'IT.NESS The R o s s nv e s t e <br /> ------"---' -'----'------- --'--Z--------- ----m--��'-- -�0 a <br /> �------------------ <br /> (CORP ) --By__-------Fre�--_w..A�h�oz� ---------��_�_�_ident_. <br /> T,J_,_Ha.n�en- ------------- ----------- --------------------__ - -- (SEAL ) <br /> ---At#:�_��-----�_._1�_,_�ZO��---------------S��r_�.t_�x'y. <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR✓1SK.,4, <br /> ss. <br /> -------3:i_�7,1-------------------------------County, Ort this_------- ---3-d-------- -----------da�J o�--------------.TU,l�--------------------------------✓1. D., 19_�1E_... , before me, <br /> the undersi�rzed, a dY'otccry Public________________________.____--withirz r�nd for said County, personally came____EY'�'�__1�,�.�,.shtQn_,.P_r�_�_i_dent__�_f_ <br /> -T-Y��--�o�s- I�v�:�#�-ment---Ga,--�-�-a--.r�e---�ae�:�o�.�..].�.y---l�awt�,�-��,--b�--�Y��--P-r-e-�-�de��--a�'----s�,-id--- <br /> Cornpar�y,_a,nd th� ic�entical per�on whose__ name is �,ffi�ed to the above instrumer�t <br /> -- ------------------------ - --------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------- <br />`, a� _ q�rar�tor;•ar�.d �aCk�o�r�ed��d.::��,-;;�am�---t�Q;he h�s;_vc�lun�-ar�--a�t �a,�. de�.d.> �n� .:t-h� <br /> (S�AI, ) �rol�unt.��.ry.= �,cY..�.nd._,de�d__c�f__ the--sai� The ,Ro�� �Zn��.�_��f:nt. ;��:;,,�or--t���p,�;se:;� <br /> th�rein e,x�?ressed. ,,.� <br /> I�l�'W'IT.N'ESSYVHEREOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofy'icial seal at_____Czrd.2ld________ <br /> ___I_�la.r1�_}N�'b�'dSka_________________ ________________orz the date Zast above written. <br /> - -----------------------------------T_�_.Han�e�a.-------------�------ <br /> .Notarr�Public. <br /> .M� eommission expires-----F��.-1-�-�h----------- - --- ---- - ---------------- ------19-�------. <br /> � <br />