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<br />-- __-,-- 53o�u-RLOPP&BAR1'LE4'T CO.,Printinp.'Lithopraph�Gnp and Counly Yuyytdea:Omaha. ' `` _ : _.,�__. ___.._,__ _�_.__�v�___.____ , .�..____. .._. .____.w._�
<br /> FROJVI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓l�'umerieal
<br /> ------- ------- --- ----------- ------ --- - - -------- --- --- -----
<br /> Index and filed for record this.______2_s�_____._____day of__._.____E1_.U�;li��_____._
<br /> JQh21_h�,T!1erZe11_ _a,T1C�.._�'�l f e'-- -- .1. D., 19--1�+----, at---- - - - - _� -- -- -- ----_.o'clock--,�• -✓lI•
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<br /> TO Deed. -
<br /> �r�-- -- �-�� --- --
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<br /> RB�bSt87' Of n PC�S,
<br /> .��?1r�_.�iQi�1-1•------------- --- -- - - -- - - ------ ----- - ----
<br /> B✓------ --- ----------,-- - --- - - ------ --------------- ---
<br /> Deputy.
<br />� �.r�oiro �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� :
<br /> ���t--�--�Y�_3Jo�zz._K��m�.��z.��._7.--ar�.�--K�L 1�- Kdrn�rz_�11_,hu���ri�__�,nd--�ife.--------------- ------------------------------------------------- - -
<br />' ----------- ------------------------------- ------- ----- - -- ----------- -- --- --- - --------- ---------- - -------------- -------- ------------------------------------------- --- --- -----------
<br /> --- - --c�n<� St<ite o -- -- - N�b_Y'�3,_���.------ - ---------- - ------------ -- ---------Grarotor�- ---, in considera.tio�a
<br /> of the Countr� of__..__H�11_____ _ f
<br /> of the sum of_------�_�V�li�_��-ri--Hl�Sl��z'�(�__��,?1� __0_Q�1U(1------------------------------- -- ----------------------- - - ------------- ------ -----DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_.____.__._.______yzereby GR.�NT, B.qRG.,4I�1�, SF.LL, �ND CONVEY'unto______JOhrl._BOhI_._
<br /> of the County of--------�i�ll - --- - - -----a,nd bYtate of------ Nebra�K�. - ---------- -- ----- --- - --,Grantee.-------, the followin�s
<br /> described premises, situated in the�County of____ ..________�i�ll________.._______________.______.__________and State of Nebre�ka, to wit:
<br /> I.aL---���.ur�b_�r....Tv�Q----�2--)-.-in---7�1QCk---Num�?er---c�n�._.Hun.dr�.d---F_if.�y-or�e----�._�,.��.__)..--af---Ux�.i_�n..�_�.c.i.P.i.c....�i�iz5vay---C�m��,n,y� �
<br /> g�.��_r�c�_..Ac��ition___tc?.._C�r_�,z7d__I_s1a.r�.,.N�bra.:K�_,_a�_suryeyed_,�].att.e.d_..�,nd.__recorded..............___
<br /> . -- - ---- - -.............� ----- --
<br />' ------ _�.-- ------- --- ---- - ---- ---- ---- - -- ---------- -- - -�--�-�------....---�------------------------------.... �-�------�-- - -------�---- ------------- - --------�---------- ---------------------------------------------
<br />�' ---- - ------ -- --------- -.__- - ------ - - - - -- - ------- - -- - - --------�--------- -...- -- -----------------�-----...---�-- - --- --- --------------------_--�----------------- ------- -
<br /> -----...----------- --------.�--- ------ -----_.----- -------- ----- - ---- ---��---------------------------------------- --------.._._..-�-------------------�- ---------------------�--.....---.... - -------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------ -- ----- ---....-------------�---..... -- - -- ----- ._...-- --- _, --�- ------�-------------------�-----........................-�--------------------- -------........ ----�----- -- --------- ------ ------...- --�----��-----...------
<br /> -- --------.._._----------- _. -- -- - ---- ---- --- - -- - - -- --- -- -- --- - --- -- . ._.__ .
<br /> To�ether with all tlze tenements, hereditameiits, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arzd all the F.state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��e,r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.5.._,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or arzy part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1Q AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarztee______._arzd to_.__.____hl S___,___ heirs
<br />', and assi�ns forever. .,4nd_____W e_________hereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee____.__.that___________.We___..___._______ hold___________said premises bz��ood a,nd
<br />�I perfect title; that_________3+Y�______________.___haY_�___sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and corzvey the same; that they are free and elear of all lien,s
<br /> II and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br />', -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------- ------- ------ - -- ------- - ---- - ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - --- --
<br />,
<br /> ,qnd__.__:-___-��1e______________._______._______ _-._._____.___.____ _ covenant___.____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all person.s '`
<br /> whomsoever------------- - -- -- - - _--- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------•------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------- ----------- ---
<br /> ------------------------ ---- - - -- -- - -- -- ----- -- -- ---- ----- -------- ------------ ----- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- -------
<br /> 2 - t 1 -------daJ �f------- Au�u�t-- ---- -- 14
<br /> Dated the----- -----------�'- --Y-------------- - - --./!. D.,19--- -------•
<br /> W'zTav'ESS -------------------�Qhn---Kam�_r_z�11------- - ---- -- -- ---
<br /> ---- A_:I�._�n�e�h-- ------------------------------------ ------------ ---- --- -------------------Kat ie__K�.merz�ll--- --- ------- --�-------
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�ISK✓1, �
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------�-11------------------------------County, On this------------2-��h--------------da� of------•---------A11�;113-�--- -----------.1. D., 19..1� ._ , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned,a.N"otary Publie____,_________________ _with,in,a.nd for said County,personally came_._______..____.__._____________._______________________________
<br /> -------------John--Ka.m�:rz_c;ll---and---��ti�---��.rn�;r��;17�_,Y�usb�,nd--�,n�__tiY_��'e------ -------------------------
<br /> (�EAI, � to me personally known to be the identical person__5..._____whose name_S___�.r�_____________________________afJ'ixed to the above
<br /> instrumer�t as�rc�ntor__�____, ar�d________________t Yl�y_____.___.._severally acknowled�ed the same to be___._t Ile�T'.___volur�tary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I✓V'W'IT.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed mz� ofJEeial seal at__.____________________
<br /> _C'zT_��.�__LS1_�.T?�_}�`I���"s�.�k�_ ________________on the date last above written.
<br /> -- -------------------_Artnur___Z-�J�se�h.----------------
<br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires----- ---�_���-._1_�..---- --- -------- -- -- ------- --------- ------19--1-�-----•
<br />