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<br />_. _....:.:_ 5d�iU—KLOPP&BARTLET'CCO.,Yrtintin.g,Lilhograpletinp¢ndCounCy�Supylies:nraaha.:._... :_.�_... ..�.__.�.. _ �-.� . . .-. -__.-- .::._ ..- :.�. .��..'= - .....- .. ..- — ... - .- ._--- ....
<br /> i;
<br /> �'x�� I hereby certifr� that this irestrurn,en-t zvas entered on Nu,merical
<br /> Index:ar�d filed for record this_______13�__________daz�of____�CtObGr___________
<br /> _Ge�r�e__A_._r,�eCutcria�n-an�3__tivife. _ _-- �Warranty �. I�., 19.1�--- , at- __ _?._ _. -- -- -----o�cao�k - �?•--��
<br /> �.�� Deed. • �
<br /> - - --- ---- - ���J%��r-l�v
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<br /> Re ister Deeds, �
<br /> _�'i�_u1�en__��.ld�_G_u��h�n.--------- - --- ___-----------
<br /> �1----__ - - ------- - - --- --- - - ------------- - -------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t��
<br /> ����---W�_,�e9x�e_A,_�lc��ut�h�,n_�.n��_.�er.tha_�.����zt"ch�.tl.,h�:�---�rif_�-�--- --- ---- ------ --------- --�
<br /> of the County of---------R�.1�--------. _----------crazc� ,Stat� of---._--------I�I�b�"'s�SK�--------------------------- --------------Granto�-------, in eonsideratiorz
<br /> of the sum o�------- Twenty-eigrlt--nundr�d-�U�_100-- ---------------------- - ------------- - ------.DOLL,�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_______________azereb� GR�1✓1�'T, B�1RG.FIIdV', SELL, �1.ND CO�V'VEY'urLto______H�Ube21__P.I42CCUtCh�3,11_______________
<br /> �---------------------- - - - --- ----•-----------
<br /> H�3.11 _.__and State o ___________ N�br'�:�,�3k�__ , ra��.tee________ the ollowin
<br /> of the County of------ - - . __ _ -- - f - - - - - - - - --- ------ -- ----__ ---- ----- G , f �
<br />' described premises, situated in the CourLtz� of_._____.______ .H���1-_..-.. _ _and State of JV'ebrse�ka, to wit:
<br />', ....Zot.--Four---(-?�-)---�n.._�31_�ck..Fif�e�n_--(_15_)._o�---I�.,�..ClarK_'_s..Add.�tio�---�o__.tk��..__�.i-t�t---of._..Gr.and-_I-aland-,-K�hr.�,�ka,
<br />�
<br /> -- as....surveyed_,_Flatte�z- `�nd -r�cordeci.,- - --- --- -... -
<br /> - - ---- . . - - - - ---- - -- -- - ---------- -- ---- ------.----�------- �-- -- -._...- -..-- -_ -- �- - ------�-- �------->--------�--------- --- ---------------------------------------... --_..._----
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<br /> ------------- ----------- __-- ----- - - ---- --- ----- - -- -- - -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenemer�ts, heredita�yzents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver,
<br />' Curtesy,Claim arcd Dema3zd whatsoe,ver of th,e said Gr�antor�____, , of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D �d�1Q �IY� t0 �O�b tl�,e above-described prejnises, zvith the appurter�ances, unto the said�rarztee_______ar�d to_______}�j-g__._____ heirs
<br /> arad assi�ns forever. �rcd______W�__.__hereb�covenant______with the said Grantee______that__________W�___________________ hold___________said premises by�ood a,r2d
<br /> perfect title; that____.__We_-_-------_--_----hca_��?_�ood risht and Zawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever______eXC��'�___�Y1e__11���d.1C�___�.?dT''�__0_�'___�__rn0�'�_��..�e___Of___���_0_4_._.QQ_._.j.2�___f_�.Y_QT_.Qf____7.'h�__.ES�113_L.3�218
<br /> ---Bu i.ld_i__r.g---a�r�_��an__A s s o c i a�_�._�r�---°-�'__�rand--��lanei_,Neb r��s�.d}r�c ord e-c�----�r�---�Qo�--4-�->�a�e---�_4__,ancl--�axe-s---
<br /> ._for. .tn�__ye�,r__1_41_4_,a11_.of__which__the__ �r�n.te�__assumes__and___agrees _�o___pa�r__a�__��xt___Q_f___�aid___�or�s_ider-
<br /> at icn.
<br /> ✓�rad______________.____Wg._____________________._ __ ________- _ covenaret________to warrant arzd defer�d the said premises a��cin,st the lawful claim,s of all peraon.s
<br />, whomsoever- -�XC��?-t--c�S.__�0 �'si�d___TC19xt_�3s'���---c1r1C�---�s�X_4'_�x-------------------------------------..----- ------------- ----- ---------------------- ------ -- -- ----------- - -
<br /> ---------------------- -- --- - - -- ---- - -- - ---- -- --- ---------- - - ------- - ---------- -- -------------- --_---- - ----------------------------------------- ----
<br /> ---�a - -- -.�4. D., 19--��----•
<br /> Dated the---- -----�-2-t=h --------- ?� ��' . - -----0 c�Ob e�'------ --- -
<br /> u�zT�ESS ------------���r�;�--A_._�Cut_charl---
<br /> --------------------
<br /> John Allan ----------------- ------------------Be�tY�.�-�_,_b���ut�_.�1.��----
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBI�✓ISK.1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---------fi�l1-----•----------------------County, Ora this---- -----12_th--------------da�J of------------OCtOb.E;Y'----------------------_-�. D., 19---1�._ , before me,
<br /> the unclersi�rced, a✓V'ota�y Public________________________.____.___..within and for suid County, personally eame_______.____._
<br /> -------- --Geor��--A_.�t�c�u.�c�t�,�a---��---�ex_�h� _�����1��CY��na�a�-�--�[_�f_e_,_�---------------------------- --- ----
<br /> to me persor�ally known to be the identical persorz_g._____whose name_�___�r�____________________.___afjixed to the above '
<br /> (SF�I, � instrument as�rantor___�___, and__________�t�l��_. seUerallz�aek�2owled�ed the same to be_____thPj.Y'_____voluntarz�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> I.N W'IT.N'ESS ti�'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a fJ"ixed my of�'icial seal at_____ __________________
<br /> ��'d,�l(�__�_:�_l�,r:d_�in__�ai_d___�oun��,_orz the date last above wTitten.
<br /> -------- ------------------�-ohn__A1]._�.l_1-----------�--------
<br /> ✓l�'otary Public.
<br /> �Iy commission expires__________Jdn__5_1_-________. _
<br /> --- ------- ------------------------- ------�9--1�----•
<br />