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� i <br /> �� � . � <br /> �� D�C�D �C��O�D �oa �do <br />= -._._;�;Q--R7,OPg&BARTLF.TT CO.�Printing,Litho�r¢pfiinp an�Z Count,y.4up7ilies��maha.' - _. .. -_ —- _ <br />—__..._ <br /> �'R�✓N I h,ereby certifz� that this i�zstrz�,rnent was entered orz N'umerical <br /> Index and fi-led for record this________10.l� of___.._Se�?��r(I1�G�___ <br /> .Fl. D., 19 l�----, a,t,-- -- - .3=�0_ - __-- -----d clock,- -P-.--✓YI• <br /> �.�r_y--E._T3ob_in�o11,�'v_i_d_o�--- ---- - --- - - -- ---- -�Warranty � <br /> T� Deed. %, .� <br /> -------- --- -�/�������� -------�tir�- - <br /> ---------- -- <br /> Re�i,ster f Deeds, <br /> A�.�ir a__J_,_�_111�--- ---------------- ---- - -- -------- -------- <br /> B�--------------------- --------------------- ---- - --------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br />, ��t�t_..-- - I_�Tdary-E.Robins�n,�vid_ow, __ - --- - --- - <br />' of the Countz� of- ----Ha,11- -- - ------- --c�rzd St<�.te �f-- ------- N�br�,Sk�, ------- ------ ------------Grantor-- ---------, in consideratiorz <br /> of the sum of-------- T_hl�"��-�'.�Y�--H1�Zld�'��_04�_�.QQ ------- ---------------- --- ---- - - ------- - - ---- ----_.DOLL�IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do______.________.__hereb� GR./INT, B�F1RG.fll�h�, S.F,.LI,, ,9.N'D CO�I�'yEY'rtinto___A�-�irc1_J.G111 <br />' ----------------- ---------- - --- -- -------- - --- ---... -- ------- ------------------- ---- --- _-- - - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---�--------------- -- --- <br /> II of the Countz�of_-----H�-11--- ---------- - ------ ._.._---and,State of---------- -------N�X2r�.9k3_...--------------------------------.---------------,Grantee--•-----, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in tlze Cozcrzt� of__________����-�_________..______________.______.__,____.__and State of,Nebre6rka, to wit: <br />, Lo.L_.N�,_Qne---(1-)�k--N�_..T�r.enty-Qn�--(.21-)---in---the.---or.i�inal.__�c��rn.,.n�o�r--.c-i-t-3r,..o-f----�-r--ar�d---I�sla.nd-,-�Tebraska; <br /> _sdid _lot bein� in. fu.11---E6 -x 1,�2_-Peet-- and---lyin�,_ and---being part-ly---in__SectiQns_..9_-10.-1-�--_�,�---�.�.�,--_---._ <br /> Toum sl?ip---No..E_l_even.,_(_11__�.,Ran�e__No.N.ine..__�_9_)..,Hall.--�ounty,Nebra�.K�a_��_�.�x�iin�-.t.o....Lhe----suru-e:�te-d---and-----. <br /> rec�rde_d_.�?lat thereo2'� �-- - --- ----- ------- - ---------------�--------- <br /> �-----_...---- ---------...---- -- ----------------------- -------- -- ----. ..-------------------------------------------- <br /> . <br /> i ----- -- --- -- - ---- ---------- --- -- -- --- - ---- _..- ---- - - -- -...._._ ----- ------ --------�--------•-�- -- - ----� -._.....-----�------------------ -------------�------ ---------------------- <br /> - ------- -- - - --- -- - ---- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - ---- - --- - - -----------�--- ------------ �--------------------------------- <br /> To�eth,er with all the tenements, hef•editaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do»�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arLd Demaizd whatsoever of the,said Grantor.-____,eys��r.�, of, ir�, or to the same, or an�part thereof. <br />', �D ���1C �Il� t0 �0�� the above-described prefnises, with the appurtenarzces, unto the said�raiztee._______and to________h�Z ----------- heirs <br />�', and assi�ns foreveT. �nd______1_________hereb�covenant_______with the said Grantee_______that__________1______________________ hold____________said premises by�SOOd and <br /> perfect title; that_________l.___________.______haV�_,��od, risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all Ziens <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------- - -- -- - ----------- --- - - -- --- -._. -- --- -- -------- - - - --- --------------------------------------- - - -------- - --------- --- <br /> --- - - - ---- - - - ----- - -- - - - --- - - -- --- -- -- --- ------ ------ - - -- - - -------- ------------------- --------- ------ ---------------------------- <br /> �nd_____. -___.__.___-__I______________ _,_____ ___________.______ warrant urzd defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of all persan.s <br /> whomsoever- ---------- - ___ _ - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ------------------------ - --- - -- - - ---- ---- ---- - ------ ---- -- - - ------- --- - --------------- --- ------------------------------------------------ ' <br /> Dated the---- ----10'�h ---------- - -----da�J �/�- - Se�t2TClb2Y'----- - -.R. D.,19_1�----• <br /> W'IT✓V'ESS -------------------------McLr�--E_.Rob inson------------,------ <br /> J4hn__A 11 a,n- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ------ ----- - ---------- <br /> 9 -------- ---- -- - --------------- --- ----- -- -- -- --- - <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.RSK'�1, <br /> cs. <br /> --------��7��-------------------------------County, On this---- --�.Q�-�1-----------------da�J ��------rS�����I��-�-�------------------------..1. D., 19__l� ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�fzed, a,N'otaTy Publie-----------------------------------within and for said County, persorzally came----------------------------__---------------------------------- <br /> ------�;2ary_E_._Rob inson�--c�_���_���--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------�-- ------------------------- <br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identical persorz_._______.__whose name____._____1S________________________af�"ixed to the above <br />! (SEAL � instrument as rczntor___.____, and_____.___�hE:___________._____ " acknowled ed the same to be______ _ volunta <br /> � �J � 3�e�'--------- � <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereis2 expressecl. <br /> INW'IT,N'ESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and afy'ixed mz� ofy°icial seal at_______________ ____.___ <br /> ____GI'�.rid__I_s13T1_C_l_,_iTl___Sdid__ CotlTlt�n the date last above written. <br /> -- ---�-------- ----------------JQ�x�.__Allan--------------------- <br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public. <br /> �llz� commi.ssion expires------J3ri.5� -- ----- - -- ----------------------------- ---- -19-�-�-----• <br />