<br /> � ��
<br /> ��R DC��D C���O�D �loo ���
<br /> . 5ti��u�-KLOPP&BARTLETT OO.,Printinp.Lithopraphtinp and G'ounly Yupplies;Qm�i�a. : -- � v - - _
<br />__� �_._ _ _, ,_, _. _..._ , y -- �-�� � __- __ �-_—. . �.—_._�—_�__. _�
<br /> FRO.M I hereb� certifz� that this instrument was entered on Nurnerieal
<br /> In,dex ared filed for record this_________�_________.___daz�of_____Q_C�Q)J�Y'___.______
<br /> ✓1. D., 19--14----, at- -- - -��.��� - - - --- --------o'clock-----P-'--✓bI• -
<br /> Frank_E.�Theeler__��nd__�v_i#'e_,__ _ __ _______ _ __ Warranty
<br /> TO � Deed. • ��
<br /> - - - -- - - - - --- - -�?��_�---- -- - --- ---- -
<br /> � `�er of Dee.ds,
<br /> J_._�i_.P�v_i�-•------------- -- - - -- - --- -
<br /> B�-------- -------- -- - - - -- - -------------- - ------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o�o ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�:
<br /> ����---- - We_��+'ra.n�__r��Whe_�lex �,nd Laui_��_ _V�.n�_�_t_e_.�th��lsr---(_husha.nd--�,nd--�rjge-�--------------�--------------------- --- --
<br /> -------------------- - ---------------- -
<br /> -- ----- ----------------- -- -- - - ---------- -- ------- ------ -------- - ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Countz� of------021�_1__��i.------------------an,c� ,St��te nf--------N24Y_YOrk-----------_---------.--------------------------------Grarztor3--------, inconsideration
<br /> of the sum of-------- TWO--}iU21t�r�d------- - - -- -- -- -- ------- - - ---------------------------------- --------------- - ----- --- --- -----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> .----------- -
<br /> ira hand paid, do__._______.__�iereby GR.fI✓V'7', B�1RG:qLA�", SELL, .fI�N'D COJV'VF,Y'urato._.______J_._W,_Da_v__i_s_______________________
<br /> ,
<br /> of the County of--------.H31_1------------------- ----artd State of_-----.----._I�T.�brs`�,Sk�.------------------------------------- ---------_.._,Grantee--------, the followirt�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Cou�zty vf__._. _________H_all____ ________________.___.______.____.___._and State of�V'ebrqdcka, to wi,t:
<br />�'I _�o��._Number_..Ei�ht.:._(.�-�---anci. -Nine---(-�_�- in---Block__Number--Sixty--(-6Q__)_._.�.17.__1N.h��l�x�__.�rid---��nn�t:�.!.�..A�i�it.i.on '
<br /> ..�.o.--Gra,?�d_..��la,nd.sNeb.�ra�l�a�- - -- ----- - -- --- -- - -� -- �------- ----------- ---- -- - --� - -- - ---� -
<br /> - ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
<br /> - --- ------- - - ---- -- --- - --------- ---- --- -- - �- - -- - - -----.....--------------- -- --��---- - ---�---------------------- -�-- -- -.._....----...--�--- --��------._...-------------------------��--------�-- -
<br /> - ------ -------- - -- - ---- --- -- -- -- - --- - ---- ------ ----------- ----- -------------------- - ----------......_...._-�---��-�---------------�-- �------ - --- -- ...----------------------------...----�----------------
<br /> ..---�---- - --- -------------- ------ - -- --- --- - ----..___.___.._ ----- ---�---- -----_..- -----------�- --- --....-------------------- --�------------..._.........-�------� ----..........---------�--------�-----�-------
<br /> - -------- - --------- - - - - - - --- ---- -- - - - - ----- - - - -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, here,ditaments, and appurtenances thereurcto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,.Do�vPr,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of�h,e said Grantor_8____,and of eith,er of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �CD ���lE AIY� t0 �OII� th,e above-described prerrzzses, with the a�purtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to___._h1S __ laeirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd____3N�:______._hereby covenant_______zvith the said Grantee_______.that__________We_________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that________SYE'__._____________hcc._V_€3_sood �°i�ht and Zazvful aacthorit;r� to sell and eortvey the same; that they are free and elear of all lien.s
<br /> ,
<br /> arad incumbranees whatsoever---�X���?t---�l_l�.J_�_C_�.__t�__.t3Xe-�z--a.;3�I�1�;.�--�2y_--�Yl�?___�.aL1���__h�z'_�j.rL.-------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> .qnd____________ ____V_lt_�___________ ______________ ___ __ ____________ covenant_._____to warran-t and defend th,e said premises a�ains� the lawful claim,s of all person.s
<br /> whomsoever_____E�CC2pt __�.S afOr2S�,1d. __
<br /> Dated the----- _T_?Ne.l_f_��----------- -- --da�J ��- ---I�e_�eTIlbeY' -_---- --- -- -,Fl. D.,19-Q�----•
<br />'�� W7TNESS -------- F��SIk__E.Wh�_��.BT--------------- �
<br /> I, ----���,bel_�.�1!he�l�r------------ --------------------------------I,�uis�--_V_ane_tt�_._�!he_e_ler__
<br /> ST.l1TE OF .New YarK
<br />'',, �ss.
<br />' -------�-�-1L1c�--------------------------Countz�, on th�s__S_ixt e�:ni�.h�_16 tY�h� �f-------D���mh�r_-----------------------�. D., 19.�iL,�i.... , before me,
<br /> the uradersi�ned, a JV'otary Public__GQTtl�tll_S.8_1_Q_T1��I_.____within and for said County, personally came_�r�.71K____E._.VYh��lE;r__i�.Xld___��l.i_18f'_. '
<br /> ------Vanet;t� Whee ler-� -----------------------------------------
<br /> ------ -----------------------------------�---------- ---------------------------- -- -
<br /> _ ------------------- o
<br /> to me personallz� known to be the iderctical peTSOn_8___.____whose name___S___�dx'e_____________________afJ"ixed to the above � `
<br /> ($�''+.,Aj, � instrument as �rantor_�.__.., and_____Xlc'�V�_________________severally acktzowled�ed the same to be_____tYL��Z_____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITJV'ESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my riame and aff'ixed my ofj"'icial seal at________________.______
<br /> _t,��_��3_�NE:W__YOx'k�-------------------- ----------------orz the date last above written. �
<br /> -------------- -----------------------�e�_:A_,�_Ty_l.ex�-------- ----
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> JIl� commi,ssion expires-----!7.�'_�kl-��t Y1- - - - --- - --------------------------- ---- 19-Q-�-----•
<br />