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._� � �,� <br /> ,�, : _ D��D ���O�D �oo ��o <br /> �_ _ _ ___ _ _ . _ _ __ __ __ <br />—' SBa7U—KLOPP c��A2�7'LETT CD.,Printing,Lilhographting arid County,SuppZiesf d�r�uhu. � � _ <br />�-- :�:- _ _._ . _. _ _ _ ._._ ,_,._.____.__ — <br />.__ ._ .. ,_ . . _ __:__ __ , ___ _, _. . _�::- --.— _ _ _ _ __— � -= <br /> .�r—_ �__-_. ._�-___r:__ �. __,__�_. __.__. __ ___ --�-- <br /> FRO.M I hereby certifi� that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this_.__2�!'____________day of________.Ay����---------- , <br /> . .fl. D., 19_1�-----, at. - -- --- �l��'�- - -- --------o'elock;- - --A�.M. <br /> R�.�TI1�1Zld---�+'_._�i:�Y',`.iIIrl---c3,s;�--1Y_l�'�----------------------- �Ta2�'Rlity <br /> T� Deed. <br /> � ��( ����yY <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> RQ-s-s--��n------------- ----- --- - ------ ------- -- --- <br /> ��-------- --- -- - - - -- - ----------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�� <br /> ---- Ra,�mond _�.G�,r_sc�n--anc�__N�,nn_ie__E._Car_s_�n,hus�and---a,nd_�v1�'�-----------------------------------------,-- <br /> ���.�- --- -------- ----- - - <br /> of the Count�J of------ --Ha.l l - - ----- --arzd State of-------- -I1et�T'��,��a-- - - -- ---------------------------- -- (�rantor�-- ----, in consideration <br /> of the sum of-----Orie__c°�c_n G�_--_--- <br /> ---- - -------- - ---- - ----------- --------- ---------- ---------DOLL61Rb�, <br /> in hand paid, do la-ereby GR�4✓��'T, B./�RG.RIN', SELL, .l1JV'D CONVEY'unto___R05u__��,�'S_Q,n,______._________._._______________ .____._._______ <br /> of the CountJ o�---------�-idl_L -- - -- ----and State of---- --- �_T_�b�'c�,%k�. --- - -- ---- ----------- - - ---- ---,Uran,tee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of________________H�,11_ ____,_________________________________.__arcd State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> L�i�___T��_.�_i�.---�-6--�----in...I31c�_ck_No_._�'ive.. �-5 )---in---��ia�.�.a.cri'-�--Ad�.i�.t_�.�in---t�.__�h�---�-ity..--Q�---�r�,,Ne.braska,. <br /> �,�--�ur.v.e,�-e�>F.1at.t.ed--�,nc�---r_�_�;_o_r_�i�_�a_ --------- ---- ----� - --- --- ----- -----� -----�-�--------�.. ............................. ..... . ......- <br /> --- --------------=---------- ------�- -------- ------------.. <br /> ---�------- �--- ------- ------ ----------- --- - ---- - -- -----.._._.._---- -- - -------- ------------�------------------- -----------------�•-�--�--�--�----- -------------------------------�----�------------------------ ------..... , <br /> -------- - ------ ----------------------- -------- ----....---� -- - -�----------------�-------------------------------------------....._.- -� -------------- -------------- --- ------ -------- ........--�----- -�------------.__..._..--------------------- <br /> __._..- -�- -------�------- ---- ..._.. --- - -�-- - - -- - ------ --- - -- ---- -._�.----------------------------- - ..-�- ----�--------------------------��-- ------�----�---�----- ---- ---- ----------------------- --------- <br /> -�-- - --- --- - ------- --- --- -- --- - ---�--- - - - . . . ------------------------------------- --- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenar�ces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dolver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantors.____,and of either of them, of,ir�, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �D ���1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_____.__and to________Y1�_S_______ __ yzeirs <br /> arid assi�ns forever. .,4nd____kYL'________hereby covenant_._____with the said Grantee______.that______.______YY�_______________ hold___________said premises by�ood arcd <br /> perfect title; that.___we_.___________________ha_Ve_�ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever______������'t__t�Xe�__�.nd f',neurnbrances Of xeeord. <br /> ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ,gy�d_________.:__._._.�`l�__._____:________..______ _____________________ covenarit_____.._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persan.s <br /> whomsoever-----�X C zk�� �,S -a.b GV E' St�,t�d'---------------------------------------°----------------------------- <br /> ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />�' --------------------------------------- -�- ------- -- --- - - ------------------ --- -- - -- ------ -------------- --------------------------- <br /> --------=-------------------- -- <br />, ------- --- ------- <br /> I Dated the-----------�`L� - -------------------da�J �`- --- L�11�Lt�t--- --- --- - -- - -v4. D.,19--��----• <br />,' W7TNESS -----------------------------Rs�,�TC1C)21�--1�_._C�3,T'�_011---------- - <br /> John--A.._Fer�usc�r�---------�----------------------------------- - <br /> -------------------------------N�,nni�_.I{,_.��,r_s�n------------------ <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.ISK'✓1, <br /> ss. •. <br /> ---------H�7.1-----------------------------County, On this---------��+-----------------------da�J �f-----------l�U�USt--------------------_----.l1. D., 191�__ __ , before me, <br /> the uredersi�ned, a Notar�y Public______ _________ ________ _.__.___withi.n arzd for said Countz�,personally eame ____.__ ________ ___.___ _ 'x <br /> ----�a�ymc�nc� E_._C ar��n _an c�---T�_ann i e--L-.C ar�on----------------------------- ---- _ <br />' -- ------------ - -- -- ------- --------------------- ----------------- --- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> (;��-1L ) to me personally known to be the identical person�___._____whose name__�___�r�_______________________a f)ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rc�ntors_____, and____.___�ne�_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____the ir_____voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W7TNESSWI�EREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofJ`Lcial seal at___________________________ <br /> ` __Gz'_�,11d__Z�1�S1�}a'I�1?�'aSY.k�. ______________on the date last above written. <br /> ------ -----------------John_.A�_Ee r_�s on------------------- <br /> .Notar�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires------ ���,�'C:11--2-4,.1-41�--- ----- - ------------- --------------19------------• <br />