<br /> �� . D�C�D ��C�O�� �oo ���
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<br /> �GJ�U—l�I,dPP c��ART7,F,TT CO.,Printing,Lithographinga�a�ZCaunfy,5upplies:nmaTih: . , _ _ -__ ._ -.. . �: .,._: -.__.�.y ---_ _ _ _ _ . _
<br />_--�._ _. _ . .
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<br /> _ _._---: ___....�.. __._._��___.__.�:_.__,_______. _�-�:. _...._.. �-.:-
<br /> �KO�� I herebz� certifr� that this instrument was entered on .Numerical
<br /> Iredex arzd f-led foi� record this__________1________________day of.______Q�t_Qb��'_______
<br /> -- Warranty .9. D., 19--1�'-----, at- -- --2 =3Q - - ----o'cloek--P. --.M.
<br /> H�rman--I3r_aun__and__�r_if�:. -- --- _ - �
<br /> rp Deed. �/
<br /> ---------- ---�-- ----�=C%'��QiL�
<br /> -------- --------- ---------------- -
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> Charl�s__�._W_alker----- --- - - - -- ----- - - -----
<br /> B�9------- ------ --- - --
<br /> --- --------Deputy.---
<br /> ------------------------ ------- - --- .. ---- - -- - ---
<br /> 1
<br /> �:�oi� �.Y� �en� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> �Ierrnan__Hra�un �,n�.� �;Rary .�3r�.un_,hu_Sbanci._.anc�._.w_���.____ __________
<br /> ����--- - --- ---- ----- ------- -------- -�_- -- ------
<br /> of the County of---------H�,1.1-------------------cr�td State of------------N�bz'_c'�.�K�.---------------
<br /> ..__Grarctor._g__:___, irz corzsideration
<br /> of the sum of---------k'1��e��1--H1��1d�'�Cl_�,.Ilq--�-��149-- - -- ---------------------------- -------------- ---- - ----------------- ---- -----------DOLL✓IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_ herebr� GR�1.�1''T, B.9RG.RIN', SEL.T., e1�N'� CONVE�unto----��a.x��-�--�_..�[�,lks-r---------------------------------.--- ------------------
<br /> -------------- - ---------- -- -------------- -- -------- ------- -------------------- ---- ---- ----- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of`the CountJ��-------�Ic�ll -_ ---- - - ----artd S"tate of----- --- -N2bY'�$Ka,.-- .----- --------------- - ---- - -- - ----,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated irc the.•�oaent� o/'__________���11 _ ___________________._.___________________ccnd State of Ne,br��ka, to wit:
<br /> C_Q�ns.�n�_�n�;---�t__a---�.Q_int---�ine--Hun�.re�i_.�.ixt�--F'iue---�nd---Two_-T�nt_h�----(-���---2/-1.Q-)---�_eet_..N_or.th_..fr_om--the---S-nuth
<br /> Eas.�...corner...Section___Sixte�n_ �_l�__)__Tov�r�s_h.iF�.__E.1_even___(_11_�_.Nort_h...o_f..._�.az��e..�t�,n�.....(.�.�_._l���t�...af__�th...P...�.._._.
<br /> t.hence__North_alon.�__the___Sect_ion__line_._.(.Var_,____1_l°_4�'____East_�___Two__HUndred__Twenty__Eigh�___(_2,��__),...�_e.�_�_,.'��a�n�e'
<br /> o � o �
<br /> a Qu�Yi---6-�-----�.�---West--Qne ..�Iundr.�d---�er�--ax��---�-�.��t---�ent_��---(_7,�.Q__S/.�Q_)..--reet_}thenc-e---�.�uth..2S------?�1------�_a.s-t----One
<br /> Hun�red,_Ninety_,Nine___and_�'our___Tenths____(_199___4�_10_)__feet__ta___the___�?1�,.�.e._Q_�'__be�.�xlnin�,�.Qnt_ainir;.�_..�.n.�__...._._
<br /> S ixth _(_1�6) _of'__an__acre _more, or less._Sub_,�ect__to__half_. oP.___tne___County__ Road.__on_..the_._East_.an�___be_i_n,�;__a,lso
<br />, �nQwn..as__I,ot._..Two---(-2-)---of--the---�ounty..Sub_-Diy_i_sion-----°-f._th�..S2_..SE�-...��.�_,.1.{..._T.�.�_ll_.R�..-�.--W......Qf---the---6.th_.P.,Itt.
<br /> ��- -surv�yed_,_�latt ed--�,nc1--re.c_Qrd�:d._ __ - - - - --- -- -- - --- - -- -- -- - ------�----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
<br /> To�ether with all the tene�yzents, hereditaments, and appurtenar�ces thereunto belora�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the sc�id Crantor;I____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �CO �d�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenarcces, unto the said�rar�tee._______and to______�i_g�__________ yzeirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_____Y�t�_____herebz�covenant_____._wi,th t,he said Grarztee_______that____________W_@___________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_________W�______________ha.7L�_sood i�isht and lar��ful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever----------------- ---- ---- -- - ---- ------------- --- - ---- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> -- ------ - - _ ----- -- - - _ -- - - - -------- - ---- -------- ---- -- ----- ------------ -- ------------------------- ------------- ----------- ------ - -------
<br /> .qnd:_______.______�e____________._____________ _ _ _-----_-___ ._ covenan,t._.____to warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever------ -- --- ---- -- - - - - __.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- - -------------------------- ----------------------- --
<br /> ------------------------ ---- ------- -- --- - --- - - - - - --- -- -- - -- ----- ------- ------------ -------------------- - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the----------1 S t-- -------- ---- --da� �f'__ O C t_ob e r 14----•
<br /> -- - - - ---- ---�. D.,19---- -
<br /> W'IT✓l�'ESS ----------------------------HExIi���__�}3x'�UI1_---------------------
<br /> _J�_nn_i�_���r_�;lls�n ------------------------ - -- ----------------- ----------Pi2ar�--�raun.-------- ---- - - ---
<br /> ST✓1TE OF ✓YEBR.gSK�l,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------Hall--------------------------------count On this-----------1St------------ -----da o -------------Qctober-----------------------
<br /> y, z� f __ _ _ _ _ _ �. D., 19___�,__ .. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a✓l�'otary Public------------------------------_within,ar�d for said County, Persorzally came----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -----H�rm�:,.n_Brau�__ a,n,d_ _P�a�xy_---�x'��.x�----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- ---------- ---- ---- - -------------------- --- -------------- - ---------------- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�__...___whose name_�__a,Y'�_______________._________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEI�L � instrumerat as�rantor___S___;and________tne�._______________._severally acknowled�ed the same to be____��'lE��,.r_____voluntary
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose thereira expressed. '
<br /> I✓V'W7T.NESSYVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscTibed my name and af�ixed mz� of)icial seal at______________________
<br /> ' __�r�'a.lZd__I_�1�7.11d_,N�br�>Skd ______________on the date last above written.
<br /> -- -- -------------------------John--A.Fer_�uaon-------------- '
<br /> JV'otary Public.
<br /> .M� commissiorc expires------Ma�'CYl-2�-}------------ -------19---],-�----•
<br /> -- -- ------ ----------- -------- -
<br /> ;.
<br /> �
<br />