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� � �� <br /> *:.....::.:� D��D C��C�O�D �oo ��� <br /> � <br />.-____ _� _ _ _ <br /> �E��U—KLbPP c�BARTLETT CO.,PrinEin9,I.ithog>•aphing aiid Cou�ity Si�pplies;(3mnfia."._ _ - ._. _.. __ .. _�._ _� .. . _. . _,__.______:— ---- __-- - <br /> FRO.NI I jzereby certify that this instrument was entered orc .�V'umerical <br /> Index and fcled for record this--------],�6-�i----------day of-----�-��O�jg�'--------- <br /> �l. D., 19--1�---, at---_. -_ �I. -- ---- - - -----o'cZock p�--�Nl. <br /> Henr�r--�eQnhar_dt--&--�tif�• ----- --- _- __ Warranty <br /> �.0 � Deed. � ' �/ � � <br /> . <br /> � --- - - - - --�_- -'r�c',�_�r��_-------- -��?� - <br /> Re�ister of eds, <br /> �e-o-rg- -�ieder_spahr_.-- ---- -- ---- ------------ <br /> B�---- ---- - - -- -- ---- - ------------- -- ------- <br /> De ut <br /> ------- -- ---------- --------- - --- - - -- --- A �J• <br /> ��oi� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ����.- -�����n�y L_�qnha�dt _�.nd_�ar.ib_�_rf_�1--Leonh�r_d u_this.__wife-------- _.�---------- ------------------ - ----------- -- --- <br /> of the. Count�J �f-- -�i�,_l__1.-- --- - - - a�icl b�t<it�� of-- - -- Nebrdskd,---- -- ---- ------- ---- - -----------Grantor� - ----, in consideratUOrz <br />' of the sum of_---------I�.�,112--h1i11dx'ed-S@St-e�"1�37—�-j.�Te---O-��.1D4 --------------------------------- --- --- --- -- - -------- ------------ ---- - --------.DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do_ hereby GR�1✓l�'T, B.gRC�ll�l�', SF,LL, ✓1�V'D G�o�V��unto___Geor�_Wieders�?aY��_._________.__________ <br /> 1 �J � ---and State of--- - N�b�'c3,Skcl --- - - ---- --_. - -- - ---,Gran.t,ee--------, the followin� <br /> o the Count o --------Ha.11----------------- <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____..___ ___ ____H�_1__l___________________._____________.___arzd State of JV'ebrs6�ka, to wit: <br /> ._I�'ra��iQna1...L�t--:�'our---(4_}_ in__B1�_ek _Qne---hundred--f�.#'t.y-.Q_x�e..__�-1��-)---in.._Unis�n.__P_�,�if.i�...R�,.i.1�v��'----C-omp_anV! s <br /> .Sec�nd---.��d_it_i.on.-t-o--Grand_ I�land_,Nebra�ka-sa�---�urveyeci_,.Platte��.Q_�c1�.s�A----------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - --- - - ---- - - --- __- -- - ------ - -- --�--- -�--- - ..___....__ --� - - - - - -- -- - - --�------------------------------------._.._..---- ----------------- ----- -------- __-- .... <br />' - -------- --� -- ---- .------ --- - --- - ---- -- --- - - -- - ------ - -- �- ---- --- -- -_---------- -------------------��-- -- - ----- ------�---- ------ -------_-------------------------�----------,..- <br /> - - .__....- --- --- - ---- -- - - .. - - -- --- - - ----- - --------- ----- --------------- ---- ------------ --- -----..........................- ---- --- --- --------� -------- --...------------------------------ <br /> -------_..- - -- -- --- -- --- -- - -- ----- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- --- - ---- -- -- -- - -- - - - - ------------ -----------------��-------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether zvith all the tenements, hereditc�ments, arLd ccppzcrtenanees thereunLo belo�zsin�, and all the Estate, Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Dor��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the saicl, Gra-ntor_S_._;-n�'aj�zer"'v��3sr,ir� of, in, or to the same, oT any part thereof. <br /> �0 ���1E AIt� �0 �O�l� the above-descri,bed pre�nises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to________h1_S__________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd____Yl[e:_______Izerebr9 eovencent_.__._with the sc�id Grantee_______that.____._____YYE�_________________ hold___._______said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that________?K�___ .h,c�I_�____�ood ri�ht and lr�wful authoritz� to sell arzd convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all lien.s <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever------------------' -- ---- - -- - -------------------- --------- - <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br />' ---------------------------------------------- -------- -- ----------- --- ---- ------- -- - ------ - - -- --- ---------------------- -------------------- --- ------------------- --------- <br /> .flnd_______.___._______..S�le_____________________ __.___________ _____ covena-nt.____._to zvarrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br />� whomsoev�r---exc__��?t__taxes _f_or---the__year__1�1?�-�-t--°----be---F�,i�---by__Gr�,ntee.--------------- <br /> ------ ------- --------- ---- - -------- ---- - - <br /> ---------------------- - -- -- --- - ---- - - -- - ---.. ------------- ---- - -- --- --- --------------- ----_ ---------------------------------------------- --- - - <br /> Dated the----- --- 1.��-Yl--- - --------- ---day of" �2��Qk��x-- --- ----- -- -- - -�1. D.,191�------• <br /> WIT�ESS ----------------- ------------�i�nrY---LeQnhar_dt----------------- <br /> John Allan --------------------------------2�ariber�e_l_---��Q_r�Y�ardt-- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK.g, I <br /> r ss. <br /> ----------�811----------------------------Count�J, ) On this.------ l�-�.h--------------daJ ��-----------4C�IIb-�----------------------------.Fl. D., 19_1.�F_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public-----__---------------_________--within a-nd for said Countr�,personally eame----------._----------_----.__-------_---_-__---------__-___--_---- <br /> ----------H�nry L�:fl_nh�.r_�it�---�.x�s9.__�,��,x_it��r�'el__Z�Qnh�.r_1�.,.hi.s--�r.if_�-�---------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallr� known to be the iderztical person.8___._____whose name__�__dT_�__________________________af�'ixed to the above <br /> (�:�AI, � instrument as�rantor_�_____, and________�hey__._______._ _�everally aeknowled�ed the same to be..___th��S_____voluntary <br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed my of�'icial seal at__._____________________ <br /> Gr'd22��__I_sldlld_,_�11___S�1d__ C�U21ty___or� the date last above writterL. <br /> ------ - --- ---------�o_h__n_A_1.�.an----------------------------- <br /> ✓b'otary Public. <br /> JVIy commission expires-------J�,2�.-�-r -- ----- - -- --- - --- - - --------------- 191$------• <br />