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<br /> ,,,� D��D ��C�O�D �oo ��� �
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<br />"— u6370—KLOPP&BA�LTLETT 00..Pri,nting,Litieographing¢nd County 8'uppiiest dmaha. ` -. _ _:_ _ . _ ..._�:_�;. ._.__._..: _�-.---r-_
<br />�_-_:;.. _: _ � _ _ _.._,. _, ._. ---_— . — „�.. -_..:..----� ._.�__ :.._�.:_;..,._..__.: �._u.,-�_— . -,=tV._�._�,�__.._._�_.�.:-�
<br /> I'R0� I hereby certify thc�t this irestrument was er�tered on .Numerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this_._.___�_2__ ____day of__._.___�A,.L_�;U��__._______
<br /> Henry-A.,S_chw�,rtz- -and y�*_ife -- -- - --- Warranty .�. P., 19-1-�------, at--- - -- 4- -- --- ---------o�eto�k---A�.,�r.
<br /> TO Deed. �'
<br /> � ����
<br /> - -- -- -- -��r�c�s�!_g�_ �_��_
<br /> ------- --------- - -
<br /> Re�ister o .Deeds,
<br /> Ann�,_T,�,TFri 11�r -- --- -- ----- -- - ---- ----- ----
<br /> B�------- ----- ---- -- -- - - - -- -------------- -------
<br /> ------ Deputz�.
<br /> �.�oi� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�et�t�:
<br /> ����------ W�'>Iienry_--A=�cY�wa��_tz_ and__�hr._i_st ina_�._�.�h�r�,r�z,husb.�.n�__and__wi�-e-Y---------------------------------- -- - - -
<br /> of the Countz� of---------Hs.`�_�.�--------------------a.ncl �S'tate of.-----N�br��Ka.---------.-------------------.------------------------------------(�rantor-:1-----, in consideratiorz
<br /> af the sum of_-------TY�eriL,!.-thr_��--Hundr_e_d__�'�rtY--�d--r.r��l(10--------- --- ---- -------------------- ---------- ---------------------- -----.__DOZ,Lr1RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------Izereby GR.-4NT, B.gRG.lII.�'', SELL, ✓1ND CONVEY'unto__�1�T1�_�:2,.��111�x--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Countz�of_-----Ii�,_1_1-------- -----and State of_-------------I�[�b_:z'�.�1�c3�------------.--------- --------,Gran-tee-------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated irc the Count� o�°___ __._____i��3.1_1______________________________________________arzd State of Nebre�ka, to wi.t:
<br /> ��t----�1-�ht----in--b_lock-�--�-�'-�-�---ln--�����c_'.�.�1�.- �i7�- �e�-1��'-s---�_�;.�_Qn�.__A�.�it.i�n_..:�o---th�_._vill.age---af...W-o�-d-- �-��-e-r--,-
<br /> Neb_r��,slta..,..--� ---�---� - --- ---- _ _------------------- --�- ---- ------------ -- ---- --- ..._......---- - - -- - ---�-- -- --- --------------------------------------- -----� ---- -----....------
<br /> -- --- - - � -- - -- ------- ---
<br /> -- - ---------------------- ------------------------ _ ------ -- ..._..... � -- .... ----�--------------------------------�--�----------------- - ---------------------
<br /> ---- ------ -------- - - ---- - - -- -- -- - - - - --------------------------------�-�--------------------------------- --- ---------...- -- ._...----------�-----�-----------------------------�------------------�----------------------- '
<br /> ------ ----- -------- -- - -- - -- -- ------ --- --- -------�--- - ---------------------------------------------------------..._.....-� ------ -----�-------...------------------�-----� �----------- -- --------------------------�-----�-----.....-------
<br /> �_- -- ------ -- ---- -- __ - -- --- - - -- - ---- - -- - - - -_- - --- - � ------ - -- ------- ------------------ ---
<br /> To�ether zvith all the tenements, hereditanzents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Fstate, Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_______, ' , of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C AlY� t0 �OY� the aboUe-deseribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarLtee_______and to____���_____________ lzeirs
<br /> arzd assi�ns foTever. ./lnd.___W4„________hereby covenant__..____with the said Grantee_______that____..______W�_________________ hold.__________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_.______W°___________________ha__Ve�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and coravey the same; that they are free and clear of all lieras
<br /> and incumbTances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ,qyid____________.__VP�'__._____._ ____________ ____:_____________ covenant______._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever---- ------ ---- - ---- - -. - -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-----------�--Q th -------------daJ �f------AU T�ta St-------------- ------- -.R.D.,19---�4---•
<br /> WIT.NESS ---------------------1i�11��_.A_._BChY�L'd,Y'_��--- -- ---------- -
<br /> �!_._L_.5_�r�.��------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------Chr_i�tin�,_.5�.�_chs�srr�,xt�--- - --
<br /> ST.I TE OF NEBR.SLSK'.g,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------Hal-�--------------------------------County, On this--------------1IIth----------da�J �f----------------L1Ll�,TLiSZ.-----------------------.l1. D., 19_1�- _. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned,a Notary Publie------------------------------------withirz and foj• said Courctz�, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Henry--A.SE��r�,rtz_-and__Chr_istt_n�__1�R.Schw�,r_L_z1husband---and_.wife-,_-------_-_ -------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S_________whose nameS___�Y'�__________________________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> ( " the
<br /> S7��AL instrument as�rantor.�____, and______________.____Y_________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be__tr�ir_______voluntary
<br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TJVESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj`Bxed my of�teial seal at__�tppd___R_11z.�r�
<br /> ---�I_�bS'-.--,-�.21---�_��.�--�0_l�?1ty-- ---------------orz the date l¢st above written.
<br /> --- ------ ------------1llW.-I,���''-�x-�I�iL'------__------------
<br /> �N'otarz�Public.
<br /> .My eommission expires------ -Ma,�'Ch-27-�-------- --- -------_-----------------------------r91�------•
<br />